Saturday, December 26, 2015

"Guns Don't Kill People, Americans Kill People"

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So what is it about us? It’s clear that the NRA is actually half-right in their slogan, “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” We just need to modify that to: “Guns don’t kill people — Americans kill people.”
It’s not the movies or the video games or the gruesome crime scene photos on CSI that drive us Americans to kill each other. It’s fear. Why would one want to own a gun in the first place? Well, fear of being robbed or assaulted or killed. Wanting to protect yourself or your family. You know, “just in case.”
But in case of what? Remember, the statistics show that the most dangerous threat to you is sitting over there on the couch right now. We have nearly 123 million homes in the US. There are only about 600 home invasions here each year that result in a gun-related death. And in nearly half of those incidents, the deceased was killed by the gun that was in the house to protect… the deceased!

Friday, December 25, 2015

Virginia to Stop Recognizing Concealed Gun Permits From 25 States


Virginia will no longer recognize concealed-handgun permits issued by 25 other states, its attorney general announced Tuesday, a stark change in a state known for its expansive gun rights.
Attorney General Mark R. Herring, a Democrat and a strong proponent of gun restrictions, used his authority under state law to bar permit-holding residents of the 25 states, which span the country from Alaska to Florida, from carrying concealed weapons in Virginia. He is revoking Virginia’s so-called reciprocity agreements with those states.
“We hear that we don’t need new gun laws, we just need to enforce the ones we have,” Mr. Herring said in a telephone interview, echoing the argument of the gun rights movement. “Well, I’m going to be enforcing the ones we have.”
Mr. Herring made the decision, his office said in a statement, after “months of research and evaluation,” including an audit of 30 states whose concealed-handgun permits have been considered valid in Virginia. All but five of them, he said, grant permits to people who would be barred from carrying concealed weapons in Virginia. He called revoking the agreements a “common-sense step.”

Everytown for Gun Safety Christmas Day Gun Ad

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Police Dogs

Merry Christmas

Judge upholds Seattle ‘gun violence tax,’ dismisses NRA suit

Washington Post