.@PaulWorkman I stand with McRaven on the safety of TX college students #KeepGunsOffCampus #txlege pic.twitter.com/7cTtFGtWct
— Rachel Jax (@rjaxatx) May 24, 2015
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Guns on Campus in Texas
Ammoland's Take: The Cultural Lynch Mob Targets the Proud History of Dixie

Yet, predictably, the cultural Marxists, following Rahm Emanuel’s dictum that you never let a crisis go to waste, descended like locusts.
As Roof had filmed himself flaunting a Confederate battle flag, the cry went out to tear that flag down from the war memorial in Columbia, South Carolina, and remove its vile presence everywhere in America.
Sally Jenkins of The Washington Post appeared front and center on its op-ed page with this call to healing:
“The Confederate battle flag is an American swastika, the relic of traitors and totalitarians, symbol of a brutal regime, not a republic. The Confederacy was treason in defense of a still deeper crime against humanity: slavery.”But if Jenkins’ hate-filled screed is right, if the Confederacy was Nazi Germany on American soil, then not only the battle flag must go.
The Confederate War Memorial on the capitol grounds honors the scores of thousands of South Carolinians who died in the lost cause. And if that was a cause of traitors and totalitarians and about nothing but slavery, ought not that memorial be dynamited?
Even as ISIS is desecrating tombs in Palmyra, Syria, the cultural purge of the South has begun.
Rep. Steve Cohen wants the name of legendary cavalryman Nathan Bedford Forrest removed from Forrest Park in Memphis and his bust gone from the capitol; Sen. Mitch McConnell wants the statue of Confederate President Jefferson Davis removed from the Kentucky capitol.
Governors are rushing to remove replicas of the battle flag from license plates, with Virginia’s Democrat Terry McAuliffe the most vocal. Will McAuliffe also demand that the statues of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson be removed from Monument Avenue in Richmond?
“Take Down a Symbol of Hatred,” rails The New York Times.But the battle flag is not so much a symbol of hatred as it is an object of hatred, a target of hatred. It evokes a hatred of the visceral sort that we see manifest in Jenkins’ equating of the South of Washington, Jefferson, John Calhoun, Andrew Jackson and Lee with Hitler’s Third Reich.
What the flag symbolizes for the millions who revere, cherish or love
it, however, is the heroism of those who fought and died under it. That
flag flew over battlefields, not over slave quarters.
Can the Times really believe that all those coffee cups and baseball caps and T-shirts and sweaters and flag decals on car and truck bumpers are declarations that the owners hate black people? Does the Times believe Southern folks fly the battle flag in their yards because they want slavery back?Hence, who are the real haters here?
Friday, June 26, 2015
The Most Ridiculous Claim Yet - Europe is as Bad as the US in Shootings
John Lott op-ed in the New York Daily News
But Obama overlooks Norway, where Anders Behring Breivik used a gun to kill 67 people and wound 110 others. Still others were killed by bombs that Breivik detonated. Three of the six worst K-12 school shootings ever have occurred in Europe. Germany saw two of these — one in 2002 at Erfurt and another in 2009 at Winnenden. The combined death toll was 34. France and Belgium have both faced multiple terrorist attacks over the past year.
But Obama overlooks Norway, where Anders Behring Breivik used a gun to kill 67 people and wound 110 others. Still others were killed by bombs that Breivik detonated. Three of the six worst K-12 school shootings ever have occurred in Europe. Germany saw two of these — one in 2002 at Erfurt and another in 2009 at Winnenden. The combined death toll was 34. France and Belgium have both faced multiple terrorist attacks over the past year.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Ohio Couple Charged for Stolen Gun After Accidental Shooting - Minor Charge for the Shooting
Local news
Two people have been charged in the accidental shooting of a 13 year old Liberty Township boy.
Keyoina Owens, 33, and Joseph Greer, 32, have been charged in the matter with receiving stolen property and child endangering.
Liberty Police Chief Rich Tisone says the two suspects are the lease holders of the East Montrose home where the teen was shot on June 6.
The teen suffered a gun shot wound to the foot while home alone with three other boys, all between the ages of 11 and 14.
One of boys called 9-1-1 saying the victim's foot was bleeding badly. Meanwhile, another boy can be overheard on the call accusing the group of playing with the gun.
After arriving on the scene, Liberty police found a fully-loaded 40 caliber Glock which authorities believe may have been stolen in Michigan.
No charges were filed against the boys; however, charges were filed for Owens and Greer, lease-owners of the Liberty house and possessors of the stolen gun in question.
The charge of receiving stolen property is a felony, and the charge of child endangering is a misdemeanor.
Two people have been charged in the accidental shooting of a 13 year old Liberty Township boy.
Keyoina Owens, 33, and Joseph Greer, 32, have been charged in the matter with receiving stolen property and child endangering.
