Saturday, September 7, 2013
Florida Man Cites ‘Bush Doctrine’ and Stand Your Ground After Pre-emptive Killing of Neighbors at Labor Day Cookout

Lawyers for a Florida man this week cited President George W. Bush’s pre-emptive war in Iraq and the “Bush Doctrine” as a defense after their client killed two neighbors and attempted to kill a third on Labor Day.
Florida Today reported on Wednesday that attorney’s for William T. Woodward had filed a motion asking for charges against him to be dismissed under Florida’s Stand Your Ground law, which says that gun owners do not have a duty to retreat in the face of an “imminent” threat.
According to officials in Titusville, Woodward had snuck up on his neighbors while they were having a Labor Day barbecue. Police responding to the scene found that Gary Lee Hembree, Roger Picior and Bruce Timothy had all been shot.
Hembree and Picior were later pronounced dead. Blake survived, even though he had been hit 11 times.
In their motion, Woodward’s attorneys claimed that the victims had called him names and threatened to “get him.”
Two Raving Lunatics Discuss Current Affairs - Alex Jones and Larry Pratt
Larry Pratt is all over the place, Obamacare, taxes, Republican infighting, Al Queda, Syria. And, in the greatest hypocrisy of all time, Pratt says "80% of our fellow Americans think it's nuts to go into Syria." But, when a similar percentage wanted universal background checks it meant nothing, remember?
Consistent with the theme of the Alex Jones Show, Larry Pratt posits that Obama's motive for going into all these wars is" to diminish the United States' ability to operate on the world scene, to pull us down many pegs."
I have another theory, which I learned from George Carlin. The Military Industrial Complex is pulling Obama's strings as if he were their puppet.
What do you think? Please leave a comment.
Armed Protesters Might Be Coming To Your Neighborhood To Pass Out Candy To Children
Think Progress
The group Gun Rights Across America issued a nationwide call for gun owners to stand outside their homes with firearms in their hands on October 19. The event urges the armed protesters to “pass out candy or lemonade to the kids riding their bikes, and playing in the neighborhoods.” As of this Wednesday, 2,000 people have RSVPed for the event, “Guns Next Door,” on Facebook.
“We want you to strap on a holstered handgun to your hip, and give one hour of your day to making our presence as law abiding gun owners known. This is a family event too. Feel free to strap on a plastic red gun onto your children as well,” the group wrote for its Facebook event.
Maybe some of those kids will be able to reach out and touch those Glocks.
New Hampshire Open Carrier Arrested for Disorderly Conduct
Johnathon Irish, center, was lawfully carrying a pistol at Harbour Women's Health on June 27, police said, after a large response by law enforcement. Elizabeth Dinan file photo/NFS
Local news reports
A Brentwood man is charged with two counts of disorderly conduct related to a June incident when police were called to the Harbour Women’s Health clinic for a report that a gun was being waved during an argument.
Naturally he denied upholstering the gun and admitted only to "arguing." The lawyers will take care of everything, I'm sure.
Irish was involved in a similar incident on July 4, 2011, when he open-carried a pistol at a naturalization ceremony in Strawbery Banke Museum attended by a former governor and a retired Supreme Court judge. Detective Rochelle Jones was commended for coaxing Irish and his open-carrying girlfriend to leave at the request of management for Strawbery Banke, which is private property.
Irish told the Herald at the time that he and his girlfriend always wear their weapons openly, as allowed by New Hampshire law. His first firearms training came from the Portsmouth Police Department when he was a Hampton Falls resident and a teenage member of the Police Explorers, he said.
“We go everywhere carrying,” Irish said. “We don’t carry our weapons to be big and bad and to intimidate everyone. The only one who is going to protect us is us. It’s legally allowed, and we’re not some dumb, backwoods idiots who decided to get some guns.”Did you like that one, "dumb, backwoods idiots"? I'm not the only one who disparages the stereotypical gun owners we read about everyday. Even rude Yankee gun nuts do that.
And another thing, I thought gun owners were supposed to be more polite than everybody else and avoid arguments? Doesn't the burden of responsibility of carrying a firearm demand it?
What's your opinion? Please leave a comment.
Pennsylvania 8-Year-old Declared Brain Dead after Being Accidentally Shot by Younger Kid - Still No Adults Charged
A coroner in south-central Pennsylvania says an 8-year-old boy has been declared brain-dead four days after a younger boy accidentally shot him in a Shippensburg-area home.
