Problem: The Brady Campaign has its heart in the right place. It really does. But very often, it appears and is ineffectual. And this is pretty common whenever a public interest/safety/health group takes on the agenda of a corporate interest. For example, when a consumer group points out obesity is a major health problem in the US and suggests trivial reforms to the fast food industry--the fast food industry responds by claiming Americans have the right to eat as they wish and that those calling for reform would have us eat nothing but tofu and beets for the rest of our lives.
Sound familiar? See the pattern? This is how most every industry responds to calls for regulation or reform: We have the right. Those suggesting change are unAmerican. Change will result in something far too horrible to contemplate.
IOW, industries will do or say anything--even lie--to keep to their agenda. And when it comes to lying and doing most anything, the NRA are masters.
Public interest/safety/health groups are hampered from the beginning because while their constituency is everyone, it is also no one. These groups don't get huge financial backing from industry; often, there is no industry aligned with them. In order to counter such industry-backed groups, it's necessary for public interest/safety/health groups--like Brady--to use every tool at their disposal.
In Part 2, I show Brady how to open up the toolbox.