The 17-year-old, who is not being identified because he is a minor, was arrested Friday and charged with manslaughter. Plantation police detective Philip Toman says the teen brought a firearm into a home where a group of friends gathered. The teens were playing around with the gun and it went off, killing 18-year-old Dakota Alan Donovan.
The boy's attorney Lawrence Wolk says his client "has been very remorseful, crying all day and night." The Broward College student is being held at a juvenile facility in Fort Lauderdale.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Another One
Yet another case of friends, a gun and tragedy:
2-Year-Old Dead - Parents Arrested
While legitimate DGU stories are as rare as hen's teeth, the ones about kids finding a gun and killing themselves are almost daily fare.
Let's flesh this one out a bit, what do you say? Being a convicted felon and wanting a gun because under the protection of the 2nd Amendment it is his god-given right, Eddie Lee Carr sent his live-in girlfriend Laqinda Modique, to buy a gun.
The rest, as they say, is history.
The moral of the story is all guns start out legally owned by someone, including the countless weapons in the hands of criminals today. Those legal gun owners obviously need help in preventing the flow.
People often ask how would registration and licinsing prevent gun violence. Well this is an example of exactly how it would.
What do you think? Please leave a comment.
Let's flesh this one out a bit, what do you say? Being a convicted felon and wanting a gun because under the protection of the 2nd Amendment it is his god-given right, Eddie Lee Carr sent his live-in girlfriend Laqinda Modique, to buy a gun.
Now, Laqinda, not being the type to do things by the book, went to her co-worker who, somehow had never sustained a felony conviction and owned a bunch of guns. She bought one from him in a perfectly legal private transaction.Investigators determined Modique had recently purchased the firearm, and Carr had removed it from a safe this morning, loaded it, and placed it in a drawer in the bedroom.
The rest, as they say, is history.
The moral of the story is all guns start out legally owned by someone, including the countless weapons in the hands of criminals today. Those legal gun owners obviously need help in preventing the flow.
People often ask how would registration and licinsing prevent gun violence. Well this is an example of exactly how it would.
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Man Kills Bear
Dedicated to kaveman, I post this story in order to ask one simple question. Why in the world was there ever a question of ligitimacy? Were the Fish and Game people trying to determine if the bear really lunged at the guy?
Hunter encountered the bruin sleeping on the floor of the dining room in the morning and shouted to drive him off the premises. He shot and killed the bear with a shotgun after the animal became aggressive and charged him.What's your opinion? Please leave a comment.
Man Kills Dog
Let's flesh out the story a bit. He was a hard working, hard drinking Florida guy who'd fallen on hard times. Naturally he owned guns and one day when it all got to be too much he lost it.
It happens every day and it makes you wonder about that other picture the pro-gun-rights people keep painting.
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It happens every day and it makes you wonder about that other picture the pro-gun-rights people keep painting.
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Newark Shootings
When reading stories like these, it seems obvious that the so-called strict gun laws in New Jersey are not working. At least that's what the pro-gun voices say. I don't think they really believe that. I think they realize that if it weren't for the laws already in place in the Garden State, there would have been ten or twenty shootings in Newark instead of just five. And I think they realize if all the other states had the same laws as New Jersey, those five shootings might have been only three.
In other words that old argument that places like Chicago and D.C. prove gun control doesn't work is bogus.
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In other words that old argument that places like Chicago and D.C. prove gun control doesn't work is bogus.
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Friday, December 3, 2010
Can Gunloons be Religious?
Consider the "enemies" of the NRA:
I'd add this list is somewhat incomplete; many churches (e.g., Presbyterian Church) are very much in support of gun control:U.S. Catholic Conference, Dept. of Social Development
Union of American Hebrew Congregations
Unitarian Universalist Association
United States Catholic Conference
United Methodist Church, General Board & Church Society
United Church of Christ, Office for Church in Society
American Jewish Committee
American Jewish Congress
B`nai B`rith
Central Conference of American Rabbis
Church of the Brethren
Congress of National Black Churches, Inc.