Cumberland County Coroner Charles Hall said Friday that the boy was being kept on life support at Hershey Medical Center, where his organs were to be harvested for transplantation.
Police have said the child was shot by a 6-year-old boy on Sunday while an adult slept.
Police documents allege the home wasn't fit for children because of trash and debris.
No charges have been filed in the case.
Gunloon Babes--NRA Hero George Zimmerman on the Market
Hey, Gunloon Babes---NRA Hero George Zimmerman is on the market shortly!
This means Breda, Tammy, Jennifer L. Cruz and literally tens of other pistol-packin' mommas have a shot at the NRA golden ring.
And who wouldn't want this hunk o' gun-totin', child shooting, stud?
Adam Pollock, a gym owner and a trainer in the mixed martial arts and its component disciplines, testified that he had taught the "physically soft" Zimmerman some elementary grappling, boxing and conditioning classes for about a year. He said Zimmerman was a "rank beginner" whose overall skills he would rate as "point-5," less than 1 on a scale of 1-to-10. Zimmerman, he said, was diligent in practice, lost weight and got into better shape. But because of his lack of previous athletic prowess,
This means Breda, Tammy, Jennifer L. Cruz and literally tens of other pistol-packin' mommas have a shot at the NRA golden ring.
And who wouldn't want this hunk o' gun-totin', child shooting, stud?
Adam Pollock, a gym owner and a trainer in the mixed martial arts and its component disciplines, testified that he had taught the "physically soft" Zimmerman some elementary grappling, boxing and conditioning classes for about a year. He said Zimmerman was a "rank beginner" whose overall skills he would rate as "point-5," less than 1 on a scale of 1-to-10. Zimmerman, he said, was diligent in practice, lost weight and got into better shape. But because of his lack of previous athletic prowess,
![]() |
Gunloon Stud |
Friday, September 6, 2013
Jennifer L. Cruz of Guns.Com-Not Very Bright (Part 4)
Following up on my series detailing the very silly writings of the very silly Jennifer L. Cruz, today we explore the Kates/Mauser "scholarship" WRT suicide.
No, no, no, Ms Cruz. You have badly misread and misquoted what Kates and Mauser wrote. Here's what they actually wrote:
It is interesting to note that Kates/Mauser footnote 44 actually notes the Brady Law caused a decrease in suicides and doesn't support the idea that if one method of suicide is unavailable then a suicidal person will be pushed to some other means.
In fact, the evidence is overwhelming that most suicides are impulsive acts; that is, if a suicidal person is somehow deterred or prevented from a suicidal impulse, most won't commit suicide. Additionally, states where gun ownership is more prevalent have higher suicide rates.
The highly debated issue of suicide was explored as well. The World Health Organization ascertains, “The easy availability of firearms has been associated with higher firearm mortality rates.” While this is true, removing the firearm does not remove the suicide risk. The study points out that, “The evidence, however, indicates that denying one particular means to people who are motivated to commit suicide by social, economic, cultural, or other circumstances simply pushes them to some other means,” concluding that there is “no social benefit in decreasing the availability of guns if the result is only to increase the use of other means of suicide and murder, more or less resulting in the same amount of death.”
No, no, no, Ms Cruz. You have badly misread and misquoted what Kates and Mauser wrote. Here's what they actually wrote:
Epitomizing this theme is a World Health Organization (WHO) report assert‐
ing, “The easy availability of firearms has been associated with higher firearm mortality rates.”43 The authors, in noting that the presence of a gun in a home corresponds to a higher
risk of suicide, apparently assume that if denied firearms, potential suicides will decide to live rather than turning to the numerous alternative suicide mechanisms. The evidence,
however, indicates that denying one particular means to people who are motivated to commit suicide by social, economic, cultural, or other circumstances simply pushes them to some other means.44
It is interesting to note that Kates/Mauser footnote 44 actually notes the Brady Law caused a decrease in suicides and doesn't support the idea that if one method of suicide is unavailable then a suicidal person will be pushed to some other means.
In fact, the evidence is overwhelming that most suicides are impulsive acts; that is, if a suicidal person is somehow deterred or prevented from a suicidal impulse, most won't commit suicide. Additionally, states where gun ownership is more prevalent have higher suicide rates.
Alan Grayson on Syria
Fuck Conservatives
Alan Grayson, the best thing to ever come out of Florida, said, "We can't go to war by mistake - again."
