Apparently, guns don't kill people...dogs do.
Officers soon learned a loaded shotgun had been placed on the bed, when the family dog jumped onto the bed causing that shotgun to discharge.
Maybe the Eddie the Beagle training didn't take.
Officers soon learned a loaded shotgun had been placed on the bed, when the family dog jumped onto the bed causing that shotgun to discharge.
Intellectual coward.
Unwilling to tolerate dissent.
Incapable of identifying facts.
Blinded by grief.
And a paid shill, to boot.
I am unquestionably sorry for the loss she has suffered, but using that emotion as a springboard to abridge and infringe upon the rights of law-abiding citizens is simply wrong, no matter how poignant it might be.
But, given that she is on the Brady Bunch board, she has so much of her identity wrapped up in her cause, she is never going to be willing to admit it...
The bowler has been charged with careless discharge of a firearm. Police have confiscated his gun and have contacted the gun board to get his concealed weapons permit revoked.
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Seriously, the US needs a public media outlet otherwise it is indeed “500 channels and nothing’s on”.
1. Cripple the ATF’s ability to shut down crooked gun dealers. Before the ATF could revoke a crooked dealer’s license and put him out of business, ATF would have to show that the dealer not only violated the law, but had the specific intent to break the specific law. This is an almost impossible standard of proof for law enforcement to meet.
2. Prohibit ATF from revoking licenses of gun dealers who commit many dangerous crimes, for instance, allowing hundreds of guns to “disappear” from their inventory with no record of sale.
3. Cap fines at extremely low levels for violations found during an inspection of a gun dealer. For example, a dealer with 900 federal gun law violations could face a maximum fine of less than $8.50 per violation.
4. Allow most dealers who violate gun laws to continue selling guns for 60 days after their licenses are revoked, even if they had committed willful violations of federal law.
Armando Aponte, 35, died from gunshots wounds when two police officers shot him as he charged them with swords raised in each hand.
"It was either accidental or self-defense," DeFino-Nastasi said. "It was not an intentional act beyond a reasonable doubt."
The 40-year-old man was shot Wednesday morning at the home across the street from Roeding Park. He's in critical condition at Community Regional Medical Center.
Mass shootings are rarely carried out by women, said Dr. Park Dietz, president of Threat Assessment Group Inc., a Newport Beach, Calif.-based violence prevention firm.
The insurrectionists will not be bound by the rule of law or the democratic process to get what they want—and thanks to the gun lobby they are awash in handguns and assault weapons.
There is little doubt that the federal courts will make mincemeat of these "Firearms Freedom" laws. The first ruling came down last week, as a federal magistrate judge in Montana struck down that state's law. Agreeing with the Brady Center's brief, the judge found the law flatly unconstitutional under decades-old Supreme Court precedent recognizing federal authority to regulate entirely intrastate activity if exempting that activity would undercut federal regulation of interstate activity.
Jones said he has received more than 100 death threats and has started wearing a .40-caliber pistol strapped to his hip since announcing his plan to burn the book Muslims consider the word of God and insist be treated with the utmost respect. The 58-year-old minister proclaimed in July that he would stage "International Burn-a-Quran Day."
So bigoted, right wing gun nuts are doing more than gay-oriented bloggers to spread the word about a particular incident of anti-gay bigotry.
To all who are reading my posts: Mike W. has posted 6 of the most offensive and inane comments yet received by me on this blog. I will no longer post his comments but I will keep them in my files as an example of how rude and perjorative some of the gun guys get while trying to intimidate people about the gun issue. If any elected leader wants to know why they should not believe what they hear from the NRA, Mike is a prime example of the type of hyperbolic rhetoric that should not be considered valid in this "discussion".
The Moores are the fourth metro Detroit couple in the past month involved in attempted murder-suicides. On Aug. 18 in West Bloomfield, Ellery Bennett, 47, stabbed his wife, Lisa, 46, before apparently stabbing himself and driving to the hospital.
On Aug. 22., Daljit Rangi, 65, of Lake Orion, stabbed his wife, Rosemary, 56, before setting his home on fire, and dying inside. She survived. In Westland, on Aug. 30, Lutfi Dashi,59, killed himself after shooting his wife, Ermira, 50. She died of her wounds in the hospital.
A shocking new report obtained by ABC News says that as many as three out of four guns used in crimes in Mexico can be traced to gun stores just across the border in the U.S. The numbers bolster complaints by Mexican officials that the country's unprecedented bloodshed – 28,000 people have died in drug-cartel violence since 2006 – is being fueled both by the U.S. appetite for drugs, and by American weapons.I don't know what's new or shocking about that, in fact they used to say 90%, so I guess if they wanted to they could spin this as progress.
Keene's father, besides being chairman of the ACU, is also on the board of directors of the National Rifle Association, which said the group's thoughts and prayers go out to the Keene family, according to NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam.
ONLY ABOUT 10 percent of the nation's 100,000 licensed gun dealers are audited each year by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). The ATF cannot fine wayward dealers; its only tool at the moment involves revoking a miscreant's license. And that happens only about 100 times annually.
But even this level of scrutiny rankles the National Rifle Association, which is pushing for legislation that threatens to gut the ATF's already limited ability to keep illegal guns off the streets.
HELENA, Mont. — A group of states seeking freedom from federal gun laws were dealt a blow Wednesday when a federal magistrate recommended dismissal of a lawsuit launched by gun rights advocates who argue Congress has overstepped its bounds with gun control.
The magistrate sided with the U.S. Department of Justice, which says courts have already decided that Congress can set standards on such items as guns through its power to regulate interstate commerce. The recommendation now goes to the federal judge in Missoula hearing the case — and even gun rights advocates recognized it is likely he will side with the magistrate.
Inforum reports on the unintentional shooting of Payton Rufsvold.
According to the Traill County Sheriff’s Office, Payton was shot by a 16-year-old boy from Grandin who thought the shotgun wasn’t loaded. Sheriff Mike Crocker said Friday the shotgun round passed through a soda bottle Payton was holding, which Crocker said may have saved the boy’s life.Payton had part of his small intestine removed, and a skin grafting surgery is planned to repair two injured fingers on his left hand, the journal states.
Crocker said the shooting appeared to be an accident.
The alleged shooter was taken to juvenile detention in Fargo and is expected to face charges of felony reckless endangerment and minor in consumption.
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www.thedailyshow.com | ||||
Federal prosecutors are charging a licensed Modesto gun dealer with making illegal sales of arms to agents posing as Mexican nationals.Robert John Ronning owns Ronning Arms Inc. He was arrested Thursday in connection to a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives investigation that began in February 2009 and led to the seizure of drugs and weapons, some of them from Ronning Arms.
After the arrest of the initial targets, undercover agents bought silencers, assault weapons and a machine gun from Ronning himself.