Episcopal Church-Washington Office
Friends Committee on National Legislation
Interfaith Neighbors
Lutheran Office for Governmental Affairs, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Mennonite Central Committee-Washington Office
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
National Council of Jewish Women
World Spiritual Assembly, Inc
In 1998, the General Assembly added to its policy by calling on all Presbyterians to:
intentionally work toward removing handguns and assault weapons from our homes and our communities;
Legalize Drugs
LEAP is a wonderful site. William Cooke over there highlighted a news item about Willie Nelson pushing for marijuana legalization, adding a suggestion of his own.
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Good for Willie Nelson. However, he ought to consider the wisdom of legalizing, taxing, and regulating all drugs. Also, I think he would be wiser to include people in his proposed party who lean to the right as well. Many conservatives want to end the drug war too.Those are two very interesting points. One, it should be all drugs and not just pot. And two, it's not only the lefty types who support this.
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Portland's New Gun Laws
The story sounds good but, reading the new norms I wondered if they'd be the same kind of minor victory as the guns-on-Amtrack-trains was for the other side. Of course we'll do just what the pro gun crowd did about the Amtrack deal, we'll tout this as a major victory in the fight for, how did the mayor say it, "the safety of our youth."
What's your opinion? Do you think Mayor Sam Adams is climbing the list of gun-rights enemies? What ranking might he have achieved with this?
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I support these initiatives and applaud Mayor Sam Adams' efforts, but I don't think it'll help much. What's needed is licensing of all gun owners and registration of every gun plus no private transfers without a background check. That's haw to significantly make a difference in Portland's violence. That's how to significantly reduce the gun flow into the criminal world.Three ordinances would hold adults responsible if their gun gets into a child’s hands, penalize gun owners who don’t report the theft or loss of a firearm, and designate shooting hot spots and allow the city to exclude certain gun offenders from them.While the theft reporting and child protection laws have been passed in other major cities, criminal justice experts say the exclusion zones that would restrict gun offenders from areas designated as high in gun violence would be unique to Portland.
Two other code changes would set a 7 p.m. curfew for juveniles who have been convicted of a gun offense such as possessing or illegally using a firearm, and would enact a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 days in jail for a gun offender found carrying a loaded gun in a public place, including a vehicle or on transit.
What's your opinion? Do you think Mayor Sam Adams is climbing the list of gun-rights enemies? What ranking might he have achieved with this?
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The Reason Cops are Sometimes Trigger Happy
It doesn't make it right though. The AP story.
What's your opinion? Of course these dangerous situations they get themselves into don't excuse excessive force, but it is understandable, right?
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Being a cop is one tough job. That's why their training and screening needs to be top notch.An attacker killed a Riverside police officer during a chase by hitting him in the head with a metal bar then shooting him with his own gun as he pleaded for his life, court documents indicate.
What's your opinion? Of course these dangerous situations they get themselves into don't excuse excessive force, but it is understandable, right?
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Shooting at Cop - 14 Years
To me it sounds like a crazy drunken incident which proves guns and alcohol don't mix. But what about that sentence? Presumably this young Marine was one of the good guys up until the incident, that is he was one of the bad guys disguised as a good guy. Defensive pro-gun folks like to pretend these people don't exist. You're either law-abiding or you're a criminal. There's really a rather large subset of the law-abiding, let's call them the "about-to-become-criminals."
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What do you say? Is 14 years a little heavy for something like this?A former Marine has been sentenced to 14 years in state prison for shooting at a California Highway Patrol officer after a 2009 freeway chase in El Cajon.
The Los Angeles Times reports Edward Michael Forney was sentenced Wednesday after pleading guilty to assaulting a police officer. The officer was not hurt in the August 2009 incident.
Forney was a passenger in a car that a CHP officer attempted to pull over on suspicion of drunken driving.Prosecutors say Forney shot at the officer as the driver, Charles Neal, sped away.
Neal pleaded guilty to felony evading arrest and was sentenced to two years in prison.
Forney was stationed at the Miramar Marine Corps Air Station in San Diego at the time of the incident.
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Jim Leyritz is Sentenced
Warning: this has nothing to do with guns so click at your own risk.
