Saturday, January 19, 2013
Piers Morgan Shows His Frustration
How in the world can someone on the gun-rights side be so stubborn as to actually say they don't agree with a single one of Obama's Executive Action points?
To paraphrase, "what is wrong with these people?"
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Police Officer Danielle Petrangelo, Who Accidentally Shot a Pregnant Woman in the Face, Has Been Fired
Local news update on a story we posted when it happened. At that time there were no charges. It still seems unclear exactly what happened.
What's your opinion? Could she be fired even though there were no criminal charges? What about her gun rights as a civilian?
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An Agawam police officer who accidentally shot a pregnant mom of two in the face has been relieved of her duties.
Police Chief Robert Campbell confirmed with CBS 3 that officer Danielle Petrangelo has been let go.
This is all stemming from a call last May when a young mother was shot in the face.
Brittany Miles, 21, has since recovered from her injuries.
Hampden County District Attorney Mark Mastroianni says he found no criminal conduct in Pentrangelo's actions.
What's your opinion? Could she be fired even though there were no criminal charges? What about her gun rights as a civilian?
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Proper Gun Control
Updated from our earlier post.
1. Licensing of all gun owners which would include a penal background check, a mental health background check, an eye exam, a written and practical test and approval by the local authorities.
2. Registration of all newly bought firearms which would need to be renewed after three months and yearly thereafter by presenting the paperwork and the weapon to the police.
3. Reporting of any lost or stolen firearm within 48 hours.
4. Safe storage: in the home a gun must be on your person or in a safe, in a gun shop, adequate physical and electronic security systems must be in place.
5. Background checks on all purchases including private ones. This can be done at the local FFL dealer for a nominal fee.
6. Three day waiting period for all first purchases.
7. "May Issue" policy for concealed carry permits managed federally - same rules in every state.
8. Assault Weapons Ban using the California model which would include restrictions on extended magazines.
1. Licensing of all gun owners which would include a penal background check, a mental health background check, an eye exam, a written and practical test and approval by the local authorities.
2. Registration of all newly bought firearms which would need to be renewed after three months and yearly thereafter by presenting the paperwork and the weapon to the police.
3. Reporting of any lost or stolen firearm within 48 hours.
4. Safe storage: in the home a gun must be on your person or in a safe, in a gun shop, adequate physical and electronic security systems must be in place.
5. Background checks on all purchases including private ones. This can be done at the local FFL dealer for a nominal fee.
6. Three day waiting period for all first purchases.
7. "May Issue" policy for concealed carry permits managed federally - same rules in every state.
8. Assault Weapons Ban using the California model which would include restrictions on extended magazines.
The Nigger-Inaugural at the Willard Hotel in WDC
via democommie
Just four days from President Obama's inauguration, poor Holly Morris from Fox-5 News was either JUST doing her job and READING her script or was she saying what she was really THINKING? She seems so nice and I'm sure it was just a SLIP of her tongue but you still got to check it out!!!
Just four days from President Obama's inauguration, poor Holly Morris from Fox-5 News was either JUST doing her job and READING her script or was she saying what she was really THINKING? She seems so nice and I'm sure it was just a SLIP of her tongue but you still got to check it out!!!
Friday, January 18, 2013
Chris Christie Calls the NRA Reprehensible - Farago Disagrees
Here's my comment responding to the commenters who, shockingly, were all in agreement:
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Click here to see the NRA ad that led the Garden State Governor to destroy his chances of becoming President of the United States.Those are the words of Robert Farago, who apparently thinks himself quite the prescient political prognosticator.
Here's my comment responding to the commenters who, shockingly, were all in agreement:
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Do the New York Gun Laws Apply to the Police?
ABC via one of our favorite commenters, Tennesseean.
It seems to me this was never intended to include the police, and as the Governor's office said, it will be amended. The reason people are talking about this is to discredit Governor Cuomo. It's silly.
It seems to me this was never intended to include the police, and as the Governor's office said, it will be amended. The reason people are talking about this is to discredit Governor Cuomo. It's silly.
Rochester MN Preacher Charged in the Shooting of his Granddaughter
KXLT - Fox 47 Rochester MN News, Weather and Sports
We reported the incident when it happened but at that time it wasn't clear if charges were forthcoming.
I say he should lose the guns and receive a suspended prison sentence. What about you?
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We reported the incident when it happened but at that time it wasn't clear if charges were forthcoming.
I say he should lose the guns and receive a suspended prison sentence. What about you?
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Gunloon Bob Owens Has a A Plan
Upset at President Obama's remedies to gun violence, Bob Owens has a plan:
But let's entertain Bobby's fantasies a bit. Suppose he and his other pudgy gunloon pals manage to do as they threaten and knock out power. Does Bobby actually believe the eviiillll gubbermint is going to suffer and immediately capitulate to free guns for all? Actually, after Bobby and his buddies succeed in denying power, food, heat, clean water to his neighbors.....those neighbors are going to drag Bobby and his other fat, white gunloons out into the street where the Mother of All Asskickings will take place. Bob Owen and his pals will be begging to be waterboarded at Gitmo before they're done.
Were an angry group of disenfranchised citizens to target in a strategic manner the substations leading to a city or geographic area—say, Albany, for example—they could put the area in the dark for as long as it took to bring the substations back online. Were they committed enough, and spread their attacks out over a wide enough area, perhaps mixing in a few tens of dozens of the residential transformers found every few hundred yards along city streets, they could overwhelm the utility companies ability to repair the damage being caused or law enforcement’s ability to stop them. The government could perhaps assign a soldier or cop for every transformer, substation and switch, but they’d run out of men long before they ran out of things they need guarded. Not that the government could even guarantee to actually protect the transformers they were guarding; a residential transformer is a big, stationary target, and the substation transformers and switches and other equipment even bigger targets. Residential transformers are easily “touched” by even a moderately competent deer hunter from hundreds of yards away, perhaps separated by roads, subdivisions, swamps or streams. Substations are a dense area target easily struck from a half-mile or more away.Wow. Bobby's under the impression that he and a bunch of other fat, out-of-shape white dudes can bring down the electrical grid.