Alan Grayson, the best thing to ever come out of Florida, said, "We can't go to war by mistake - again."
Murder - Attempted Murder - Suicide in Maryland

Local news reports
Ryan Shallue has been identified as the man behind the Salisbury, Md., shooting that left former Salisbury University student Charles Abbott dead and student Kristen Loetz wounded before he turned the gun on himself.
Drunk Concealed Carry Permit Holder in Seattle Loses It
Komo News reports via Southern Beale
According to the police report for the incident, the bartender was putting away his business' deck furniture in the 1900 block of First Avenue around 12:30 a.m. when the suspect walked up to him and started moving things around, such as the chain and poles separating the business from the sidewalk.
The bartender later told officers he asked the suspect to stop messing with things, and the highly intoxicated suspect responded by yelling, "Hey, it's a free country!"
According to the report, the bartender and suspect continued to "trash talk" while the bartender was stacking chairs. Eventually, the suspect turned things physical by pushing the stack of chairs into the bartender's face, causing a gash that would require stitches, according to the report.
The two men started fighting, eventually falling to the ground and rolling into the middle of the street.
According to the report, the suspect's pistol fell out of his hip holster during the fight and skittered across the pavement. An employee at a business next door heard the bartender's cries for help, grabbed the gun and called 911.
When officers arrived, they found the bartender and the employee from next door holding the screaming suspect down.
According to the report, the next-door employee handed the gun over to police, and officers handcuffed the suspect, who refused to calm down.
A quick check on the suspect and his gun revealed it was registered to him and he had a valid concealed weapons permit for it. In addition to the gun, the suspect also had a number of work-related knives on him.
The suspect was arrested and booked into King County Jail.
According to the police report for the incident, the bartender was putting away his business' deck furniture in the 1900 block of First Avenue around 12:30 a.m. when the suspect walked up to him and started moving things around, such as the chain and poles separating the business from the sidewalk.
The bartender later told officers he asked the suspect to stop messing with things, and the highly intoxicated suspect responded by yelling, "Hey, it's a free country!"
According to the report, the bartender and suspect continued to "trash talk" while the bartender was stacking chairs. Eventually, the suspect turned things physical by pushing the stack of chairs into the bartender's face, causing a gash that would require stitches, according to the report.
The two men started fighting, eventually falling to the ground and rolling into the middle of the street.
According to the report, the suspect's pistol fell out of his hip holster during the fight and skittered across the pavement. An employee at a business next door heard the bartender's cries for help, grabbed the gun and called 911.
When officers arrived, they found the bartender and the employee from next door holding the screaming suspect down.
According to the report, the next-door employee handed the gun over to police, and officers handcuffed the suspect, who refused to calm down.
A quick check on the suspect and his gun revealed it was registered to him and he had a valid concealed weapons permit for it. In addition to the gun, the suspect also had a number of work-related knives on him.
The suspect was arrested and booked into King County Jail.
Pennsylvania Concealed Carry Permit Holder Involved in Hit-and Run Road Rage Incident - One Person Shot - No Charges
A man is in stable condition at a local hospital following a suspected road rage incident in Southwest Philadelphia late Wednesday night.
Police say that a road rage incident sparked an argument and then a fight between two men that ended with a 37-year-old man being shot in the arm.
Authorities are calling the shooting -- which happened around 11:30 p.m. on the 6400-block of Grays Avenue -- accidental.
They say that the victim was involved in an accident with a 48-year-old and that he fled the scene.
The older man followed the victim and when he got out of his car near his house, the two began fighting. It was then the victim was pistol-whipped and hit in the wrist with a bullet from a gun that went off accidentally, according to police.
A witness was able to flag down an officer quickly and that officer arrived on the scene to find the 48-year-old man with the weapon, according to police.
The victim is recovering in the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.
Police say the alleged gunman has a license to carry.
No one has been charged in the shooting.
I'm not sure from this poorly written article which one of them had the gun. What do you think?
One thing for sure, whichever one it was did not act the way concealed carry permit holders are supposed to act. Am I right?
But never fear, no charges have been filed. That means this poor example of a licensed gun owner will have more opportunities to prove his worth.
Georgia 20-Year-old - A Lawful Gun Owner - Negligently Shoots Himself and his Buddy - Naturally No Charges
Two Worth County men were cleaning guns together when a pistol accidentally discharged, causing injuries to both men, Worth officials say.