A famous baseball player is driving drunk. Another drunk driver runs a red light, crashes into him and dies. He's arrested for DUI.
A famous baseball player is driving drunk. Another drunk driver runs a red light, crashes into him and dies. He's arrested for DUI.
Job Hunting in the U.S.
The Huffington Post article about the best cities to do job hunting was extremely interesting. Putting it through the gun control/gun violence screener, like I do with everytinng, I found it fascinating that some of the worst places offer the best job opportunities. Why do you think that is?
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Thursday, December 2, 2010
Gun Accidents
The Miami Heralds reports:
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Do you think the appropriate response to something like this is writing it off as an accident and going on as before? Don't you think a guy who does this, which just as easily as hitting his finger could have killed someone or himself, is too irresponsible to own guns safely? Pro-gun folks are always talking about how difficult it is to identify the dangerous ones before the do something really bad. Well, this is how. One strike you're out.A Hernando County man reportedly shot himself in the hand while trying to clean his gun.
The sheriff's office reports that 26-year-old Sean Santana was in his backyard Saturday afternoon, about to spray the .25-caliber pistol with cleaning solvent when the gun fired and hit him in the left middle finger.
Santana wrapped his hand and drove himself to a nearby hospital.
Deputies have determined the shooting was accidental.
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James Bonard Fowler
Associated Press:
What do you think? Is that a fair sentence?James Bonard Fowler's plea deal allows the 77-year-old white man to serve his six-month sentence near his home in Geneva County, rather than in predominantly black Perry County, where his victim is memorialized as a martyr of the civil rights movement.
"They'd have killed me," Fowler said, referring to what he thinks would have happened in the Perry County jail.
But being in the Geneva County Jail doesn't ease his mind.
"I don't feel safe here either. There are more blacks in the jail than whites," he said in an interview Monday.
Fowler is going to jail for fatally shooting Jimmie Lee Jackson on Feb. 18, 1965, after a voting rights march in Marion erupted in violence. Witnesses said Jackson, 26, was trying to protect his grandfather and mother from being clubbed by state troopers. But Fowler maintained Jackson hit him on the head with a bottle and he fired to protect himself.
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More Trouble in St. Louis
This one was a triple-murder-suicide in a small town 55 miles out. The other day we talked about the gang violence in town.
I know FatWhiteMan had nothing to do with this one either, at least not directly.
How can more guns and easier access to them help situations like this? Answer: they can't, they don't.
By making it easier for people go get guns, whether they're gang members or some regular joe who gets depressed over a breakup, we increase the problem. Murders happen in twos and threes, death occurs where there would otherwise be a quick visit to the emergency room.
And all this is so the poor oppressed legitimate gun owners who are in a minority can enjoy as much freedom and as little inconvenience as possible.
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I know FatWhiteMan had nothing to do with this one either, at least not directly.
How can more guns and easier access to them help situations like this? Answer: they can't, they don't.
By making it easier for people go get guns, whether they're gang members or some regular joe who gets depressed over a breakup, we increase the problem. Murders happen in twos and threes, death occurs where there would otherwise be a quick visit to the emergency room.
And all this is so the poor oppressed legitimate gun owners who are in a minority can enjoy as much freedom and as little inconvenience as possible.
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It's Not Just Mexico
American guns are being shipped to other countries as well.
This is how they do it in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. They hide the guns inside other stuff and give it to the crooked shipping company, which pretends to not know what's going on.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the easy gun laws in Colorado, right?
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In August 2009, Oscar Morales-Morales, a man accused of trying to buy guns from undercover federal agents, told them that people were smuggling firearms from Denver to Guatemala using Transportes Zuleta, the affidavit says.
"Morales-Morales stated that he was going to hide the guns in a box of clothing and send the package with (Transportes Zuleta) to Guatemala," the affidavit says. "Morales-Morales continued by stating that lots of people are smuggling guns from Denver, Colorado area to Guatemala using TZ."
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the easy gun laws in Colorado, right?
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Wisconsin Deer Hunters
Only the second time in history has no hunter been killed during deer season. That's what I call a dubious honor. What does it say about the norm. Plus, let's not leave this little tidbit out.