Meanwhile, the lone wolves and small teams would simply shift to other targets of opportunity left unguarded by an overwhelmed and outmatched government force, of which there are many.
How many days with partial power or no power, how many nights in the dark, would it take before the local economy collapsed in the targeted area? Insurgents could cripple a city, region, or state, without ever firing a bullet at another human being.
Progressives seeking to undermine the Constitution seem to think they hold all the cards. I would warn them that they are not remotely prepared for what will happen if they attempt to cross Constitutional boundaries and natural rights.
It could be a cold, dark winter.
Tread carefully.
But let's entertain Bobby's fantasies a bit. Suppose he and his other pudgy gunloon pals manage to do as they threaten and knock out power. Does Bobby actually believe the eviiillll gubbermint is going to suffer and immediately capitulate to free guns for all? Actually, after Bobby and his buddies succeed in denying power, food, heat, clean water to his neighbors.....those neighbors are going to drag Bobby and his other fat, white gunloons out into the street where the Mother of All Asskickings will take place. Bob Owen and his pals will be begging to be waterboarded at Gitmo before they're done.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Josh Horwitz' Response to the President's Announcement
With the
tearful parents of 7-year-old Sandy Hook victim Grace McDonnell looking
on, President Obama announced a bold new plan to reform our gun laws at
the White House today and urged Americans nationwide to call their
Members of Congress to demand immediate action.
President's bold and ambitious plan includes 23 different executive
orders to reduce gun violence and major legislative proposals,
- A renewal of the ban on assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines.
- Universal background checks on all gun purchases.
- The elimination of restrictions on federally-funded research into gun violence.
You can read CSGV's official statement on the press conference
It was my distinct honor to attend this event. I have never heard our President sound more determined, more resolute. His message about our response to this tragedy was simple and clear: "This time must be different ... If parents and teachers, police officers and pastors, if hunters and sportsmen, if responsible gun owners, if Americans of every background stand up and say, 'Enough; we’ve suffered too much pain and care too much about our children to allow this to continue'—then change will come. That’s what it’s going to take."
Ready to do your part? Call your Members of Congress today, and every day, through the Capitol Hill switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and tell them you demand immediate action on the President's proposals to end gun violence.
It was my distinct honor to attend this event. I have never heard our President sound more determined, more resolute. His message about our response to this tragedy was simple and clear: "This time must be different ... If parents and teachers, police officers and pastors, if hunters and sportsmen, if responsible gun owners, if Americans of every background stand up and say, 'Enough; we’ve suffered too much pain and care too much about our children to allow this to continue'—then change will come. That’s what it’s going to take."
Ready to do your part? Call your Members of Congress today, and every day, through the Capitol Hill switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and tell them you demand immediate action on the President's proposals to end gun violence.
We've all
waited for this moment, and now it has arrived. Don't hold back. Let's
move forward, together, and make sure that days like December 14, 2012
are not part of America's future.
Josh Horwitz
Executive Director
Is the President an Elitist Hypocrite?
Does this sound like a fair criticism to you? To me it sounds like sour grapes.
For one thing, the president's kids don't attend schools where the teachers and janitors are armed. They have the standard Secret Service detail protecting them, and for good reason. For another thing, many schools have armed guards but they usually are not able to prevent the tragedies.
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Former Seattle Police Chief Norm Stamper on the 2nd Amendment
Local news reports
The Chief rightly points out that removing the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms is not the same as eliminating all guns. Its removal would simply make it easier to enact and enforce sensible gun laws.
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The Chief rightly points out that removing the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms is not the same as eliminating all guns. Its removal would simply make it easier to enact and enforce sensible gun laws.
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Down Mississippi Way the Debate Rages
Local news reports
It's just too bad the Democrat who offered half-hearted support of the President's ideas doesn't know what "semi-automatic" means.
It's just too bad the Democrat who offered half-hearted support of the President's ideas doesn't know what "semi-automatic" means.
Benzie County Michigan Sheriff Ted Schendel Draws the Line
Local news reports
I suppose this means the Sheriff was OK with the restrictions on automatic weapons and grenade launchers and stinger missiles, you know, the other weapons that individual soldiers use and carry but have long been considered taboo for civilians.
I wonder if Sheriff Ted's office is an elected one? What do you think?
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I suppose this means the Sheriff was OK with the restrictions on automatic weapons and grenade launchers and stinger missiles, you know, the other weapons that individual soldiers use and carry but have long been considered taboo for civilians.
I wonder if Sheriff Ted's office is an elected one? What do you think?
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Virginia Executes Robert Gleason Jr.
The Washington Post reports
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A convicted murderer who killed two fellow inmates while serving a life sentence and vowed to keep on killing unless he was put to death was executed Wednesday night in Virginia.I admit it's a dilemma what to do with guys like this. But, even a regular Otto Delaney should not receive state-sanctioned per-meditated murder just for the asking. It's barbaric.
Robert Gleason Jr., 42, originally of Lowell, Mass., was pronounced dead at 9:08 p.m. at Greensville Correctional Center in Jarratt, the Associated Press reported.
Gleason pleaded guilty to strangling his cellmate, Harvey Watson, with a bedsheet at the Wallens Ridge State Prison in 2009, saying under oath that he timed it to coincide with the anniversary of the killing for which he was sent to prison in the first place, according to court documents.
Gleason later told the court that he “already had a few [other] inmates lined up, just in case I didn’t get the death penalty, that I was gonna take out.”
In 2010, he strangled another inmate through a wire fence in a recreation pen at the Red Onion State Prison, a “supermax” facility, according to court records. Prosecutors said he mocked the prison staff as they tried to revive Aaron Cooper.
