Friday, February 20, 2009

Security Guard Guillermo Zarabozo Guilty in Joe Cool Murder

The Miami Herald reports that the Hialeah security guard Guillermo Zarabozo was found guilty of murder in the Joe Cool case, which we've discussed before.
[The] one-time security guard, Miami-Dade police applicant, CIA wannabe -- didn't flinch as 16 guilty verdicts for four murders and other crimes on the high seas were read aloud in a federal courtroom Thursday.

The Hialeah High School grad -- his tearful mother, head bowed, seated a few rows behind him -- faces spending the rest of his life in prison for the 2007 fatal shootings of four Miami Beach charter boat crew members.

Zarabozo, 21, convicted of conspiracy, murder, hijacking, kidnapping, robbery and using a firearm in those crimes, will be sentenced May 6. Jurors deliberated for eight hours over two days in the retrial, reaching verdicts in lightning speed compared to the first trial in September, which ended with a hung jury and four guilty verdicts thrown out.

One of my theories is that at 19 years of age, Zarabozo was duped by the older Kirby Archer into participating in the ill-fated Joe Cool adventure. All that talk of clandestine operations in Cuba and whatever else might have been promised would have been enough to spin the head of any young CIA wannabe. I felt leniency for young Guillermo was in order, but the jury disagreed.

One thing I would like to make clear, lest anyone think I'm obsessed with idea of gun availability, that guns are the problem, and all that. In this case we've got the kind of premeditation that does not rely on gun availability. Guys like these, or at least Archer, would be able to commit murder even if guns were diminished by 90%.

What this story does illustrate however is how a lawful gun owner, one licensed as a security guard to carry a weapon, can go bad. This is the second type of "flow," the first being of weapons, this one being of people. How rare is it, is the only question.

What's your opinion? Do you think Zarabozo ended up killing two of the victims himself? Do you think he received a proper conviction? What sentence do you predict on May 6th?

Please feel free to leave a comment.


  1. "What this story does illustrate however is how a lawful gun owner, one licensed as a security guard to carry a weapon, can go bad. This is the second type of "flow," the first being of weapons, this one being of people. How rare is it, is the only question."

    Prime example of how the exception proves the rule. You KNOW how rare this is. How do I know this? You KNOW approximately how many lawful gun owners there are, it wouldn't be hard to find out how many of them have CCW permits, and you know how often you read about cases like this.

    Then you ignore what you know, and choose misinformation for sinister reasons.

    How different are you from the Nazis who made speeches about economic strife because of the Jews? How different are you from people claiming George Bush fired cruise missiles into the Pentagon to justify a war? How different are you from people claiming that allowing two men to wed will destroy marriage and lead to bestiality?

    How far are you willing to lie for the sake of your agenda, Mike?

    Don't you think you're better than that? Or are you just another moral relativist?

  2. Mike,

    I agree with Weer'd. You know how rare this is or could find out in just a few minutes.

    There are some "lawful gun owners" going bad...but the vast majority of murders and assaults with firearms are related to gang and drug activities. Every law enforcement agency agrees with that. Do the research.

    Is this type of "flow" going to happen, yes. We will never be able to stop it. Question becomes should we try?

    We already have laws to cover murder, assault, etc; why aren't these enough?

    Obsessed as you are with guns, you can't see the vast majority of crime committed without firearms. You can't see the vast benefit people get from owning firearms.

    Every scheme or idea to "reduce gun violence" (as if it is better for the crooks to stab me then shoot me) invades my privacy, increases my cost to own firearms. I'm not rich Mike, I can barely afford to get licensed to exercise a right that I should have freely.

    I'm done with compromises, really starting to get a 3% mentality here.

  3. I think we're ALL part of the "3%" Bob, just the big question is where we all draw the line. Mike B has even admitted he'd take up arms to defend his family if taken to his breaking point. Of course because of his arrogance/fear he'll be in the camps long before that ever happens.

    Mike KNOWS what you say is true. Mike KNOWS the statistics, and he believes them. Yet he continues.