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However, 12 people were injured, according to a DNR statement.I know there are hundreds of gazillions of hunters and only a handful get hurt or killed each year, but maybe it's time to eliminate this barbaric activity.
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Gun Rights for D'Cruz
Law-abiding adults, the Supreme Court has ruled, have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms. But that right is not unlimited, as the court made clear by citing several restrictions - including prohibitions against carrying weapons into a courthouse or a school - that would withstand legal challenge. The Texas and federal laws fit into this category. Eighteen-year-olds can and do fight for their country. And they are able in many instances to vote and partake of the full rights enjoyed by much older citizens. But there is nothing unconstitutional about the state or federal government determining that a few more years of maturity - and the discipline and wisdom that hopefully come with such age - are needed before such a youngster is allowed to carry a lethal weapon on the streets. It takes some kind of gumption - or blind ideological fervor - to challenge such reasonable limitations.That says it pretty well, don't you think?
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Guns on Amtrack
Get ready, it's coming in two weeks. Blood will be flowing on those trains right onto the platform and tracks. Then the gun-rights guys well know we were right.
Can we talk for a minute about what an anti-gun president Obama has been? Shouldn't all those who predicted doom and gloom when Obama was elected feel embarrassed. Have any of them admitted they were wrong?
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Want to carry your favorite gun on train? you can do so on Amtrak as a new baggage policy of the rail operator allows passengers to carry unloaded guns on its trains, starting Dec.15.
Can we talk for a minute about what an anti-gun president Obama has been? Shouldn't all those who predicted doom and gloom when Obama was elected feel embarrassed. Have any of them admitted they were wrong?
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Out-of-Control Gangs - St. Louis
The Associated Press reports:
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All the guns used by all the gangs come from the world of legitimate gun owners. How can they keep saying they have nothing to do with this?As many as three gunmen opened fire Tuesday outside a funeral home during services for a murder victim, killing two people and critically wounding another before fleeing the scene of the apparent gang-related shootings, police said.
Witnesses told authorities that a fourth man was apparently shot in the leg during the shootings about noon Tuesday outside Reliable Funeral Home Chapel, Police Capt. Mike Sack said. However, that person still had not sought hospital treatment hours later and police hadn't been able to find him, Sack said.
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Jon Stewart on the News
I get all my news from Jon Stewart, of course the U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia is not new.
Il Communication
Il Communication
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | ||| | ||||
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Rendell: Pennsylvania is a Lost Cause
The Philadelphia INquirer reports:
And gun owners who benefit from and support this corrupt lobbying and influence-peddling system wonder why we blame them for the mess.
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Now that is a sorry state of affairs. And it's not only like that in Pennsylvania. Politicians who would ordinarily agree with gun laws that would further the Common Good, which most of the voters want anyway, vote against them for fear of the NRA.
On Monday, Rendell defended his weekend veto of a bill expanding gun owners' self-defense rights - but declared his efforts to reduce gun violence through legislation "an abject failure."
"It's a lost cause in Pennsylvania," Rendell said in a conference call with reporters. He accused the General Assembly of kowtowing to the National Rifle Association.
"The legislature proved consistently in my eight years that they are scared to death to buck the NRA," he said. "It's incredibly frustrating, the hold the NRA has over the legislature. It's embarrassing."
And gun owners who benefit from and support this corrupt lobbying and influence-peddling system wonder why we blame them for the mess.
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Indianapolis Man Arrested in Chicago
I always hear about how responsible gun owners are, how they, being members of an oppressed minority, have to disarm when going into a gun-free zone or when traveling. I guess this guy didn't get the memo.
Of course, I'd would throw the book at him. He'd lose his right to own guns having in this instance shown such a flagrant disregard for the law. This is the kind of guy who does what he wants, obeys the laws that are convenient or unavoidable, and for the rest he either ignores or circumvents.
The question is how rare of a type of gun owner is he? Do you think he might be fairly representative of gun owners at large?
