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My experience has been that racist Obama-haters deny their racism and wouldn't display it on their vehicle. Of course there would be exceptions.An image purporting to show a racist, anti-Obama bumper sticker on the back of a vehicle has been garnering lots of attention on Facebook in the past 24 hours.
The bumper sticker reads, "Don't Re-Nig in 2012." And in smaller print below, "Stop repeat offenders. Don't' reelect Obama!" The sticker also features an image of the Obama campaign logo crossed out.Several viewers have claimed the image has been digitally altered. After all, it seems shocking that someone would proudly display an openly racist image on their vehicle in 2012. So, is the image authentic?In short, yes.
Last week I suggested a solution, half jokingly. Now maybe we should take it seriously. It seems a shame to shut the golf course, that's like blaming the victims, isn't it?Nine days after a golfer was hit by a stray gunshot while playing Mission Del Lago municipal golf course on the South Side, officials decided to shut down the popular facility Tuesday after reports of a another bullet whizzing over the heads of players.
I've got a new idea. Anytime one of these stray bullets hits somebody's house or lands in their back yard, or especially when one strikes a person, there's an immediate gun-free zone declared, let's say for a one-mile radius. With satellite imagery, they could easily do the mapping. Additional offences would result in permanent loss of gun rights.
This is an interesting issue in that it clearly separates the Democrats from the Republicans. Obama's stance on this is another thing which puts him ahead of his competitors.President Barack Obama took a stand Friday against a proposed constitutional ban on same-sex marriage in North Carolina, a state he won in 2008 that remains crucial to his re-election hopes.
"While the president does not weigh in on every single ballot measure in every state, the record is clear that the president has long opposed divisive and discriminatory efforts to deny rights and benefits to same-sex couples," said Cameron French, the Obama campaign's North Carolina spokesman, in a statement. "That's what the North Carolina ballot initiative would do — it would single out and discriminate against committed gay and lesbian couples — and that's why the president does not support it."
A group of 100 environmental organizations has petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate lead in ammunition as a toxic substance.
The groups argue that more than 75 species, including the California condor and bald eagle, are harmed when they feed on the carcasses of animals killed by lead bullets and shot. Hunters who eat meat from animals killed with lead ammunition also face a risk of lead poisoning, they say, because tiny fragments of ammunition migrate from the original wound site into more distant tissue. Research has found that lead poisoning can cripple motor coordination and cause digestive problems, blindness and death.
"The EPA has taken steps to address toxic lead in almost every available product from gasoline to plumbing to toys," said Jeff Miller, a conservation advocate for the Center for Biological Diversity, which is leading the campaign. "The one source of lead that is still causing significant lead exposure is hunting ammunition and fishing tackle."
But tonight, in a sun-drenched press conference, the man known popularly as "Blago," gave America a kind of farewell statement.
He bragged about his accomplishments as if he were just about to announce his candidacy for a new office. “I got bruised and battered and bloodied, but we were able to get those done,” he said, "And I never raised the income tax.”
In the extemporaneous address he shared that he had been reading both the Old and New Testament to look for examples of people dealing with adversity.
If his appeals fail, he will serve a minimum of twelve and a half years.
The gun fanatics often challenge us to produce statistics to prove our claims. Well, these stats seem pretty convincing to me. You've got a number of bear attacks in which the attacked person had a gun. You can't now say, but if they were trained better, or if they knew what they were doing better. You have to take the whole survey which necessarily includes all types of gun owners.While bringing a gun to a bear fight may seem like a solid way to win, experts say the gun largely provides a false sense of security -- and would be similar to trying to shoot, and stop, a small car careening toward you at speeds of up to 35 mph.
It's not that firearms don't work, but many people can't load or aim them quickly enough in the panicky moments of a bear attack, according to a recent study by bear researchers at Utah's Brigham Young University.
"It's more about how you carry yourself than whether you carry a gun," said wildlife biologist Tom S. Smith, the study's lead author.