    Have you noticed his relative silence. He was logged in and online when I wrote my first comments of the morning, yet he won't be posting again all day. He's avoiding us because we collapse the house of cards he's building and we all know it's not brick and stone, tho Mike assures us it is.


  4. Another update to the new comments in the comments section.

    Modus Operendi

  5. Weer'd said, "How different are you from the Nazis who made speeches about economic strife because of the Jews? How different are you from people claiming George Bush fired cruise missiles into the Pentagon to justify a war? How different are you from people claiming that allowing two men to wed will destroy marriage and lead to bestiality?"

    Bob said, "I agree with Weer'd."

    Both of you are welcome here for as long as you want to come. But, I'm asking you to tone down that aggressive criticism. If you don't like the way I'm responding or not responding, or if you find my posts too repetitious, or if you really think I have sinister motives, that doesn't give you the right to be nasty and disrespectful.

  6. I mean no disrespect at all Mike. But let's face it, you're repeating information you KNOW to be untrue for the sake of a political argument.

    Those comparisons I made are agregious, but the motivation of them are no different.

    All of the above people (who you are obviously insulted at being lumped together...and rightly so) KNEW what they were saying was untrue, but for whatever reason they justified lying for personal gain.

    These varied from Hitler's desire for global domination (and he came damn close to it!) Religious belivers wanting to draw attention away from their homophobia and inconsistancies of their scripture, and people just desiring attention on the internet, and wanting to feel "in the know" to some sinister conspiracy.

    They're all varied degrees of immorality, but they are all wrong acts.

    You have every right to be insulted at the comparison....but you have no buisness refuting it.

    ...and you won't.

  7. Mike,

    You ask us to tone down the aggressive criticism but you still call for the abolition, the increased restriction on my rights, the increasing costs on my sport?

    I've got one answer for you - F@#$ Off.

    If you think I've been nasty show me that, I'll try to word it so it doesn't hurt your feelings.

    If you think I've been disrespectful, I probably have because you aren't showing any respect for my rights.

    Can't have it both ways Mike, can't ask for respect then continue to say that I'm part of a criminal problem....isn't that kinda of a nasty thing to say about me?

    Thanks for keeping us welcome here but when you continue to disrespect people like, Weer'd, Nomen, myself, my family and friends who are law abiding gun owners.....don't think for a minute you aren't going to get a little in return.

    Why do you continue to blame people like me for gun crimes but won't take any blame for any other type of crime: drunk driving, kiddie porn, child molestation, rape.

    If we are responsible for one crime aren't we responsible for all?

  8. "If you think I've been disrespectful, I probably have because you aren't showing any respect for my rights. "

    Or to our presentation of facts, rules, and statistics, as well as sourses so they can be independantly varified.

    When you discard and disreguard such good-will presentations, you might as well just be giving us the finger, Mike.

  9. Bob said, "Can't have it both ways Mike, can't ask for respect then continue to say that I'm part of a criminal problem....isn't that kinda of a nasty thing to say about me?

    Thanks for keeping us welcome here but when you continue to disrespect people like,"

    Bob, I describe this as exaggerated victimism. You don't like my theories about guns, you take them personally, but that's different from my being "nasty" and "disrespectful" to you.

    That's an unfair debating tactic on your part, Bob, to accuse me of something like that.

  10. Mike,

    Sorry but it isn't an exaggeration, you continue to drone on about the flow of guns from lawful owners.

    Well guess what Bub, I'm a lawful owner. When you continue to blame me and those like me for the crimes others, then I start to take it personal.

    Do you enjoy me accusing ex-pats living in Italy of child molestation, pornography? I don't think so, but as long as you continue to blame people like me, I'll use you as an example.

    You deny the comparison between lawful car owners and drunk drivers. Why? Is it because you don't like the implication or is because the implication is simply invalid.

    I am not responsible for the actions of others. They have that sole responsibility. Why can't you accept that?

  11. You know Mike, your average penis-equipped man is perfectly lawful.....until he rapes.

    A person with access to a car and booze is lawful....until he drinks & drives.