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It sounds like they forgot to give him a breathalyzer test. But even with a drinking-while-carrying charge, I don't suppose it would add up to much.An Indiana man was arrested Saturday night at a wedding in Chicago's Back of the Yards neighborhood after he was seen dancing with a gun holstered at his hip, prosecutors said.
Seeing the 9mm handgun strapped to his waist while he partied in the foyer of a church gym, an off-duty police officer working security arrested Samuel Caballero-Solis, 51, of Indianapolis, about 8:30 p.m. in the 1900 block of West 48th Street. The off-duty officer disarmed him and called police.
He was charged with unlawful use of a weapon and Cook County Criminal Court Judge Israel Desierto set Caballero-Solis' bail at $10,000 Sunday. The judge joked about the discrepancy between local gun laws and generally less rigid rules across the eastern border.
Of course, I'd would throw the book at him. He'd lose his right to own guns having in this instance shown such a flagrant disregard for the law. This is the kind of guy who does what he wants, obeys the laws that are convenient or unavoidable, and for the rest he either ignores or circumvents.
The question is how rare of a type of gun owner is he? Do you think he might be fairly representative of gun owners at large?
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Murder Suicide in Detroit - 3 Dead
Although it's not your typical domestic incident, the shooter killed a neighbor, his grandfather and himself, it is yet another example of too many guns in the hands of the wrong people.
What's your opinion? Do you see no connection between this problem and the gun rights movement, which makes obtaining guns by criminals easier?
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What's your opinion? Do you see no connection between this problem and the gun rights movement, which makes obtaining guns by criminals easier?
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Protocols of the Elders of Gunloonery
Got some interesting comments to my questions posed in this post. Specifically, this question:
And we have another echoing the myth of Jewish Bolshevism. Jewish Bolshevism, for those who don't know, is a negative stereotype created in the early part of the last century to attack Judaism as the leading force behind communism. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised because the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a staple at many gun shows.
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Gun show gear |
If guns could have prevented the Holocaust as gunloons assert, why do almost all of the major Jewish organizations favor gun control? Why does the NRA list these groups as "enemies?"From Aztec Red:
Because those groups are composed of professional victims. What better way to promote victimhood than to ensure that more people are disarmed?From Robert Farago:
But to answer your question, these Jewish orgs are utopians. Same affliction that led so many Jews to become communists and fellow travelers.Wow. We have one commenter claiming Jews or Jewish organizations are "professional victims."
And we have another echoing the myth of Jewish Bolshevism. Jewish Bolshevism, for those who don't know, is a negative stereotype created in the early part of the last century to attack Judaism as the leading force behind communism. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised because the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a staple at many gun shows.
Questions for Gunloons

CCW holders often claim they need guns to protect themselves and their families when they are out in public. Yet, the wives and children of these gunloons rarely have CCW permits. Does this mean the CCW holder is with his wife and children 24/7?
Gunloons claim they need firearms to prevent "tyranny." But who gets to decide when tyranny exists? After all, NRA member Timmy McVeigh decided the Govt ahd lapsed into tyranny. Things did not go his way.
Gunloons claim to revere Democracy and freedom. But is a society truly democratic and free when partisans insist on waving firearms during political rallies?
Monday, November 29, 2010
Rendell's Veto
Pennsylvania gun owners must hate this. Too bad they're wrong and the gov is right.
It's no wonder gun owners like the castle doctrine so much. It fits right in with the don't-tread-on-me, these-are-my-rights mentality that most of them have. All this stems from insecurity and fear, naturally they need as much empowering as they can get.
Governor Rendell described it perfectly.
Claiming the bill advanced a "shoot first, ask questions later mentality," Gov. Ed Rendell on Saturday vetoed legislation expanding self-defense protections.
The bill would have provided the same right to use lethal force in self-defense outside and inside the home.
The so-called castle doctrine in state law gives people the right to shoot an intruder in their home or office without retreat. The bill would have extended that protection to locations such as driveways, streets and parks if a person was confronted by an assailant intent on inflicting death or bodily injury.
It's no wonder gun owners like the castle doctrine so much. It fits right in with the don't-tread-on-me, these-are-my-rights mentality that most of them have. All this stems from insecurity and fear, naturally they need as much empowering as they can get.