Liberty Police Chief Rich Tisone says the two suspects are the lease holders of the East Montrose home where the teen was shot on June 6.
The teen suffered a gun shot wound to the foot while home alone with three other boys, all between the ages of 11 and 14.
One of boys called 9-1-1 saying the victim's foot was bleeding badly. Meanwhile, another boy can be overheard on the call accusing the group of playing with the gun.
After arriving on the scene, Liberty police found a fully-loaded 40 caliber Glock which authorities believe may have been stolen in Michigan.
No charges were filed against the boys; however, charges were filed for Owens and Greer, lease-owners of the Liberty house and possessors of the stolen gun in question.
The charge of receiving stolen property is a felony, and the charge of child endangering is a misdemeanor.
A Measly 23,847 Resister Guns Under NY SAFE Act, Millions More DO NOT COMPLY

In response to the SAFE Act gun registration numbers released by the New York State Police, NYSRPA President Tom King made this statement:
“I am amused at the pathetically low numbers of New Yorkers who registered their so-called assault rifles.”
“The number of individuals who registered their guns is 24,000 and many of these are law-enforcement officials mandated to comply by their department. “
“In short, New Yorkers have, by their lack of compliance, effectively repealed a portion of the NY SAFE Act. Congratulations to the gun owners of New York State.”
Obama Administration On Plan To Take Away CIA's Drones: Never Mind, Keep 'Em
via George Jefferson: "Promises made, promises broken."
Huffington Post
President Barack Obama has abandoned his two-year push to consolidate his controversial targeted killing program under Pentagon control and has spent the past several months finalizing a new plan that would give the Defense Department and the CIA joint control of drone strikes, sources tell The Huffington Post.
Two years ago, Obama promised during a speech at the National Defense University that he would move the CIA's controversial drone program out of the covert shadows and into the relative sunlight of the Defense Department. Drone critics greeted the announcement with cautious optimism, hoping that a Pentagon-run drone program would be more transparent and allow more oversight of targeted killings.
The CIA and its allies on the congressional intelligence committees resisted Obama's proposal. But until recently, the Obama administration was still publicly pushing forward, saying as recently as April that it wanted to take the trigger out of the CIA's hands for good.
Behind closed doors, all of that has changed. On June 10, administration officials gave a classified briefing to lawmakers laying out a blueprint for a new transition plan that would involve a dual command structure. That blueprint is all but complete, U.S. officials briefed on it said.
Huffington Post
President Barack Obama has abandoned his two-year push to consolidate his controversial targeted killing program under Pentagon control and has spent the past several months finalizing a new plan that would give the Defense Department and the CIA joint control of drone strikes, sources tell The Huffington Post.
Two years ago, Obama promised during a speech at the National Defense University that he would move the CIA's controversial drone program out of the covert shadows and into the relative sunlight of the Defense Department. Drone critics greeted the announcement with cautious optimism, hoping that a Pentagon-run drone program would be more transparent and allow more oversight of targeted killings.
The CIA and its allies on the congressional intelligence committees resisted Obama's proposal. But until recently, the Obama administration was still publicly pushing forward, saying as recently as April that it wanted to take the trigger out of the CIA's hands for good.
Behind closed doors, all of that has changed. On June 10, administration officials gave a classified briefing to lawmakers laying out a blueprint for a new transition plan that would involve a dual command structure. That blueprint is all but complete, U.S. officials briefed on it said.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Georgia Man Arrested for Pot after Accidental Shooting - No Gun Charges (Yet?)

Local news
Christopher Yarbrough, 25, is charged with domestic violence in a separate incident, DeKalb County Sheriff Jimmy Harris said. Yarbrought has not been charged in the shooting, though the investigation is ongoing.
Deputies were called out around 12:30 a.m. Tuesday to a home in the 1700 block of Main Street in Shiloh, where a shooting had taken place. When they arrived, they found a 25-year-old Fort Payne man suffering from a gunshot wound.
He was taken to Huntsville Hospital, where he was listed in stable condition later Tuesday.
Harris said investigators found Yarbrough hiding in a wooded area near the crime scene and took him into custody. During questioning, it was established that the shooting was a likely accident.
Alcohol and marijuana are believed to have played a role in the shooting, Harris said.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Gov. Nikki Haley Calls for the Removal of the Treasonous and Racist Confederate Flag from the State Capital
The New York Times
Gov. Nikki R. Haley called on Monday for South Carolina to do what just a week ago seemed politically impossible — remove the Confederate battle flag from its perch in front of the State House building here. She argued that a symbol long revered by many Southerners was for some, after the church massacre in Charleston, a “deeply offensive symbol of a brutally offensive past.”
It's about fucking time.
