via TTAG
A town of 140 people in western Maine is considering an ordinance making gun ownership mandatory, the latest of a handful of communities nationwide to pass or consider such a rule even though the measures are widely considered unenforceable.I wish I had a dollar for every time one of the gun-rights fanatics said they don't demand that we own a gun if we don't want to. I guess that's another one of their claims that turns out to be untrue.
All three members of the Board of Selectmen in Byron favor it, and Head Selectman Anne Simmons-Edmunds said she expects residents to approve it at Monday's town meeting, a New England institution where townspeople vote up or down on municipal proposals.
"We're hoping that the town will get on board with us but will accept whatever the town wants," Simmons-Edmunds said Friday.
Communities from Idaho to Georgia have been inspired to "require" or recommend their residents arm themselves ever since a gunman killed 26 youngsters and educators Dec. 14 in a school in Newtown, Conn., and raised fears among gun owners about an impending restriction on Second Amendment rights.
Authorities say two people died in a shooting at a shopping center in Mesa, Ariz., Thursday evening.
The shooting reportedly took place just before 6 p.m. at Vietnamese restaurant Phu Thanh.
Officials said a man and a woman died from wounds incurred during the shooting, and another person suffered a gunshot wound to the hip. A third was trampled trying to get out of the restaurant.
According to MyFOXPhoenix.com, the incident is apparently a murder-suicide case.
Valle, of Forest Hills, Queens, was charged last year with one count of conspiracy to commit kidnapping, according to a federal criminal complaint, as well as using the National Crime Information Center database to access unauthorized data. He was arrested after his wife allegedly discovered evidence of his intended cannibalism on his computer.Let me guess, Orlin, the government hater and Greg, TS and Retired Mustang, the gun-rights (and other rights) fanatics, are going to defend this guy because he really hadn't committed a crime yet.
Kathleen Mangan-Valle, 27, was the government’s first witness in her husband’s trial. She told the jury she fled the family’s home with their 1-year-old daughter after she became aware of his plans.
A federal complaint alleges that Valle exchanged electronic messages with an unnamed co-conspirator “about kidnapping, cooking and eating body parts of [Victim 1].” Prosecutors say that one of the women Valle allegedly discussed eating matches the description of his wife.
Authorities allege that in addition to conspiring to kidnap “Victim 1,” he had discussed plans to “kidnap, rape, torture, kill, cook and eat body parts of a number of women.” He is accused of creating computer files pertaining to “at least 100 women and containing at least one photograph of each woman.”
A man has shot and killed Gregory Rodriguez, the host of The Sportsman Channel show 'A Rifleman's Journal', while the TV personality was visiting the shooter's wife on Thursday night.Lawful gun owners at their best. One was "visiting" the others wife at night and the other responds with murder and suicide. I'll bet nobody checked if the murderer had a concealed carry permit either,
Wayne Bengston, 41, then brutally beat his wife, took his two-year-old son to a relative's house and drove to his home in West Glacier, Montana where he apparently killed himself.
Rodriguez, whose show documents his journeys to big game hunting destinations across the world, was visiting Bengston's wife at her mother's house in Whitefish, Montana.
When the gun control debate focused around black militants taking up arms, the fulcrums were very different. Indeed, both the NRA and President Ronald Reagan spoke against armed citizens when African American men patrolled neighborhoods brandishing firearms in response to racial violence. The Panthers were not the “well-regulated militia” that the white, conservative stalwarts of Second Amendment advocacy had in mind.
Hence the hypocrisy now of the gun group appealing to African Americans — invoking the Civil Rights movement — to lobby support against gun regulation. The NRA hired Internet star and gun advocate Colion Noir to feature in a video, posted on YouTube Friday, to appeal to the black community.
The former wife of a top official with the National Rifle Association in New York says that “years of domestic violence” caused a judge to bar the NRA field representative from carrying a gun.What can one say? Guns, bullying and intimidation go together like Moe, Larry and Curley.
Suffolk County records showed that authorities filed misdemeanor charges against Richard D’Alauro for assault and endangering a child after the incident on Sept. 1, 2010. At the time, police confiscated 39 weapons from the NRA official’s home, including at least 16 handguns.
The former wife said that she had been “too afraid to ever call the police on him” after “years of domestic violence.”
D’Alauro is a “bully” who used the same tactics on her as the NRA uses to intimidate lawmakers, Maribeth D’Alauro explained.
“A man who has an order of protection against him … is a poor spokesman for the NRA,” Friedman said.
A Round Rock police sergeant is recovering after police say he accidentally shot himself in the foot at a training session this week.