Governor Rendell described it perfectly.
"The bill as passed encourages the use of deadly force, even when safe retreat is available, and advances a shoot first, ask questions later mentality," said Rendell, a former Philadelphia district attorney.What's your opinion? Please leave a comment.
Chicago - Home Invasion, Gun Misfires
This is an unusual story.
I'll bet these incidents usually go unreported, which would mean there's a lot more gun play out there than is reported in the news. What do you think?
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It made me wonder how often something like this happens. Criminals probably don't take care of their weapons like the lawful guys do, wouldn't you say? Their guns must misfire more frequently.Charles Wilson said he felt the cool barrel of a gun pressed against the back of his head moments after his sister's ex-boyfriend stormed into the family's West Englewood house last week and demanded to see her.
Wilson, 17, said he wasn't scared and expected to be shot by Antonio Smith.
But, when Smith, 29, pulled the trigger, "It just clicked."
I'll bet these incidents usually go unreported, which would mean there's a lot more gun play out there than is reported in the news. What do you think?
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American Mercenary Represents the State of Gunloon Scholarship
American Mercenary:
American Rifleman (NRA official publication, March 1968, p. 22):
Remember, he who has the guns makes the rules. And the GCA 34 was translated from German and implemented here by a Socialist President and Legislature. It can happen. And you are working to make it happen.M'kay. Notice there are no cites or references to back up this claim. Here, AM, lemme show you how it's done:
American Rifleman (NRA official publication, March 1968, p. 22):
"The NRA supported The National Firearms Act of 1934 which taxes and requires registration of such firearms as machine guns, sawed-off rifles and sawed-off shotguns..."
"The NRA supported The Federal Firearms Act of 1938, which regulates interstate and foreign commerce in firearms and pistol or revolver ammunition..."
"The duty of Congress is clear," Orth said, "it should act now to pass legislation that will keep undesirables, including criminals, drug addicts and persons adjudged mentally irresponsible or alcoholic, or juveniles from obtaining firearms through the mails."Hmmm.
Bad History
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American Mercenary's Photo of Founding Fathers |
The so-called American Mercenary brings the weird to new levels.
First, he claims gun control hasn't worked in countries like Japan, the UK, Germany and several other nations. Of course, the facts don't back him up. He attempts the strawman of 'Japan has gun control but people still get shot.' Yes, they do. Of course, AM neglects to mention a whole lot less get shot but those are just details. Nevermind the fact that you are only 208 times more likely to be a gun homicide victim in the US as you are in Japan. Somehow, this proves gun control doesn't work.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Rights of 18 to 20-Year-Olds
In a fascinating open letter to the editors of the New York Times which was posted on the Seeking Liberty blogger fmaidment had this to say about their stance on 18 to 20-year-olds getting gun licenses in Texas.
If we're just trying to expand gun rights regardless of what's best for everyone involved, I still say no. Perhaps gun owners should be happy with what they have now and stop pushing for nonsensical expansions of their rights.
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Well, I've got an idea. If we're interested in what age most people can safely and responsibly own and use guns, let's make it 30. I realize the 29-year-old fmaidment won't like that very much, and of course he'll refer to the Founding Fathers and the Constitution and especially its sacred 2nd Amendment, but that's too bad.Shame on the New York Times for printing such a belligerent editorial! Shame on the New York Times for arguing for the continued abridgement of the Constitutional rights of America’s lawful gun owners and the law-abiding citizens 18-20 years of age.
If we're just trying to expand gun rights regardless of what's best for everyone involved, I still say no. Perhaps gun owners should be happy with what they have now and stop pushing for nonsensical expansions of their rights.
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4-Year-Old in Liberty, Pennsylvania Dead
And the kid was the son of a police officer.
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No more guns for this guy is what I say. What about you, what do you think? Is prison appropriate for a guy like that with four other kids to support?Officer John Thompson and three of his five children were in the F Street home about noon when the boy, Gavin, apparently went off on his own, found the pistol Thompson kept in a closet and accidentally shot himself once.