The Treasonous and Racist Confederate Flag
Walmart and Sears, two of the country's largest retailers, will remove all Confederate flag merchandise from their stores.It's about fucking time.
Every Mass Shooting Shares One Thing In Common and It’s NOT Weapons

Nearly every mass shooting incident in the last twenty years, and multiple other instances of suicide and isolated shootings all share one thing in common, and its not the weapons used.
The overwhelming evidence points to the signal largest common factor in all of these incidents is the fact that all of the perpetrators were either actively taking powerful psychotropic drugs or had been at some point in the immediate past before they committed their crimes.
Monday, June 22, 2015
About the Weapons Manufacturers
BREAKING; #Pope says weapons manufacturers can't call themselves Christians https://t.co/bP5xi2kMda #p2 #tcot #NoMoreNRA #CharlestonShooting
— CSGV (@CSGV) June 22, 2015
Waldorf Astoria Wedding Shooting: Bride Plans To Sue For Millions After Hotel Cancelled Reception
Distraught bride Anna Goldschmidt was set
to have a million-dollar wedding reception with groom Elan Stratiyevsky
at the Waldorf Astoria hotel in Manhattan when a guest accidentally fired a gun
injuring another female guest. As a result of the shooting, the hotel
decided to cancel the reception as police were still searching for the
gun. Upon learning about the cancellation the bride let out a
“blood-curling” scream and has now vowed to sue the hotel for “millions”
after her big day was ruined.
“We are planning to sue the Waldorf for the costs of the wedding and the emotional harm suffered by the bride and groom, whose dream wedding was destroyed for no reason whatsoever by Waldorf personnel.”It seems the bride and groom aren’t just planning to sue the hotel, they are also going after the man responsible for all the chaos.
“A suit is also contemplated against the shooter, whose recklessness created the havoc.”
What do you think about the lawsuit
against the Waldorf Astoria? Did they cancel the wedding reception for
“no reason whatsoever” or was the shooting due cause for the
cancellation? What about the lawsuit against the shooter? Should he be
held liable for the “emotional harm” the couple suffered from having
their million-dollar reception cancelled?
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Detroit Block Party Shooting - 1 Dead, 9 Wounded
Local news
A shooting at a block party on the city's west side Saturday night left nine injured and one dead, according to police.
The shooting happened on a basketball court during a children's party near Dexter and Tuxedo just before 9 p.m., police said.
"It's a miracle that not one kid is shot," Assistant Police Chief Steve Dolunt told Fox2.
"I don't know what the hell these people were thinking with this many kids out here. I'm livid. There's no excuse for this," Dolunt said.
Dolunt said a 20-year-old man was killed. He was not being identified while relatives were informed.
Another man was critically injured and eight others, five men and three women, were listed as seriously injured. The victims ranged in age from 21 to 46, he said.
Dolunt said the shooting happened at a neighborhood party that included a barbecue attended by families with some small children in strollers.
Dolunt said police do not yet know the reason for the shooting.
A shooting at a block party on the city's west side Saturday night left nine injured and one dead, according to police.
The shooting happened on a basketball court during a children's party near Dexter and Tuxedo just before 9 p.m., police said.
"It's a miracle that not one kid is shot," Assistant Police Chief Steve Dolunt told Fox2.
"I don't know what the hell these people were thinking with this many kids out here. I'm livid. There's no excuse for this," Dolunt said.
Dolunt said a 20-year-old man was killed. He was not being identified while relatives were informed.
Another man was critically injured and eight others, five men and three women, were listed as seriously injured. The victims ranged in age from 21 to 46, he said.
Dolunt said the shooting happened at a neighborhood party that included a barbecue attended by families with some small children in strollers.
Dolunt said police do not yet know the reason for the shooting.
Nevada Drops Concealed Carry (CPL) Reciprocity for Michigan
I have personally confirmed with Mariah Owens of Nevada’s Department of Public Safety that Michigan has been dropped.
I will be contacting Michigan’s Attorney General Office tomorrow to discuss this change and see what they can/will do to reverse the situation.
Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette has been very proud of Michigan’s record of reciprocity. While there is no guarantees, I’d hope he will work to correct the situation with Nevada.
In the interim, it would be advisable for those who do not posess a permit from another state that is on Nevada’s list to not carry concealed in Nevada.
I have personally confirmed with Mariah Owens of Nevada’s Department of Public Safety that Michigan has been dropped.
I will be contacting Michigan’s Attorney General Office tomorrow to discuss this change and see what they can/will do to reverse the situation.
Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette has been very proud of Michigan’s record of reciprocity. While there is no guarantees, I’d hope he will work to correct the situation with Nevada.
In the interim, it would be advisable for those who do not posess a permit from another state that is on Nevada’s list to not carry concealed in Nevada.
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