#According to Lt. Ronnie Graddy with the criminal investigation division of the Sylvester Police Department, the incident occurred Wednesday at the home of Jonathan Long, 22, on Lakeview Drive in Sylvester. At around 9:50 p.m., Long was cleaning some handguns with his neighbor Curtis Creel, 20, when the .40 caliber handgun Creel was holding accidentally fired, Graddy said.
#Police reports state that the bullet then struck Creel in one hand, passed through a cell phone and into Long’s thigh. Both Creel and Long were transported by Worth County EMS to Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital for treatment. Injuries were not life threatening, officials said. No charges were filed.
Well, that's the important thing. We must ensure that these two bumbling idiots continue to own and operate firearms. It's their right.
Given their tender ages, do you really think this will be the last time they ever misuse a gun?
Thursday, September 5, 2013
More Fun With States - The Corruption Index

Business Insider
This weekend, the New York Times' Nick Madigan called Florida a "hothouse of corruption," reporting the Sunshine State saw the greatest number of people convicted of public corruption between 2000 and 2010.
That's technically true. But it's not the full story.
To get a true sense of the most corrupt state, we need to know how many convictions there have been on a population basis.
So we went back to Justice Department data cited by Madigan, to see which states saw the greatest number of convictions per 100,000 (Madigan actually appears to cite slightly outdated data; the latest covers the period between 2002 and 2011).
No. 1? Louisiana, with nearly 9 convictions per 100,000 people.
The states with the fewest conviction rates were South Carolina, Oregon, Washington, New Hampshire, Minnesota and Utah, each with no more than 1.3 convictions per 100,000.
And Florida? Only the 20th-most corrupt, with 3.28 convictions per 100,000 — basically, just a bit above average.
Legitimate DGU - Missouri Store Clerk Thwarts an Armed Robbery
Local news reports
An armed man entered the store and pointed a gun at Jon Alexander. But the clerk, a 30-year veteran of the military, quickly pushed the robber’s gun away and drew his own — placing the gun at the robber’s mouth.
Well, I guess you could call that pointing a gun at the store clerk, but it really looked more like a slow-motion attempt at intimidation. That has to be one of the poorest excuses for an attempted armed robbery in history.
Nevertheless, the hero acted brilliantly. Kudos to Jon Alexander for not shooting the bumbling would-be thief.
But, what if the store clerk had shot him? What would the pro-gun crowd say about that? Clearly they would have called it a good shoot and "good riddance to bad rubbish." That's their typical response, which given this video is shown for the barbaric, unthinking, stupidity it is.
However, leaving the hypothetical scenarios aside, I unequivocally award a legitimate DGU to Jon Akexander, veteran of foreign wars and proud gun owner.
What's your opinion? Please leave a comment.
Texas Gun Owner Owes $100K Over Toddler's Death
Courthouse News Reports
A man who let toddlers play alone in an office where there was a loaded gun owes $100,000 to the father who found his son's "brain on the floor," a Texas appeals court ruled.
John Burton had brought his wife and two children, 2-year-old John Edward and 4-year-old Nicole, to Ft. Bend Collision Auto Repair on March 5, 2008. While Burton loaded scrap metal onto a trailer, his wife painted an office and the shop's owner, Daniel Plasencia, let the children into another office on the premises to play.
Later on, Burton heard a shot, ran to the room where his children were playing, and found his son John Edward dead, next to a shotgun.
Burton testified that, after hearing the gunshot, "I jumped off the trailer, went to the office, and I seen my son's brain on the floor. ... I seen the shotgun on the floor as I picked up my son and took him out."
The court also affirmed the award, finding it would "fairly and reasonably compensate Burton" for his son's death.
A man who let toddlers play alone in an office where there was a loaded gun owes $100,000 to the father who found his son's "brain on the floor," a Texas appeals court ruled.
John Burton had brought his wife and two children, 2-year-old John Edward and 4-year-old Nicole, to Ft. Bend Collision Auto Repair on March 5, 2008. While Burton loaded scrap metal onto a trailer, his wife painted an office and the shop's owner, Daniel Plasencia, let the children into another office on the premises to play.
Later on, Burton heard a shot, ran to the room where his children were playing, and found his son John Edward dead, next to a shotgun.
Burton testified that, after hearing the gunshot, "I jumped off the trailer, went to the office, and I seen my son's brain on the floor. ... I seen the shotgun on the floor as I picked up my son and took him out."