It happened around 1:45 Tuesday afternoon, at the Williamson County fire range.
Sergeant Sean Johnson was taking part in a glock instructor workshop with about 40 people, when he shot himself in the right foot.
He was taken to Seton Williamson in Round Rock, and discharged later that night.
Johnson has been with the department since 2006.
Round Rock police are still investigating the incident.
A Kansas man whose gun was used to accidentally kill a 5-year-old boy was sentenced to 16 years in prison Thursday.
In December, 2011, Adam Dean Laham was visiting friends who lived at the Eagle Crest Apartments, in Lakewood, and slept in a room belonging to three children, ages 3, 5 and 6.
Laham, 24, put his Kel-Tech semi-automatic handgun on a box he was using as a nightstand in the bedroom.
On the morning of Dec. 23, the adults were in the living room and the children went into their room to play video games.
Family and friends told a Wichita, Kan., television station in 2011 that the adults heard a shot and ran into the bedroom. They found the 3-year-old still holding the gun. He had shot his older brother at point-blank range.
Later, police found numerous guns inside the apartment, all loaded, all with a round in the chamber.
Laham pleaded guilty In Jefferson County District Court last November to negligent child abuse resulting in death. While on bond awaiting sentencing, he was arrested three times on drug and gun charges in Kansas and Arkansas, according to the District Attorney's office.
Maryland's Senate voted on Wednesday to repeal the state's death penalty, putting it on a path to becoming the 18th state to abolish executions.
The Senate voted 27 to 20 to repeal the law, according to a legislative spokesperson. The bill next goes to the state House of Delegates, where supporters believe they have enough votes for it to pass.
The measure would likely be signed by Governor Martin O'Malley, who opposes capital punishment.
Maryland's last execution was in 2005.
Maryland is among 33 states with a death penalty, according to Richard Dieter, executive director of the Death Penalty Information Center.
Radical anti-government "patriot" groups and militias, galvanized against gun control, will continue to grow even as the number of groups operating in the USAreached an all-time high in 2012, a report Tuesday by the Southern Poverty Law Center finds.
The center tracked 1,360 radical militias and anti-government groups in 2012, an eightfold increase over 2008, when it recorded 149 such groups. The explosive growth began four years ago, sparked by the election of President Obama and anger about the poor economy, the center says. That growth is likely to continue as the groups recruit more members with a pro-gun message, the center's senior fellow Mark Potok said.
Charles County investigators believe a Hughesville man died Saturday after accidentally shooting himself with his own handgun at an indoor firing range in Waldorf.He was definitely a lawful gun owner, another one of the irresponsible ones. But, I wonder if he also had a carry permit. What do you think?
Officers arrived at 9:23 a.m. at the St. Charles Sportsman’s Club at 4045 Renner Road, where they found Patrick Allen Richards, 61, dead from a single gunshot wound to his upper body.
Investigators determined that Richards had gone to the range to shoot his handgun. While there, the gun fired, striking him once in the upper body.
William H. Mize Jr., 66, has a court date Thursday on charges of aggravated battery and carrying a concealed weapon while under the influence.
Police said Mize and his wife were sitting across from each other at the restaurant on Jan. 2 when the man reached into his front pants pocket and accidentally discharged a small pistol, striking his wife in the leg just above the knee. She was treated at a hospital and released.
Mize had a valid permit to carry a concealed weapon but Kansas law does not allow people to carry concealed weapons if they are under the influence of alcohol. The Longbranch, 8600 Marshall Drive, serves alcohol.
This one will count as one of the supposedly highly rare incidents involving concealed carry permit holders. The reason, somehow the fact that he has a permit made it into the news.
Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/2013/03/06/4104612/man-charged-in-accidental-shooting.html#storylink=cpy
Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/2013/03/06/4104612/man-charged-in-accidental-shooting.html#storylink=cpy
In the gun-friendly state of Louisiana, the backlash against President Barack Obama's proposed restrictions on firearms seems to be everywhere.It's also evident in the murder rate of New Orleans, but you won't hear about that from the pro-gun crowd. They only talk about Chicago.
It can be seen in the frenzied sales and empty racks at Jim's Firearms store in the state capital, Baton Rouge, where customers have rushed to make purchases as Congress weighs several gun-control bills.It is evident in the state Legislature, where a series of bills aimed at protecting gun owners' rights have been introduced as a counter-punch to Obama's push in Washington.
It is abundantly clear in the sea of hands that pop up when a congressman asks an overflow crowd in Baton Rouge how many are worried about their constitutional right to bear arms being threatened.