Gleason also pleaded guilty to that slaying and was sentenced to death in both killings. Gleason was given a life sentence for the slaying of Mike Jamerson in Virginia’s Amherst County in 2007. Prosecutors said he carried out that killing to cover up his involvement in a drug gang.
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013
NRA Truthers
Newtown, CT Hero Harassed by NRA Truthers:

Actually, Newtown Truthers are pretty common among the usual gunloon blogs. Look at the comments from Jon Clark Sullivan's blog in response to his threat on the Prez:
Now Gene Rosen, the Newtown resident who took six terrified children into their home, fed them cookies and juice, and cried for what he witnessed, has been victimized by many of the Newtown conspiracy theorists — enduring harassment detailed in a piece on Salon as the Sandy Hook truthers gain momentum on the web.
Reading of Gene Rosen’s plight after Newtown is certainly depressing — the article quotes the 69-year-old as he describes how photos of his home have been posted online, impostors have attempted to malign him on social networks, and anti-semites on white supremacy boards have mocked the “emotional Jewish guy.” An email quoted in the piece masqueraded as business-related but then went on to allege:
“How are all those little students doing? You know, the ones that showed up at your house after the ‘shooting’. What is the going rate for getting involved in a gov’t sponsored hoax anyway?”

Actually, Newtown Truthers are pretty common among the usual gunloon blogs. Look at the comments from Jon Clark Sullivan's blog in response to his threat on the Prez:
In Which Yet Another Gunloon Threatens President Obama
Ahhh, yes..Jonathan Clark Sullivan (Linoge) tries the passive-aggressive approach to threaten the Prez:
We've seen this schtick before--you've probably seen it in some gangster movie. Nice place you got here. God forbid anything should happen to it. I'm not saying me and the boys would have anything to do with it but accidents do happen. Probably a good idea to buy a little insurance...
Yet, in the post immediately prior to Linoge threatening POTUS, we see Sullivan is very upset with James Yeager:
Let's see...Yeager isn't representative of "the average firearm owner" but Sully is? Seems to me, there's no difference between the two.
We've seen this schtick before--you've probably seen it in some gangster movie. Nice place you got here. God forbid anything should happen to it. I'm not saying me and the boys would have anything to do with it but accidents do happen. Probably a good idea to buy a little insurance...
Yet, in the post immediately prior to Linoge threatening POTUS, we see Sullivan is very upset with James Yeager:
Let's see...Yeager isn't representative of "the average firearm owner" but Sully is? Seems to me, there's no difference between the two.
Obama's Executive Actions
Fox News
I don't know, is that what we've been waiting for so expectantly? I suppose it's something to finally have the President committed to the cause at least in word, but I was expecting more, much more. All these nice suggestions could take a long, long time to implement, meanwhile the whole country will inevitably return to its lethargy and the pro-gun fanatics will work like maniacs to block everything they can.
The real changes could very well be stopped cold in Congress.
I suppose one good thing is the James Yeagers of the world will probably not find these mealy-mouthed suggestions sufficient to begin the revolution.
At lease we have heroic governors like Andrew Cuomo. Perhaps with the White House paying lip service, we will have major changes in some states like New York and minor changes in others like Virginia.
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The following is a list, provided by the White House, of executive actions President Obama plans to take to address gun violence.
1. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background check system.
2. Address unnecessary legal barriers, particularly relating to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, that may prevent states from making information available to the background check system.
3. Improve incentives for states to share information with the background check system.
4. Direct the Attorney General to review categories of individuals prohibited from having a gun to make sure dangerous people are not slipping through the cracks.
5. Propose rulemaking to give law enforcement the ability to run a full background check on an individual before returning a seized gun.
6. Publish a letter from ATF to federally licensed gun dealers providing guidance on how to run background checks for private sellers.
7. Launch a national safe and responsible gun ownership campaign.
8. Review safety standards for gun locks and gun safes (Consumer Product Safety Commission).
9. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal law enforcement to trace guns recovered in criminal investigations.
10. Release a DOJ report analyzing information on lost and stolen guns and make it widely available to law enforcement.
11. Nominate an ATF director.
12. Provide law enforcement, first responders, and school officials with proper training for active shooter situations.
13. Maximize enforcement efforts to prevent gun violence and prosecute gun crime.
14. Issue a Presidential Memorandum directing the Centers for Disease Control to research the causes and prevention of gun violence.
15. Direct the Attorney General to issue a report on the availability and most effective use of new gun safety technologies and challenge the private sector to develop innovative technologies.
16. Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes.
17. Release a letter to health care providers clarifying that no federal law prohibits them from reporting threats of violence to law enforcement authorities.
18. Provide incentives for schools to hire school resource officers.
19. Develop model emergency response plans for schools, houses of worship and institutions of higher education.
20. Release a letter to state health officials clarifying the scope of mental health services that Medicaid plans must cover.
21. Finalize regulations clarifying essential health benefits and parity requirements within ACA exchanges.
22. Commit to finalizing mental health parity regulations.
23. Launch a national dialogue led by Secretaries Sebelius and Duncan on mental health.
I don't know, is that what we've been waiting for so expectantly? I suppose it's something to finally have the President committed to the cause at least in word, but I was expecting more, much more. All these nice suggestions could take a long, long time to implement, meanwhile the whole country will inevitably return to its lethargy and the pro-gun fanatics will work like maniacs to block everything they can.
The real changes could very well be stopped cold in Congress.
I suppose one good thing is the James Yeagers of the world will probably not find these mealy-mouthed suggestions sufficient to begin the revolution.
At lease we have heroic governors like Andrew Cuomo. Perhaps with the White House paying lip service, we will have major changes in some states like New York and minor changes in others like Virginia.