The court also affirmed the award, finding it would "fairly and reasonably compensate Burton" for his son's death.
West Virginia Grandma Charged with Involuntary Manslaughter in the Shooting Death of her Grandson
Local news reports further to our earlier post
A 57-year-old Salem woman was indicted Wednesday in the death of her 11-year-old grandson.
Tina D. Owens was charged with involuntary manslaughter in one of several indictments handed up to Harrison Circuit Judge John Lewis Marks Jr.
Owens thought she heard potential intruders outside her house, and fired a .40-caliber handgun three times during the nighttime hours, Harrison Prosecutor Joe Shaffer said.
Harrison Sheriff’s Lt. P.B. McCarty, who investigated, believes one of those bullets traveled about 200 yards toward her son’s home, through the press board shell and a section of drywall, and struck the boy in his upper body.
The bullet struck vital organs and arteries, resulting in the child’s death, Shaffer said.
The case was presented to the grand jury first rather than law enforcement filing a charge initially in magistrate court.
Because of that, bond will be addressed for the first time during the arraignment of Owens next week. Shaffer anticipates his office will seek a personal recognizance bond.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Jennifer L. Cruz of Guns.Com-Not Very Bright (Part 3)
In Part 1 and Part 2, I sagely took the dim Ms. Cruz to task for her cheerleading effort regarding a rather dated and discredited Kates and Mauser op/ed.
Today, we have some fun with points from the Mauser/Kates op/ed the hapless Ms. Cruz parrots without question. First up:
See the trick here? Kates/Mauser pretend there was no difference between the Soviet Union and Russia of the post-Soviet era. In reality, crime in the Soviet Union was fairly low for a number of reasons. Punishment was draconian for even relatively minor offenses. Additionally, one could be imprisoned merely on suspicion of being a criminal or hooligan.Third, the Soviet system demanded its citizens to inform on those who might be engaged in criminal or anti-Soviet activity--under punishment of the law.
Nor was the Soviet Union "gun-less," especially in rural areas where hunting was encouraged. When the Soviet Union collapsed in the late-1980s, crime did soar because there was a power vacuum and laws were either not enforced or lightly enforced.
This is what is known as a lie. We can easily dispense with Ms. Cruz's lie by looking up Burglary in the UK. Here, we see that burglary--depending on degree and intent--is punished just as severely or more so as the US. What Ms. Cruz is apparently confused about is a "minor crime" statute enacted several years ago which allowed minors (under 18) committing "minor crimes: (such as graffiti) to pay a fine if they have no previous criminal record.
Next up: suicide.
Today, we have some fun with points from the Mauser/Kates op/ed the hapless Ms. Cruz parrots without question. First up:
In another instance, the study compares the U.S. with Russia. It cites that once the Soviet Union succeeded in disarming the majority of civilians, beginning in the 1960s murder rates skyrocketed. By the 1990s murder rates had become so high that the basically gun-less Russia was left with the highest murder rate of the civilized world, three times higher than that of the U.S., despite the country’s long-standing strict and stringent gun control policies.
See the trick here? Kates/Mauser pretend there was no difference between the Soviet Union and Russia of the post-Soviet era. In reality, crime in the Soviet Union was fairly low for a number of reasons. Punishment was draconian for even relatively minor offenses. Additionally, one could be imprisoned merely on suspicion of being a criminal or hooligan.Third, the Soviet system demanded its citizens to inform on those who might be engaged in criminal or anti-Soviet activity--under punishment of the law.
Nor was the Soviet Union "gun-less," especially in rural areas where hunting was encouraged. When the Soviet Union collapsed in the late-1980s, crime did soar because there was a power vacuum and laws were either not enforced or lightly enforced.
In addition, England’s most recent crime statistics have been grossly misrepresented. In 2006 the criminal justice system, in an attempt to conserve resources, initiated a policy in which the police would no longer investigate “minor” crimes, such as burglary and minor assault. If a mugger, robber, burglar or others engaged in minor criminal activities are caught, the police simply give them a warning – a virtual slap on the wrist – then send them on their way, without filing charges, arresting or prosecuting them. In other words, crime has not gone down in England, but rather “minor” crimes are simply no longer counted as crime.
This is what is known as a lie. We can easily dispense with Ms. Cruz's lie by looking up Burglary in the UK. Here, we see that burglary--depending on degree and intent--is punished just as severely or more so as the US. What Ms. Cruz is apparently confused about is a "minor crime" statute enacted several years ago which allowed minors (under 18) committing "minor crimes: (such as graffiti) to pay a fine if they have no previous criminal record.