A new poll released by Mayors Against Illegal Guns makes some bold claims about support for universal background checks in New Jersey — namely, that in some areas, the support itself is nearly universal.This is very interesting because if you listen to the gun-rights fanatics you'd expect the poor oppressed citizens of The Garden State to rebel against such terrible interference in their basic freedom and right to protect themselves.
In New Jersey's 4th congressional district, the group says, 100 percent of the 400 people surveyed support such checks. It said support was similar — though not quite as overwhelming — in several other areas.
According to the poll results, universal background checks are favored by 95 percent of voters in New Jersey's 2nd district, 89 percent in the 3rd district, 100 percent in the 4th district, 91 percent in the 5th district, 92 percent in the 7th district, and 97 percent in the 11th district.
The family of two young boys killed in an apparent-murder suicide — and state police — said Thursday they want to know why the boys' grandmother, with an apparent history of mental health problems, had access to the revolver used in the shooting.Should Mr. Denison bear any of the responsibility for this?
The shooting has added urgency to a legislative review of access to guns that is already under way in Connecticut, where a troubled 20-year-old man gunned down 26 people, including 20 first-graders, on the opposite side of the state at a Newtown school on Dec. 14.
The two boys' grandmother, 47-year-old Debra Denison, was supposed to take them from a day care to a birthday party Tuesday but instead drove to a nearby lake where she and the children were found shot to death after a frantic search. Police said the gun had been taken from her home, and one relative said it apparently belonged to Denison's husband.
The preliminary investigation reveals that a 46-year-old man, Robert Arnold, shot his 12-year-old daughter in the chest then turned the gun on himself and took his own life.He may or may not have had a concealed carry permit too. No one checked.
Cops say the child called 911. She was rushed to Metro for treatment. She is listed in stable condition.
Neighbors tell 19 Action News that Arnold was a guy who pretty much kept to himself. "He's a pretty nice guy, you know?" neighbor John Greg said. "Like I said, everybody has their problems. He had his moments and, you know, that's the way it goes."
Arnold's daughter was at the home for a weekend visit.
According to an Indiana State Police news release, State Police Detective Kent Havens said at around 1:15 p.m., Bumgarner and his 19-year-old friend were at a residence in the 3200 block of West County Road 600 N just outside of Markle when the shooting occurred. Havens said that as the two were cleaning handguns, an apparent accidental discharge occurred and Bumgarner was shot in the head. He was shot with what appeared to be a .45-caliber bullet from the handgun that his 19-year-old friend was handling.
In an emotional speech Monday morning before beginning a two-year prison sentence, Maxwell Cannon apologized to the family of the friend he shot and killed.
After taking a minute to compose himself, Cannon, 23, turned away from the bench and faced the family of 19-year-old Anthony Kloeckner.
"I will never be able to forgive myself for the pain I have caused you," he said. "A son, a brother, a friend like no other ... I see his face and I hear his thoughts."
On Dec. 28, 2011, Cannon was showing off a handgun to several friends at a home on Woodlawn Park Avenue near McHenry, according to McHenry County Sheriff’s police.
Police have said that Cannon removed the magazine and, thinking the gun was empty, pointed it at Kloeckner and pulled the trigger. Kloeckner was shot once in the chest.
Cannon said he is disgusted and mortified by his own actions.
A man was killed when an AR-15 rifle he had just stolen from a Polk County farm discharged Sunday morning, police said.Do you get the impression the guns were left in the vehicle? In that case would the owner of the guns and vehicle bear any responsibility?
Deputies responding to the report of a gunshot victim in the 5600 block of Halls Ferry Road found the suspect, 19-year-old Genaro Hernandez Mendoza of West Salem, dead inside a farm truck, said Polk County Sheriff's Office Detective John Williams.
Investigators learned that the truck had been stolen from a home on Independence Highway earlier that morning, along with a rifle, a shotgun and several other items.
"The evidence showed that while Hernandez Mendoza was driving away from the scene he was the victim of an accidental, self-inflicted gun shot wound from the rifle he had just taken."
Williams added that the AR-15 rifle and the shotgun were both angled with their butts on the floorboard and their barrels pointed upward, toward the driver's seat. On the bumpy farm road, the bolt head of the shotgun apparently bumped against the rifle's trigger, firing one shot that hit the suspect and exited through the roof.
You really can’t make this stuff up. A school maintenance worker in – wait for it – Texas was attending a concealed-carry class at the local school.
The school district was sponsoring the class as part of its program to arm teachers and other school employees, in response to the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre and the NRA’s call for America to arm its schools.
What could possibly go wrong? You can guess what happened next.