Selective deafness as cause for gun lunacy
Sometimes, you have to wonder where gun loons get their information, but not really reading something and understanding what they have read is one explanation.
Hearing what they want to hear is another: Check this out!
Hearing what they want to hear is another: Check this out!
Toughest Gun Laws in the Country Approved by New York State Senate
Fox News
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Days after calling for an overhaul of gun control in New York following the Connecticut school shooting, Gov. Andrew Cuomo worked out a tough proposal on gun control with legislative leaders who promised to pass the most restrictive gun law in the nation.It sounds like more than the "support of Democrats" voted this bill in. What do you think?
The measure passed the Senate 43-18 on the strength of support from Democrats, many of whom previously sponsored the bills that were once blocked by Republicans.
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Anderson Cooper Interviews Mark Kelly
I think this guy will emerge as the real voice of the gun control movement. As a gun owner himself, I believe he represents gun owners at large much better than the NRA and the gun-rights advocates who are active on the internet.
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Obama About to Act on Gun Control
The Huffington Post
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The steps could include ordering stricter action against people who lie on gun sale background checks, seeking to ensure more complete records in the federal background check database, striking limits on federal research into gun use, ordering tougher penalties against gun trafficking, and giving schools flexibility to use grant money to improve safety.Now, this is the same Obama who promised to close Guantanamo and end the lobbying system in Washington D.C., so excuse me if I'm not unreservedly optimistic. Yet, it sure does seem like the momentum is moving in the right direction.
At the same time Obama is vowing not to back off his support for sweeping gun legislation that would require congressional backing - including banning assault weapons, limiting the capacity of ammunition magazines and instituting universal background checks - despite opposition from the influential gun lobby.
"Will all of them get through this Congress? I don't know," Obama said at a news conference Monday.
"My starting point is not to worry about the politics," he said. "My starting point is to focus on what makes sense, what works."
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Where do Oakland's Criminals Get their Guns?
Mayor Jean Quan said part of the solution is out of the city’s hands.
“So many of these guns were not sold in Oakland," Quan said, "not probably even sold in the state of California. We’ve got to stop these guns from coming into our cities."Quan is one of many local officials who’ve communicated with Vice president Joe Biden, as he plans to recommend changes to gun laws that can be made by both Congress and the President.
They know the answer as well as we do. Oakland's mayor mentioned it here. California shares a border with some of the most gun friendly states. Strict federal regulations are needed.
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Megyn Kelly Explains the Second Amendment
Media Matters
The Second Amendment was meant to stop the government from interfering with an individual's right to bear arms - it was meant to prevent exactly this kind of thing where lawmakers are trying to mess with somebody's firearm ownership.
Is that a fair way do describe the amendment? Or is it a gun-rights spin job?
Wasn't the Second Amendment about ensuring that an armed militia of individuals could come together if needed to protect against a tyrannical government or an invading army? What in the world does that have to do with modern-day restrictions on certain weapons and magazine capacity?
The answer: nothing at all. The Second Amendment is absolutely irrelevant to current discussions about gun rights and gun control and should be seen as such.
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The Second Amendment was meant to stop the government from interfering with an individual's right to bear arms - it was meant to prevent exactly this kind of thing where lawmakers are trying to mess with somebody's firearm ownership.
Is that a fair way do describe the amendment? Or is it a gun-rights spin job?
Wasn't the Second Amendment about ensuring that an armed militia of individuals could come together if needed to protect against a tyrannical government or an invading army? What in the world does that have to do with modern-day restrictions on certain weapons and magazine capacity?
The answer: nothing at all. The Second Amendment is absolutely irrelevant to current discussions about gun rights and gun control and should be seen as such.
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More Guns, More Crime
Media Matters
FACT: Greater Firearm Availability Is Actually Linked To Higher Rates Of Homicide And Suicide
Economist Mark Duggan: Rate Of Gun Ownership "Significantly Positively" Correlated With Incidence Of Homicide. A study by economist Mark Duggan found that "changes in homicide and gun ownership are significantly positively related," as he reported in "More Guns, More Crime" in the Journal of Political Economy in 2001. Duggan wrote:My findings reveal that changes in homicide and gun ownership are significantly positively related. This relationship is almost entirely driven by the relationship between lagged changes in gun ownership and current changes in homicide, suggesting that the relationship is not driven simply by individuals' purchase of guns in response to increases in criminal activity.Harvard Injury Control Research Center Director David Hemenway: Guns Used "Far More" To Threaten Or Intimidate Than Protect. From a study published in Injury Prevention, "an international peer-reviewed journal for health professionals":
These findings contradict the results from recent work suggesting that legislation allowing individuals to carry concealed weapons (CCW) caused a significant decline in violent crime (Lott and Mustard 1997). [Journal of Political Economy, 2001]
Even after excluding many reported firearm victimizations, far more survey respondents report having been threatened or intimidated with a gun than having used a gun to protect themselves. A majority of the reported self defense gun uses were rated as probably illegal by a majority of judges. This was so even under the assumption that the respondent had a permit to own and carry the gun, and that the respondent had described the event honestly. [Injury Prevention, vol. 6, issue 4, 2000]Hemenway: "States With Higher Levels Of Household Gun Ownership Had Higher Rates Of Firearm Homicide." From the Harvard Injury Control Research Center:
Our review of the academic literature found that a broad array of evidence indicates that gun availability is a risk factor for homicide, both in the United States and across high-income countries. Case-control studies, ecological time-series and cross-sectional studies indicate that in homes, cities, states and regions in the U.S., where there are more guns, both men and women are at higher risk for homicide, particularly firearm homicide. [Harvard Injury Control Research Center, accessed 1/9/13]American Journal Of Epidemiology Study: Having A Gun In The Home Increases The Risk Of Violent Death. A 2004 study conducted by employees of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that individuals who had firearms in the home were more likely to be victims of firearm homicides and suicides than individuals who did not have firearms in the home. The risk occurred regardless of the type of gun or number of guns kept in the home. [American Journal of Epidemiology, vol. 160, issue 10, 2004]
How Do Other Countries Deal With Guns?