Next up: suicide.
"Ask a Slave"
In the "People in the US are historically ignorant and found of their founding myths department", I bring you "Ask a Slave":
Actress and comedian Azie Mira Dungey used to work as a historical re-enactor at Mount Vernon. Since George Washington's old stomping grounds are staffed with people acting out roles they might have had during the George Washington days. Since Dungey is black, she played the role of a slave named Lizzy Mae. Now, she's made her experiences fielding actual stupid questions from actual stupid tourists into a video series that not only invites laughter, it encourages people to think a little harder about how we lionize the Founding Fathers as paragons of morality and look at the past.
Dungey reflects back on that time period.
I ask you to remember the racial tension that was all around. We had people saying that the President would be planting watermelons on the White House lawn. Emails were forwarded proclaiming that this was the beginning of a race war and the end of the country as we know it. People bought guns. (A lot of guns.) A scientist reported the evolutionary explanation as to why black women were the least attractive of all the races. The Oprah Show ended. It was mass chaos.
And in the midst of all this, I was playing a slave. Everyday, I was literally playing a slave. I mean, I was getting paid well for it, don’t get me wrong, and we all need a day job. But all the same, I was having all these experiences, and emotions. Talking to 100s of people a day about what it was like to be black in 18th Century America. And then returning to the 21st Century and reflecting on what had and had not changed.
founding myths,
US History
Guns for the Disabled

First, I must admit that I’m relatively new to the world of guns. But I am an expert on disabilities, and the convergence of gun ownership and being handicapped is the focus of this article.
For 46 out of my 57 years, I have learned to cope with the devastating effects of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. Four total hip replacements, two knee replacements and reconstructive hand surgeries have awarded me an advanced degree in dealing with a major disability.
Nearly four years ago, I set out to find a pistol that would be an appropriate home defense weapon when my condition worsened and forced me to retire on permanent disability.
Feeling more vulnerable than ever before in my life, I thought a gun purchase would not only alleviate my fears but also allow me to take up target shooting as a new hobby to enjoy now that I had time on my hands. My journey introduced me to all the major gun manufacturers and calibers.
Is it possible for someone like the man pictured or the author of the article (I'm not sure if they're the same) to own and use guns safely?What's your opinion? Please leave a comment.
Jennifer L. Cruz of Guns.Com--Not Very Bright (Part 2)
The other day we began an examination of Jennifer L. Cruz's not-so-bright article on the not-so- recent Kates-Mauser op/ed.
One of Ms. Cruz's featured points involved Luxembourg. To wit, Ms. Cruz asserted that tiny Luxembourg with admittedly restrictive gun laws fared no better- indeed, worse- than larger Germany with less restrictive gun laws with respect to gun homicides.
Of course, Ms. Cruz advertises herself as a "researcher" which apparently means she has the same credentials as a medical doctor, lawyer, astronaut, or professional jai alai player. Let's look at the facts:
Ms. Cruz used a table from the Kates-Mauser op/ed:
Note Luxembourg. It's key to Ms. Cruz's "research."
As we see the table plainly says Luxembourg has a murder rate of over 9 people per 100,000 people (2002).
But here's where a real, actual, honest to God, semi-sober , not in the bag, totally unfucked-up "researcher" might have done her homework.
The actual murder rate for Luxembourg (2002) was 0.9 not 9.01 as asserted by professional researcher, Jennifer L. Cruz. Which renders her further conclusions about guns, gun control and all matters rather moot -or silly. BTW, Kates and Mauser , in subsequent editions of their op/ed, omitted Luxembourg.
More to follow as Jennifer L. Cruz is simply a goldmine of foolishness.
One of Ms. Cruz's featured points involved Luxembourg. To wit, Ms. Cruz asserted that tiny Luxembourg with admittedly restrictive gun laws fared no better- indeed, worse- than larger Germany with less restrictive gun laws with respect to gun homicides.
Of course, Ms. Cruz advertises herself as a "researcher" which apparently means she has the same credentials as a medical doctor, lawyer, astronaut, or professional jai alai player. Let's look at the facts:
Ms. Cruz used a table from the Kates-Mauser op/ed:
Note Luxembourg. It's key to Ms. Cruz's "research."
As we see the table plainly says Luxembourg has a murder rate of over 9 people per 100,000 people (2002).
