From ssgmarkcr
Checked in to
the hotel on post the night before my reserve drill and came upon this
when I got online. I imagine you're already tracking on it. It will be
interesting to see how the assailant's story matches with the son's and
whatever physical evidence the police have gathered.
teenage neighbor arrested in what has been described as the road-rage
slaying of a Las Vegas mother boasted about the shooting and told
friends that he emptied several clips from his semi-automatic handgun
during the gunbattle, according to a police report released Friday.
documents depict a fierce shootout last week involving 19-year-old
Erich Milton Nowsch Jr., victim Tammy Meyers and her 22-year-old son.
said Nowsch bragged of firing more than 22 shots at them that night —
first, a few blocks from their home, then in the cul-de-sac outside
their house.
to investigators, Nowsch portrayed the Meyers family as the aggressors,
saying he saw someone in their car waving a gun out the window at him.
"Got those kids. They were after me, and I got them," he was quoted as telling friends.
remained jailed Friday on suspicion of murder, attempted murder and
firing a gun from a vehicle. It was not clear if he had a lawyer.
Authorities continued to search for a second suspect, apparently the driver of the car in which Nowsch was said to be riding.
ssgmarkcr February 17, 2015 at 1:54 AM
"After Shaneen Allen and Brian Aitken, you’d think that officials in New Jersey would have finally figured out that they need to stop persecuting honest gun owners and instead do their job — targeting hardened criminals.
Well apparently not, at least not in Cumberland County.
72-year old retired teacher and military academy graduate Gordon Van Gilder was stopped by a Cumberland County sheriff’s deputy for a minor traffic violation. When he volunteered that he had an antique flintlock pistol with him, he was promptly arrested and charged with unlawful possession of a handgun, which carries up to a ten-year prison sentence. Van Gilder’s case is currently stalled while prosecutors claim they are doing “ballistics testing” on the 300-year-old, smooth-bore collectible."