Business Insider
The debate over gun control in the United States doesn't take place in a vacuum.
Other countries all over the world play the same video games and have the same mental health problems as the United States, but manage to avoid a sky-high gun murder rate and frequent public shooting massacres.
The differences are due, in part, to the way that the different countries regulate gun ownership.
Here's how several other prosperous nations deal with the issue:
Without a license, a Japanese citizen isn't even permitted to touch a firearm. Failure to follow this law can result in up to 10 years in prison.
Japanese civilians hold a mere 710,000 guns, with 0.6 firearms for every person. In 2008, there were 11 gun homicides. For perspective, there are 122,800,000 people in Japan. That year is not an anomaly. In 2006 there were 2 gun homicides and in 2007 there were 22, a national scandal.
The debate over gun control in the United States doesn't take place in a vacuum.
Other countries all over the world play the same video games and have the same mental health problems as the United States, but manage to avoid a sky-high gun murder rate and frequent public shooting massacres.
The differences are due, in part, to the way that the different countries regulate gun ownership.
Here's how several other prosperous nations deal with the issue:
The United Kingdom
In 2011, the U.K. had 0.07 gun homicides for every 100,000 people; the U.S., by contrast, had 3 gun homicides for every 100,000. In 2009 there were 138 gun deaths in the U.K, where there are 6.7 firearms for every 100 people.Canada
The U.S.'s neighbor to the north also has outstandingly low gun casualty statistics. In 2009, there were 0.5 deaths per 100,000 from gun homicide — only 173 people. Still, the ownership is comparatively high — there are 23.8 firearms per 100 people in the country.Japan
Japan's gun policies are notoriously strict. Civilians cannot possess handguns, automatic assault weapons, semi-automatic assault weapons, military rifles, or machine guns. Japanese civilians aren't even allowed to own swords.Without a license, a Japanese citizen isn't even permitted to touch a firearm. Failure to follow this law can result in up to 10 years in prison.
Japanese civilians hold a mere 710,000 guns, with 0.6 firearms for every person. In 2008, there were 11 gun homicides. For perspective, there are 122,800,000 people in Japan. That year is not an anomaly. In 2006 there were 2 gun homicides and in 2007 there were 22, a national scandal.
Australia had 30 gun homicides in 2010, which amounted to 0.13 gun deaths for each 100,000 people. Australians hold 3-3.5 million guns, a rate of 15 guns for every 100 people.Tuesday, January 15, 2013
More on James Yeager, NRA Douchenozzle

The NRA realizes this; for decades they've fundraised on the notion that the US was hours away from making Nazi Germany look like a trip to DisneyWorld. Yet, the NRA never challenged any law or legislation on the basis of the 2A.
Instead, the NRA reaps buckets of cash from the firearms industry and providing a multi-level marketing scheme not unlike MaryKay cosmetics to insecure fat, white males.
Think about it. If one looks at Yeager's resume (remembering some of it is bogus), it's terribly thin. Much of it involves taking 'courses' from those whose own credentials are pretty thin yo non-existent.
But such is the world of gunloonery. Here's how it works. Suppose I'm a gunloon and thoroughly enjoy my gunloonery. So, I decide--'hey, how can I make some cash off of this?'
It's easy.
First, take a whole bunch of courses from other grifters. Don't worry--you're not going to fail, the beauty of these courses is that once you pay your fee, you're guaranteed a certificate suitable for framing.
Second, the grifters you patronized will, in turn, refer other clients to you. This is known as 'multi-level marketing. IOW, I take a course from A and A refers others to me and I refer them to B, who refers them to C and D. All the while, those at the chain reap the benefits.
This is how James Yeager earned a living. He had no particular skill or expertise--just a gun fetish. And many gunloons believe their fetish is an occupation.
More on the Unorganised Militia
Usually, you get someone pointing to 10 USC §311(b)(2) and saying they are part of the Unorganised Militia. Unfortunately, this section of the Code doesn't give a gloss on what exactly this means, but I have gone into it before in other posts: Asked and Answered--Unorganised, Sedentary, reserve, etcetera militias explained and Still more on the Unorganised Militia.. Basic info being:
As I have said before, you need to actually be a member of the National Guard to actually claim that you are a member of the militia. And that Constitutionally, the only body that can call itself a militia is one which is organised under Article I, Section 8, Clause 16--not the Second Amendment.
See also
The Sedentary, reserve, inactive, unorganised, general (or other term indicating INACTIVITY) Militia, has always been unorganized and untrainedOf course, legal method would tell you that there might be another part of the US Code that addresses this issue. In fact, Title 10 is the Section of the US Code that covers the Armed Forces and there are sections that further elaborate on this topic. 10 USC Chapter 1003 - Reserve Components Generally--specifically addresses who the national guard happens to be:
Active Militias, that is THE organised, enrolled, embodied, active (or other term signifying active) Militia, can be supplemented if necessary by the ballot (selection by lot)--in other words drafted from the Unorganised militia draft pool.
The term "unorganized" did not begin to emerge until the 1830s and 1840s, when a massive wave of opposition destroyed the compulsory militia system. Nobody wanted to serve in the militia. State governors and legislators wanted to be able to accommodate this desire, but they were bound by the 1792 Uniform Militia Act, which stated that every white male aged 18-45 would be in the militia.