The report analyzed 269 armed human-bear encounters in Alaska between 1883 and 2009, and found that the use of guns made no statistical difference in the outcomes, and many people were mauled or killed anyway -- 151 human injuries and 172 bear fatalities.
The obvious conclusions extend far beyond the wilds of Alaska. Gun owners and concealed carry folks are mistaken in their thinking that the gun makes them safe. In all too many cases it does not and there are better alternatives.In an earlier study, Smith found that pepper spray worked for all but three of 156 people in 71 conflicts with bears.
Pepper spray also has a lasting advantage, Smith said.
"When you spray a bear, you are powerfully conditioning that animal to stay away from people," he said.
The article points out that this is the third one in as many weeks. Yet, the pro-gun guys keep telling us it's not a problem.After his parents stopped for gas early Wednesday, the young boy scrambled out of his child seat, found a gun police say was left in the car by his father and fatally shot himself in the head.
Tacoma police said his father put his pistol under a seat and got out to pump gas while the mother went inside the convenience store. The boy's infant sister, who also was in the car, was not injured.
I wonder if the kid will face the death penalty. People need to be held responsible for their actions. Accountability is important.Police said Wednesday that a 9-year-old girl pulled the trigger in the fatal shooting of her 7-year-old brother while their parents were briefly away from their Arkansas apartment.
The shooting on Monday afternoon was not an accident, Little Rock Police spokesman Lt. Terry Hastings said, but he declined to comment any further. Hastings' remarks come a day after a police spokeswoman said the girl shot her brother and then backtracked to say only that the girl was responsible for the shooting.
The rarity of this type of incident should be enough to highlight what a terrible blight guns are on our society.Three people were in critical condition and one in stable condition after a stabbing incident Wednesday afternoon in Columbus, Ohio, that ended with the suspect being shot by police, Columbus authorities said.
The attack began inside a downtown building that houses Miami-Jacobs Career College, said Columbus Police Sgt. Rich Weiner.
The stabbing victims in critical condition underwent surgery at Grant Medical Center, while the one with less serious injuries was taken to Mount Carmel West hospital, officials said. The suspect was in critical condition at Ohio State University's Wexner Medical Center, Weiner said.
A gunman killed one person and injured three others when he fired outside a Texas courthouse Wednesday, officials said.
Police said the suspected shooter, 41-year-old Bartholomew Granger, was a defendant in an aggravated sexual assault trial at the courthouse in Beaumont, Texas.
Two of those wounded -- including Granger's 20-year-old daughter -- were witnesses in the trial, which had started Tuesday and was continuing Wednesday, police said.
Some of the rhetoric coming from the Republican candidates for president makes me wonder if a group of paranoid schizophrenics weren’t prematurely released from a mental institution…without their meds.
Life is made of fear. Some people eat fear soup three times a day. Some people eat fear soup all the meals there are. I eat it sometimes. When they bring me fear soup to eat, I try not to eat it, I try to send it back. But sometimes I’m too afraid to and have to eat it anyway.
Martin Amis (Other People)
“As a Christian I’m insulted that Kmart or any store would use this celebration of life to have images of guns in Easter baskets, encouraging parents to buy them for their children. But equally important is that any psychiatrist will tell you a child who gets comfortable playing with toy guns and pointing them at people as a child becomes comfortable picking them up as an adult. In a nation that’s plagued with gun violence, neither Kmart nor any other store should be selling guns in Easter baskets to our kids.”
There's a gun range within hearing distance, but of course the police are looking into all possibilities.The men told police they heard the gunshot but didn't have time to react.
"They heard what they claim bullets whizzing by them," Trujillo said.
The bullet was protruding halfway in the man's chest, police said. He was taken to SAMMC Hospital with non-life threatening injuries.
“This is a dangerous ruling. Lives have the potential to be lost as a result. We urge parents, students, and faculty to demand that the University do all it can to keep guns off campus and prevail on their elected officials to reverse this ruling. The University of Oregon has reinstated its gun ban despite a similar court ruling. The Brady Center will help the University of Colorado work to keep young people safe from guns. As last week's tragedy in Ohio reminded us all, nothing is more important."