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If You Think Linoge is Something
Get a load of this guy. American Mercenary wrote a short post entitled, "How to reduce gun crime," and labeled "snark." I commented. Then he let me have it, but good.
Well, I do admit to downplaying that part of it. AM is too sharp for me. What I call "inconvenience," he perceives as onerous. Fair enough. What I don't accept is that gun control doesn't work. That's the key point. That's what he and his friends refuse to accept and admit because their whole argument depends on that, doesn't it? If they admitted gun control works and still opposed it, what would that make them?
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He turned the comments into another post in order to add what he'd apparently forgotten first time around, basically that my idea of reasonable restrictions already affects him.Blame me all you want. I'm fine with being disconcerting. If everybody likes me I am obviously not doing my job.
Gun control doesn't work. It hasn't worked here in the US, overseas in the UK, South Africa, Germany, Finland, Australia, India, and even Japan.
Japan still has gun deaths, even with all the "reasonable" restrictions you want. A professional pig hunter was arrested and had his single rifle confiscated because he allowed a television reporter to hold it during an interview. How reasonable is that?
After the Civil War the KKK started up to oppress blacks, and white souther lawmakers began the first round of gun control in the US, to keep the "uppity niggers" from having access to firearms. From the point of view of the bigots, it was a "reasonable restriction".
If you don't think allowing niggers to have guns was a political nightmare, reference the Dredd Scott decision. "It would give to persons of the negro race, ...the right to enter every other State whenever they pleased, ...the full liberty of speech in public and in private upon all subjects upon which its own citizens might speak; to hold public meetings upon political affairs, and to keep and carry arms wherever they went."
And it just isn't blacks, it was Jews in Europe. Primo Levi wrote that "After Auschwitz, every man must have a gun." Because he lived through being disarmed, lived through a concentration camp. He survived, millions didn't. The Bielski's survived, and they fought, it was long and hard, but they did what was right.
And after the Jews in Europe it was the Hutu's in Africa, the Montagnards of Vietnam. History has a thousand lessons of the unarmed being slaughtered by the lack of mercy and humanity of government. Armenians by the Turks. Ethnic Chinese by the Khmer Rouge. The Trail of Tears didn't happen because the Supreme Court allowed it, it happened because a man with a gun did what he wanted anyways and damn the law. That man was our elected President.
So you say you want to make life safer. Fine, good for you. But you live in a big playpen of civilization which has a very short shelf life if push comes to shove. I recommend you travel the world, or talk to a Cherokee or Sioux about the mercy of the Government.
Remember, he who has the guns makes the rules. And the GCA 34 was translated from German and implemented here by a Socialist President and Legislature. It can happen. And you are working to make it happen.
And if it takes my life, the life of my loved ones, the blood of my children, I will fight you to the bitter end. Because freedom is worth the cost. I have seen the cost of your "reasonable restrictions", and it is too high a price to pay.
Well, I do admit to downplaying that part of it. AM is too sharp for me. What I call "inconvenience," he perceives as onerous. Fair enough. What I don't accept is that gun control doesn't work. That's the key point. That's what he and his friends refuse to accept and admit because their whole argument depends on that, doesn't it? If they admitted gun control works and still opposed it, what would that make them?
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A Warning for Gun-Rights Activists
What goes around, comes around. This story about how retired Justice Stevens changed his mind on capital punishment is a perfect example of what can happen on the gun control issue. But before that happens, some of the old boys will be replaced with more reasonable men (or women). That's my prediction.
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A Super Sincere Apology to Tam
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"Gunloon?!? Oh my. What barabarians!" |
Seeing as how y'all are all about the rude pejoratives here (I've never called you names, like "antigun loon",) I think I'm done here.
Good evening.
Good evening, indeed.
I fear I have behaved in a most atrocious manner; I wish I could turn back the hands of the clock to undo the unseemly and unkind damage I've done by typing that most unspeakable of terms. After all, folks like Jay Grazio, Andy Johnston, Jon C. Sullivan, Robb Allen, Roy Kubicek, etc. never, never, ever use pejoratives. Ever. Never.
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