Militia service was so unpopular that Delaware abolished its militia system altogether in 1831. Massachusetts eliminated compulsory service in 1840, followed by Maine, Ohio, Vermont in 1844, Connecticut and New York in 1846, Missouri in 1847, and New Hampshire in 1851. Indiana classified its militia according to age in 1840, and exempted all but the young men from service. New Jersey withdrew the right to imprison a man for failure to pay a militia fine in 1844; Iowa did the same in 1846, Michigan in 1850, and California in 1856." - Mahon, John K, The History of the Militia and the National Guard, p. 83
The term "unorganized militia" was kept in use in subsequent decades as a statutory "reminder" that the state could still obligate its citizens to perform military duty, should it ever want them to. Eventually, U.S. law in the early twentieth century picked up this same usage for the same reason: by creating the "unorganized militia," the United States could guarantee usage of this manpower for military purposes, should the (remote) need ever arise.
10 USC 10101Also 10 USC § 312. Militia duty: exemptions, addresses who exempt from service in the militia. 32 USC § 313 deals with who can enlist to serve in the militia.
The reserve components of the armed forces are: (1) The Army National Guard of the United States. (2) The Army Reserve. (3) The Naval Reserve. (4) The Marine Corps Reserve. (5) The Air National Guard of the United States. (6) The Air Force Reserve. (7) The Coast Guard Reserve.
10 USC 10105 - Sec. 10105. Army National Guard of the United States: composition
The Army National Guard of the United States is the reserve component of the Army that consists of - (1) federally recognized units and organizations of the Army National Guard; and (2) members of the Army National Guard who are also Reserves of the Army.
As I have said before, you need to actually be a member of the National Guard to actually claim that you are a member of the militia. And that Constitutionally, the only body that can call itself a militia is one which is organised under Article I, Section 8, Clause 16--not the Second Amendment.
See also
Captain Beefheart Festival 2012 - 2013 - The Last Night of the Living Van Vliet
Instrumental track called Ice Rose
I Feel Like Acid - Track #1 from the album Strictly Personal (1968)
Military Arms Uses Silly Tough Talk
Just like the more passionate James Yeager in his retraction video, this guy keeps saying "it's not time yet." This obviously indicates that he believes the time is coming, despite all his qualifiers to the contrary. I sent him the Jack-Boots because my remarks there apply perfectly.
Every true freedom-loving, second-amendment-supporting, patriotic American gun owner's worst nightmare.
Accidental Shooting in Gun Training Class - Two Injured - No Charges
Local news reports
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Two people suffered minor injuries in an accidental shooting during a Saturday afternoon gun class in Coshocton. The incident occurred at the Coshocton County Sportsman Club.What do you think about that disgraceful nonchalance?
The sheriff's department said the bullet fired when a 0.22 caliber handgun of one of the students jammed. The bullet traveled through one person's thigh and into the calf of another CCW student.
No charges will be filed in the incident.
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Richmond Man Shot by 4-Year-old Nephew
Local news reports
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A man is fighting for his life, after being accidentally shot in the head by his four-year-old great-nephew.Did you get that, the 4-year-old was responsible?
The accidental shooting took place at a home in the 2300 block of Whitcomb Street in Richmond on January 13. Officers were called to the scene at 11:20 a.m., and found the victim, a black male in his 50s, suffering from a gunshot wound.
The victim was rushed to VCU Medical Center with life threatening injuries; he was still in serious condition Monday evening. Family members told 8News he was "clinging to life."
The four-year-old great-nephew of the victim is believed to be responsible for the accidental shooting. It is unclear how the juvenile came into contact with the firearm.
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Larry Pratt Insists It's the Gun-Free Zone That's the Problem
This discussion illustrates perfectly the difference between the gun-rights and the gun-control sides. The pro-gun folks won't budge on issues like background checks and gun availability while the gun-control side is willing to consider everything.
The opposition to universal background checks makes them really look bad. Don't you think? Plus, the insistence that gun free zones are somehow to blame lends an element of the absurd to their position.
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Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) Says Focus on Mental Health
Taking their cue from Wayne La Pierre, gun-rights politicians often talk about the other contributing problems INSTEAD of gun availability. It almost seems like they're desperate to deflect attention from the first main problem. Rep. Blackburn mentioned the mental health situation including the over-medicating of society, but she was very clear about the first priority - protect the 2nd Amendment.
Do you think "the steam is coming out of the balloon?" Are the pro-gun factors winning by default again?
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Worst Cities for Gun Violence
Business Insider has produced some interesting charts.
click to enlarge
That must means Las Vegas is heavy on the gun suicides. I suppose that makes sense. But, what doesn't make sense is the continual citing of Chicago by the gun-rights extremists as a failure of gun control while ignoring New Orleans.
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That must means Las Vegas is heavy on the gun suicides. I suppose that makes sense. But, what doesn't make sense is the continual citing of Chicago by the gun-rights extremists as a failure of gun control while ignoring New Orleans.
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Monday, January 14, 2013
The Suicide of Meriwether Lewis
Lewis got out his pistols. He loaded them and at some time during the early hours of October 11 shot himself in the head. The ball only grazed his skull.
He fell heavily to the floor. Mrs. Grinder heard him exclaim, "O Lord!"
Lewis rose, took up his other pistol, and shot himself in his breast. The ball entered and passed downward through his body, to emerge low down on his backbone.
He survived the second shot, staggered to the door of his room, and callled out, "O madam! Give me some water, and heal my wounds."
Lewis staggered outside, fell, crawled for some distance, raised himself by the side of a tree, then staggered back to his room. He scraped the bucket with a gourd for water, but the bucket was empty. He collapsed on his robes.
At first light, the terrified Mrs. Grinder sent her childern to fetch the servants. When they got to Lewis's room, they found him "busily engaged in cutting himself from head to foot" with his razor.
Lewis saw Pernier and said to him, "I have done the business my good Servant give me some water." Pernier did.
Lewis uncovered his side and showed them the second wound. He said, "I am no coward; but I am so strong, [it is] so hard to die." He said he had tried to kill himself to deprive his enemies of the pleasure and honor of doing it.
He begged the servants to take his rifle and blow out his brains, telling them not to be afraid, for he would not hurt them, and they could have all the money in his trunk.