A teacher fired from a private school in Florida on Tuesday returned to the campus with a gun hidden in a guitar case and shot the headmistress to death before committing suicide while school was in session.
Unless one has hands-on experience with firearms, it’s easy to make mistakes. At a mystery writers’ workshop, I asked the audience how many had used firearms in their mysteries or thrillers. Almost every hand went up. I then asked how many had ever shot a firearm. Less than half the hands went up. If we’re going to write in these genres, let’s know a little about the weapons our characters use.
What's your opinion? Don't you hate it when a movie or book makes obvious mistakes in the portrayal of guns? I don't mind too much when the hero has a seemingly inexhaustable magazine, but things like the continual racking of the slide bother me. What about you? What about the hero shaking off a bullet or two and continuing the fight? Do you find that unrealistic?And try going to a pistol range for some hands-on experience.
Were it practicable for the general government to extend its care to every requisite object without the coöperation of the state governments, the people would not be less free, as members of one great republic, than as members of thirteen small ones. A citizen of Delaware was not more free than a citizen of Virginia; nor would either be more free than a citizen of America. Supposing, therefore, a tendency in the general government to absorb the state governments, no fatal consequence could result.This passage was brought to my attention by Irving Brant's wonderful biography of Madison, The Fourth President: A Life of James Madison (1970), page 162. This is an abridgement of Brant's monumental 6 volume biography.
Date: Thursday, June 21, 1787
"People are buying guns to deal with their anxiety of feeling they have no safety or they have this need for their political sense of freedom, but not everybody shares that level of personal threat," says Joan Burbick, author of "Gun Show Nation," a critique of American gun culture. "And when you're going to insist upon this in public spaces or shared spaces like a basketball game or a park, then you're really intruding into where other people get their personal sense of safety."
Moreover, the number of deaths caused by a gun in the US has been declining even though the number of guns carried in public has been growing. Federal statistics show that between 2005 and 2009, the number of annual murders committed with a gun dropped from 10,158 to 9,146. During the same period, the number of justifiable, or defensive, homicides rose from 196 to 261.The declining number of murders, approximately 10%, over those 5 years is partly due to better trauma care in hospitals. Advances in medical procedures and lessons-learned from past experiences accounts for a good bit of that. Fewer people who are seriously wounded die.
It's fascinating how the gun-rights extremists are so quick to turn on their own if they don't tow the line. Any reasonableness or compromise is unacceptable for them and will be punished. They are true fanatics.A political advocacy group is promising “payback” in this year's election against state Rep. Chuck McGrady and other North Carolina lawmakers they view as soft on pro-gun laws.
Grass Roots North Carolina, an all-volunteer organization whose main focus is preserving the right to keep and bear arms, has labeled McGrady, former state Rep. David Guice and House GOP leader Paul “Skip” Stam as the “three weasels of the North Carolina House” for what it views as the Republican trio's role in weakening an omnibus gun bill signed into law in December.
McGrady last week defended an amendment he introduced to the bill — which passed by a 59-57 vote — that allows business owners to prohibit those with permits to carry concealed handguns from locking the weapons in the trunks of their cars. McGrady said he stood by Stamm, who spoke on the House floor about the matter last summer, agreeing that it was a property-rights issue.
“I think when one owns one's property, you ought to be able to tell people whether they can bring guns or not to your property,” McGrady said.
The 7-year-old daughter of a Marysville police officer has died after being shot by a younger sibling.
The girl died at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle early Sunday.
The shooting happened Saturday afternoon in the officer's parked van in Stanwood. The sibling, whose age and gender have not been released, found a loaded handgun in the vehicle and fired it, striking the girl, according to the Snohomish County Sheriff's Office, which is investigating.
The vehicle was parked across the street from Stanwood's City Hall near the intersection of Highway 532 and 102nd Avenue NE. The children's parents were standing by the van when the shooting happened, talking with their friend, local artist Jack Gunter.
States currently considering the no permit law include
Colorado, Iowa, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota and Virgina, according to the NRA.