    A man with a video camera is perfectly lawful....until he uses it to make kiddie porn.

    Hell Mike, EVERYONE was law-abiding at some point.....until they went bad. Should we just do away with innocent until proven guilty and just assume everyone is a criminal?

  12. "I am not responsible for the actions of others. They have that sole responsibility. Why can't you accept that?"

    If Mike accepts that he'll have to admit that the basis of his beliefs are wrong. He can't have that. At some level he must be in denial.

    I'm with Bob - I'm sick and tired of being blamed for the actions of a bunch of criminals. I am no more culpable when a thug shoots someone than I am to blame for car accidents just because I drive as well, or alcohol related deaths just because I enjoy a drink now and then.

  13. Mike W. said, "I'm with Bob - I'm sick and tired of being blamed for the actions of a bunch of criminals."

    Well, I'm sick and tired of you gun enthusiasts pretending it's not your problem. Who is to blame then? I'm not talking about the violent act with a gun, I'm talking about the fact that guns are so available? You (plural) are to blame for that. Whether you want to admit it or not, if it weren't for you, many criminals and suicides and mental defectives wouldn't be able to get their hands on a gun when they want one and there'd be less bloodshed.

  14. Mike,

    Well, I'm sick and tired of you gun enthusiasts pretending it's not your problem.


    I'm tired of being polite. You've made the accusations before, the accusations have been refuted with EVIDENCE.

    I'm talking about the fact that guns are so available?

    Compared to what? Cars? Cars are more available, cause more problems and you don't accept the comparison?

    So available, compared to what Country? Over and over again, I've posted information showing that for all the AVAILABILITY in the U.S. the firearm crime rate is LOWER then many other countries. Especially countries with Stricter laws.

    Mexico is a cesspool of corruption and violence but they have strict gun control laws....which country do you want to move to, US or Mexico?

    Whether you want to admit it or not, if it weren't for you, many criminals and suicides and mental defectives wouldn't be able to get their hands on a gun when they want one and there'd be less bloodshed.

    FUCKING PROVE THAT MY ACTIONS are allowing criminals and mental defectives to access firearms.

    I think what you are saying is bordering on the legally actionable now. You are directly accusing me and others, without PROOF. PROVE IT!

    You are living in a pipe dream, utopia that doesn't exist!

    Stop accusing me of actions that are contributing to the problem without PROOF!

  15. One time you wrote this, Bob.
    "I use curse words for dramatic emphasis and like M, when appropriate."

    That was on this one

    I like your style, man.

  16. And you avoid laying out your evidence Mike.

    You said on a different post you aren't personally holding me responsible (or words to that effect) but gun owners in general.

    I know a lot of gun owners and I'm pissed that you are smearing them.

    So, put up your evidence. Show me the philosophical line of reasoning that holds all gun owners responsible for the actions of an extremely small percentage.

    Show me the legal line of reasoning for the same. Either that or admit that people are responsible for their own actions.

  17. So Mike, I guess you'd also say that all blacks are responsible for inner city violence and that they should bear the consequences.

    After all, it's a small segment of young black males doing the violence, but why not blame the group as a whole for the actions of a tiny segment of that group?

    That's what you do with us gun owners.

  18. maria...well i think that guillermo did not commit this horrible murder... he has always been a great friend son and person. never did he talk about fighting people and none the less killing..i kno that if he lied at the begining was for a reason but not to save his own ass.. only becaouse his gun was found n used at the scene does not give any1 the right to say he was the 1 using it..n those jury;s that were paid to lied n say he was guilty should go to jail for bribary n they should get the rest of the jury n take them off the case becaouse they r probably lying too. n it is not faire for a young innocent boy to spend his whole life in jail for something he didnt do n if he was there maybe he didnt wanna die n probbably try to help but couldnt..

    p.s. weapons should only be carried or used by cops n beyond and any1 that has a gun should not use it unless is really necessary. remmeber a gun can protect u but ruin ur life n the lifes of others all at the same time..

    ily guillermo i pray for yo every night for ur freedom..
    we love u ur friends maria,patricia,n talyi