But here's where a real, actual, honest to God, semi-sober , not in the bag, totally unfucked-up "researcher" might have done her homework.
The actual murder rate for Luxembourg (2002) was 0.9 not 9.01 as asserted by professional researcher, Jennifer L. Cruz. Which renders her further conclusions about guns, gun control and all matters rather moot -or silly. BTW, Kates and Mauser , in subsequent editions of their op/ed, omitted Luxembourg.
More to follow as Jennifer L. Cruz is simply a goldmine of foolishness.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Painkiller Addictions Worst Drug Epidemic in US History
Prescriptions for painkillers in the United States have nearly tripled in the past two decades and fatal overdoses reached epidemic levels, exceeding those from heroin and cocaine combined, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
At the same time, the first-ever global analysis of illicit drug abuse, published this month in the British medical journal The Lancet, found that addictions to heroin and popular painkillers, including Vicodin and OxyContin, kill the most people and cause the greatest health burden, compared with illicit drugs such as marijuana and cocaine.
High-income nations, such as the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia, had the highest rates of abuse, 20 times greater than in the least affected countries, according to the Lancet study.
In the United States, enough painkillers were prescribed in 2010 to medicate every American adult around the clock for one month.
Dr. Andrew Kolodny, president of Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing, told Al Jazeera that the U.S. is facing a dangerous epidemic of overdoses and addictions related to painkillers. “According to the CDC, this is the worst drug epidemic in U.S. history,” he said. “CDC has data demonstrating that around the same time doctors began aggressively prescribing these medications in the late 1990s, there have been parallel increases in rates of addiction.”
The Food and Drug Administration, Kolodny said, is “failing miserably” at curbing the epidemic.
Drug abuse is also difficult to define, let's take a survey that says 10% of Americans abuse illicit drugs.
That's another 10% of gun owners who need to be disarmed for drug abuse.
Perhaps that needs to be upgraded already?
Ohio Gun Control Rally is Overwhelmed by Pro Gun Supporters
This reminds me of the behavior of commenters on gun control blogs. That's why most gun control bloggers, the smart ones, disallow comments altogether.
White Supremacist Felon Caught With 18 Guns, 45,000 Bullets And A List Of Black & Jewish Leaders

Federal agents were tracking Ohio resident Richard Schmidt’s imports of counterfeit sports jerseys when they stumbled upon his arsenal of 18 guns, more than 40,000 rounds of ammunition, and bulletproof body armor. Besides the arsenal, he had lists of Jewish and black leaders in Detroit, MI. He is also an ex-felon who killed a Hispanic man and wounded two others 24 years ago.
Yet before December, no one even noticed that Schmidt, 47, was amassing weapons illegally, according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Instead, federal investigators zeroed in on his sports memorabilia shop around September 2011, tracking his shipments of knock-off jerseys from China for over a year before they discovered the cache of firearms.
Schmidt plead guilty to federal gun charges and the counterfeit racket last month, and will be sentenced in October. But many connected to the crime are still scratching their heads over how an ex-felon with ties to white supremacist groups was able to get his hands on so many guns.
Schmidt might have been able to stockpile firearms so easily thanks to decades of hard work by the the gun lobby. Combating calls for stricter background checks on private gun sales, the National Rifle Association insisted the bill would create a national registry of gun owners which would be used to confiscate weapons and enact tyranny. This fearmongering has also hobbled federal law enforcement agents, who are forbidden from keeping any records of gun purchases. That means individuals like Schmidt can potentially avoid background checks when they purchase firearms, or they can obtain guns through a straw purchaser that law enforcement cannot track because any records revealing the purchaser’s activities would have been destroyed. It was luck that Schmidt was caught before he could wreak havoc — but Americans won’t get so lucky every time.
Arkansas Man Injured by Malfunctioning T-Shirt Gun

Arkansas Times
Did you see or hear reports about the University of Arkansas marketing intern who apparently was injured during the football game Saturday by a malfunctioning T-shirt "gun"?
Witnesses heard an explosion and saw someone being taken away on a stretcher with what was described as a leg injury.
A gun on campus? Is that allowed? I guess it depends on how you define gun.
A T-shirt gun, or air cannon, uses high-pressure air tanks to propel shirts. They are a staple in sports arenas. But they are apparently not risk-free.
Earlier this summer, the New York Times wrote about the inventor of the T-shirt gun.
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