The maintenance worker shot himself in the leg and had to get sent to the hospital, where he’s in fair condition. KLTV.com-Tyler, Longview, Jacksonville, Texas | ETX News
The National Rifle Association (NRA) has created a new video (below), starring YouTube star Colion Noir, to demonize the U.S. government in order to encourage African-Americans to oppose gun control.
In the video, released on YouTube, Noir claims that 30,000 Americans killed each year by guns is not actually a "gun problem," but rather a 'history problem."
Noir does not mention that the in 2008 and 2009 gun homicide was the leading cause of death among black teens, according to AmericanProgress.org.
Instead, Noir falsely claims that the U.S. federal government "hosed us down with water, attacked us with dogs,' when in reality it was the state governments of Southern states.
It was actually the U.S. federal government that sent troops into the South to protect the rights and lives of minorities.
A new set of concerns have emerged as more Utah teachers seek to arm themselves in the classroom.
The pushback comes as gun advocates urge teachers to pack guns against an intruder. Utah law allows teachers and anyone else licensed to carry concealed weapons to wear a gun in a public school. But some believe teachers should disclose to parents that they're packing, and that alarmed parents should be able to request a different classroom for their children.
To accomplish all of this, Rep. Carol Spackman Moss has drafted legislation for action by the Utah House.
"I see this not as a gun bill, but a parents' rights bill," said Moss, a Democrat from the upscale Salt Lake City suburb of Holladay. "The worst thing to have is a lot of teachers with guns. My constituents -- parents and teachers -- all say this is the wrong approach."
A gun lobbyist accused of going too far to push his point in Colorado faces an ethics investigation.That's kinda weird, don't you think? Isn't that what lobbyists are all about, political reward or retribution? I guess you just can't say it out loud.
Republican Rep. Cheri Gerou of Evergreen has accused Joe Neville of the Rocky Mountain Gun Owners Association of the ethics violation. Gerou said Neville "threatened political retribution," something lobbyists are not supposed to do.
TEC-9 handguns, pictured above, were recovered in Los Angeles at a recent gun buyback organized by the LAPD. A new poll suggests that 75 percent of Latinos and 62 percent of black people worry about becoming a victim of gun violence.
One in five Americans knows a victim of gun violence, according to a new survey, and 42 percent worry about becoming one.This is why the gun-rights movement is doomed to fail. Every year there are 100,000 victims of gun violence. The friends and relatives number in the millions. The majority of them agree with the gun control argument, especially the most reasonable suggestions like background checks and the assault weapons ban.
That's according to a new Kaiser Health Tracking Poll, which added that among survey respondents who said they knew a victim, more than 60 percent said that victim was a family member, good friend – or that they themselves were the victim.
Among the groups most likely to know a victim of gun violence:
- Black people: 42 percent reported knowing one.
- People between 18 and 29 years old: 28 percent.
- Residents of an urban area: 24 percent.
The 4-year-old son of a Jackson County Sheriff's Deputy accidentally shot and killed himself Saturday night.How about this? Every time a kid gets ahold of a gun we put the responsible adult in jail and remove their gun rights.
According to Jackson County Sheriff Steve Rand, it happened around 5pm at the deputy's home.
According to the sheriff, the deputy was on his way to work when it happened. Rand believes the child was at home with his mother at the time.
A shooting just north of the Indiana State University campus claims the life of a 21 year old.Let me guess. He grew up in a family that owned guns in one of the most gun-friendly states. Since he was 5 years old he'd been taught to shoot and that guns are just another tool. In those young years, a thousand times he'd been told never to point the gun at anything you don't want to destroy.
It happened overnight Friday. According to Terre Haute Police, Brandon Perrine died of an accidental gunshot wound.
The investigation into the case is ongoing, but according to witness accounts, the incident was completely accidental.
News 10 confirmed through an ISU Student Database that Perrine is a student at the college.
The national debate over gun control is fought with words — words spoken in Congress, printed in newspapers, and broadcast on radio, television and across the Internet.
Getting those words out requires money.
That’s very good news for InfoCision, the Northeast Ohio firm that is the chief telemarketer for the National Rifle Association.
Headquartered just over the Medina County line in Bath Township in Summit County, InfoCision earned more than $53 million for its work for the NRA from 2008 through 2011, according to tax documents.
Founded in 1982, InfoCision claims the title of the nation’s second-largest privately held telemarketing company, providing telephone, direct mail and Internet-based marketing for both charities and for-profit companies across the nation.
The company has 4,400 employees in 32 call centers at a dozen sites in Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ontario, Canada. With about 1,400 workers at its three-building campus in Bath Township, InfoCision is Summit County’s 14th largest employer, according to Crain’s Cleveland Business.