Shortly after sunrise, his great heart stopped beating.
Lewis got out his pistols. He loaded them and at some time during the early hours of October 11 shot himself in the head. The ball only grazed his skull.
He fell heavily to the floor. Mrs. Grinder heard him exclaim, "O Lord!"
Lewis rose, took up his other pistol, and shot himself in his breast. The ball entered and passed downward through his body, to emerge low down on his backbone.
He survived the second shot, staggered to the door of his room, and callled out, "O madam! Give me some water, and heal my wounds."
Lewis staggered outside, fell, crawled for some distance, raised himself by the side of a tree, then staggered back to his room. He scraped the bucket with a gourd for water, but the bucket was empty. He collapsed on his robes.
At first light, the terrified Mrs. Grinder sent her childern to fetch the servants. When they got to Lewis's room, they found him "busily engaged in cutting himself from head to foot" with his razor.
Lewis saw Pernier and said to him, "I have done the business my good Servant give me some water." Pernier did.
Lewis uncovered his side and showed them the second wound. He said, "I am no coward; but I am so strong, [it is] so hard to die." He said he had tried to kill himself to deprive his enemies of the pleasure and honor of doing it.
He begged the servants to take his rifle and blow out his brains, telling them not to be afraid, for he would not hurt them, and they could have all the money in his trunk.
Shortly after sunrise, his great heart stopped beating.
Miss New York Speaks Her Mind
Although I oppose beauty pageants on moral grounds, this young Miss would get my vote. What about you?
Fake Jefferson Quotes
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The Founding Fathers are frequently quoted in the gun control debate, but many of those quotations turn out to be fake.Guess which side of the gun debate uses and benefits from fake quotes that are repeated and repeated?
The most popular comment on a recent story about gun control featured a purported quotation from Thomas Jefferson. More than 2,000 votes pushed it to the top."When governments fear the people, there is liberty," reads the quotation. "When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."The same quotation has been posted dozens of times in other readers' posts. Some readers worked to debunk it by mentioning, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation's website, which has a section devoted to "spurious" quotations that have been attributed to the third president of the United States. The website lists several variations of the quotation, featured on two pages, and says staff "have not found any evidence that Thomas Jefferson said or wrote" those words.
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Center for American Progress Makes Gun Control Suggestions
The Washington Post
Fortunately, the whole country has awoken from its lethargy.
With President Obama readying an overhaul of the nation’s gun laws, a liberal think tank with singular influence throughout his administration is pushing for a sweeping agenda of strict new restrictions on and federal oversight of gun and ammunition sales.That's not really news, everyone considers that the first main improvement that's needed. This is news though about the ATF.
The Center for American Progress is recommending 13 new gun policies to the White House — some of them executive actions that would not require the approval of Congress — in what amounts to the progressive community’s wish list.
CAP’s top recommendation is to require criminal background checks for all gun sales, closing loopholes that currently enable an estimated 40 percent of sales to occur without any questions asked. The organization also wants to add convicted stalkers and suspected terrorists to the list of those barred from purchasing firearms.
One of CAP’s suggestions to toughen federal regulation of gun sales is to make the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which is currently an agency within the Department of Justice, a unit of the FBI. CAP says absorbing the ATF into the FBI would better empower the ATF to combat gun crime and illegal trafficking.The more this discussion develops the clearer it becomes that the gun-rights movement is the criminals best friend. In their self-centered pursuit of expanding and never restricting gun rights, they are playing right into the hands of criminals who thrive on gun availability.
“It is a beleaguered agency lacking leadership and resources,” said Winnie Stachelberg, senior vice president of CAP. “It needs to be a well-functioning federal law enforcement agency, and we need to figure out ways to ensure that happens.”
Fortunately, the whole country has awoken from its lethargy.
A Modest Proposal to Curb Gun Violence without Violating Gun Rights
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All guns start out life being registered to the manufacturer. As the weapons are sold to a merchant, that registration is transferred to that merchant, and so on down the line. So far, not much different from the current system, but here's where it changes. If any weapon is used in a criminal act, the most recent registrant is responsible as an accessory to that crime.I couldn't agree more, in fact I've suggested as much myself. What's your opinion?
What? Wait a minute; do I mean to say that you are responsible for the safe operation of that gun even after it is no longer in my possession? Yes. Gun ownership is an extraordinary right and with extraordinary rights come extraordinary responsibilities. If you choose exercise your right to own a gun, one of your responsibilities is to keep it out of the hands of irresponsible people. You can shed this responsibility by selling your weapon to another person who will then register it in his or her own name. And yes, registration requires a background check similar to the one you endured when you bought the gun in the first place.
What about theft? In the event your gun is stolen, you will have to prove that you took all reasonable precautions against that theft. Was it in a gun safe or was it in your car's glove compartment? If it was on your person, you had better have been wounded in the exchange. After all, you've got a gun. I have little problem with making it a crime to not only steal a gun, but to have it stolen from you under some circumstances as well.
The purpose of this type of approach is to impress upon would be gun owners that they are responsible for their actions even if they attempt to rid themselves of that responsibility. You take on the responsibility until you pass it on legally.
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Stray Bullets are a Big Problem in Florida due to Pro-Gun Legislation
Local news reports
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Bullets whizzed into Gerry and Barbara Benedict's backyard, disrupting a quiet Sunday afternoon and scaring them silly.Can you imagine a state which has laws like that? This is one of the reasons Florida wears the crown.
The stray bullets that landed near their pool last year came from a private shooting range adjacent to their property at the Country Club of Mount Dora. The couple complained to local-government officials, who were powerless to do anything since the state stripped local governments of the ability to pass their own specific gun regulations.
Now, in the name of public safety, Lake County officials are putting the onus on legislators to tweak the 2011 law that gave the state sole authority over gun laws. Prompted by the Benedicts' situation, Lake is seeking "statutory changes" to deal with dangerous discharges of firearms.