The first state to jump into the mix appears to be South Dakota after lawmakers last week created a law allowing anyone 18 or older with a valid state driver’s license to carry a concealed weapon following a clean background check, that bill is still awaiting final approval from Republican Gov. Dennis Daugaard.
Well, I guess you could say crime rates are low in Alaska and Arizona. I guess it depends on what you compare them to.
Supporters of the measure argue that crime rates are already low in Alaska, Arizona, Vermont and Wyoming, states where a carry and conceal permit is not required.
This bizarre nonsense must be a wild bargaining trick. If they propose such outlandish things as this, we'll be happy with the status quo.Vermont State Rep. Fred Maslack has read the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, as well as Vermont’s own Constitution very carefully, and his strict interpretation of these documents is popping some eyeballs in New England and elsewhere.
Maslack recently proposed a bill to register “non-gun-owners”and require them to pay a $500 fee to the state. Thus Vermont would become the first state to require a permit for the luxury of going about unarmed and assess a fee of $500 for the privilege of not owning a gun.
Maslack read the “militia” phrase of the Second Amendment as not only the right of the individual citizen to bear arms, but as a clear mandate to do so.
About the two handmaidens, The violent family which teaches a kid that violence is the answer, although culpable, might be hard to identify and prove in many cases. But the other one, easy access to guns is not. The grandfather should be in jail and lose his gun rights. Safe storage laws could take care of many of these situations.Earlier this week it happened again. We don't know all the details, but what we do know is this. A young man named T.J. Lane walked into high school—here in my home state of Ohio—approached a table full of kids and started shooting.
Like with any tragedy such as this, there were many handmaidens. Certainly, chief among them was the violence this young man bore witness to regularly, in a household reportedly filled with it. His parents, both charged with domestic abuse and other violent behavior in the past, seemingly helped nurture a disturbed and dangerous kid.
But it's also been reported that the killer's grandfather—from whom Lane accessed the gun used—had so many weapons lying around that he couldn't figure out a gun was missing until afterwards. Read that sentence again.
Teaching a child that violence solves everything and giving him access to an arsenal. That should make his family criminally liable—although, current Ohio law will not allow that to happen.
Because, make no mistake, it's a love affair with guns by an obsessive and loud minority and the resulting lax regulation, which are key reasons these things just don't happen on a regular basis in any other Western country. While TJ Lane had easy pickings among a bevy of unaccounted-for weapons, the state of Virginia—under its culturally-Ragtime-Era governor—was removing a law that limited buyers to one handgun purchase per month. Which totally makes sense—how can you hunt moose or protect your house with only 12 guns per year?
I think the joke's on him and all his supporters. Open carry damages the gun-rights movement. Non-gun people, in other words, most people see guys like this as fanatics. The more prevalent they become, the worse the pro-gun folks will be thought of.A gun-rights advocate whom police stopped for openly carrying a weapon will settle his lawsuit against the City of Philadelphia for $25,000. Mark Fiorino's lawyer said the suit was not about money but about retraining police on open-carry laws.
Fiorino, 25, an information-technology worker from Lansdale, said he had been stopped three times for wearing a holstered gun on his hip. That's legal in Pennsylvania if the gun owner has a permit.
Fiorino recorded one profane police encounter and posted it online. His lawsuit alleged "vindictive prosecution."
The septuagenarian presidential candidate has based his campaign strategy on picking up delegates in the low-turnout caucus states, and was looking for his first win on Super Tuesday. His campaign's expectations were high going into yesterday's caucus contests in North Dakota, Idaho, and Alaska, three states well-known for their strong libertarian streaks. The candidate had also put in a surprising amount of campaign legwork in those target states this week, even traveling to Anchorage this week to rally voters in Alaska's tiny Republican nominating contest.
But the libertarian stalwart was frustrated on all three fronts. In North Dakota, Paul came in second behind Rick Santorum, despite rallying caucus-goers in Fargo on election night. The results were even more disappointing in Idaho, where Paul trailed behind Mitt Romney and Santorum. The race was closer in Alaska, but Paul still finished in third place.