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Shooting in Indiana Bar
Local news reports
No one knows what really happened. It was probably a lawful gun owner with a concealed carry permit exercising his constitutionally-protected god-given basic-human right to drink while carrying.
Only kidding.
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No one knows what really happened. It was probably a lawful gun owner with a concealed carry permit exercising his constitutionally-protected god-given basic-human right to drink while carrying.
Only kidding.
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James Yeager and his Lawyer
Well, I suppose you could call that a retraction. What did you think about his hedging several times with the phrase "it's not the time yet?"
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Well, I suppose you could call that a retraction. What did you think about his hedging several times with the phrase "it's not the time yet?"
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Sunday, January 13, 2013
The Most Enormous War Machine the World has ever Known
And this is what the gun-rights fanatics like Shapiro will fight against with their assault weapons and large capacity magazines.
Biden's Seven Points - First Three about Background Checks
Vice-President Joe Biden's first detailed remarks about the package of gun control reforms he intends to present next Tuesday to President Obama are solid first steps.
Speaking Thursday in Washington in between meetings with various gun control constituencies -- from pro-control victims groups and public health physicians on one side to the NRA on the other side -- Biden laid out seven proposals that would more or less reset the federal clock on gun control laws to where it was in 1985, a year before Congress started loosening decades of laws under the Reagan administration and NRA lobbying. Biden repeatedly earned an F rating from the NRA during his tenure in the Senate.
Here are the seven agenda items, which Biden said had near-unanimous support from gun control groups.
1) Close the so-called gun show loophole. In 1986, Congress passed a law allowing people to buy a firearm at one of the thousands of gun shows held each year across the country. These sales require no licensing of the gun buyer, no background checks, no waiting periods before getting the gun, no reporting sales to local or federal authorities. Today, 40 percent of gun sales annually across the county occur at gun shows, and by some estimates 80 percent of weapons used in crimes are bought at gun shows.
“There is a surprising—so far—a surprising recurrence of suggestions that we have universal background checks, not just close the gun show loophole but totally universal background checks including private sales,” Biden said.
2) Universal background checks for gun buyers; and 3) improve background check database. These two proposals are connected and face significant political, technical and legal hurdles. Congress has barred certain groups of people from owning guns for decades, starting with felons in 1934. In 1968, Congress expanded that list to include the mentally ill and drug addicts. In 1993, Congress passed the Brady Bill—named after Ronald Reagan’s press secretary who was shot—which instituted a federal system of background checks for gun buyers, and extended the waiting period to five days before buyers could get their guns.
The background check system has been in shambles for years, as AlterNet has reported, with three-quarters of the states choosing not to share court information about felons and the mentally ill with federal authorities, and the Supreme Court ruling in 1997 that states didn’t have to comply with the reporting requirement.
Even though Congress passed a 2007 law creating federally administered grants to states to overcome technical hurdles with sending information to the Justice Department (some states submit information electronically; others infrequently mail a CD) only a dozen states account for most of the data six years after that became law. Biden complained about this non-compliance Thursday. However, the solution doesn’t appear to be a quick fix if past is precedent.
“It doesn’t do a lot of good when in some states they have a backlog of 40, 50, 60,000 felons that they never registered here,” Biden said. “So we have got to talk about, there is a lot of talk about how we entice, or what is the impediment keeping states from relaying this information.”
Vice-President Joe Biden's first detailed remarks about the package of gun control reforms he intends to present next Tuesday to President Obama are solid first steps.
Speaking Thursday in Washington in between meetings with various gun control constituencies -- from pro-control victims groups and public health physicians on one side to the NRA on the other side -- Biden laid out seven proposals that would more or less reset the federal clock on gun control laws to where it was in 1985, a year before Congress started loosening decades of laws under the Reagan administration and NRA lobbying. Biden repeatedly earned an F rating from the NRA during his tenure in the Senate.
Here are the seven agenda items, which Biden said had near-unanimous support from gun control groups.
1) Close the so-called gun show loophole. In 1986, Congress passed a law allowing people to buy a firearm at one of the thousands of gun shows held each year across the country. These sales require no licensing of the gun buyer, no background checks, no waiting periods before getting the gun, no reporting sales to local or federal authorities. Today, 40 percent of gun sales annually across the county occur at gun shows, and by some estimates 80 percent of weapons used in crimes are bought at gun shows.
“There is a surprising—so far—a surprising recurrence of suggestions that we have universal background checks, not just close the gun show loophole but totally universal background checks including private sales,” Biden said.
2) Universal background checks for gun buyers; and 3) improve background check database. These two proposals are connected and face significant political, technical and legal hurdles. Congress has barred certain groups of people from owning guns for decades, starting with felons in 1934. In 1968, Congress expanded that list to include the mentally ill and drug addicts. In 1993, Congress passed the Brady Bill—named after Ronald Reagan’s press secretary who was shot—which instituted a federal system of background checks for gun buyers, and extended the waiting period to five days before buyers could get their guns.
The background check system has been in shambles for years, as AlterNet has reported, with three-quarters of the states choosing not to share court information about felons and the mentally ill with federal authorities, and the Supreme Court ruling in 1997 that states didn’t have to comply with the reporting requirement.
Even though Congress passed a 2007 law creating federally administered grants to states to overcome technical hurdles with sending information to the Justice Department (some states submit information electronically; others infrequently mail a CD) only a dozen states account for most of the data six years after that became law. Biden complained about this non-compliance Thursday. However, the solution doesn’t appear to be a quick fix if past is precedent.
“It doesn’t do a lot of good when in some states they have a backlog of 40, 50, 60,000 felons that they never registered here,” Biden said. “So we have got to talk about, there is a lot of talk about how we entice, or what is the impediment keeping states from relaying this information.”
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