Thursday, September 9, 2010

Gunloons ♥ Gays

Who knew gunloons were champions of the LGB&T community? I surely didn't.

Thanks to Sevesteen, using the latest, most scientific-est methodologies available to men (presumably, hetero- and homosexual), we learn:

So bigoted, right wing gun nuts are doing more than gay-oriented bloggers to spread the word about a particular incident of anti-gay bigotry.

Now, I can't claim to use the super-complicated, mystic arts of research employed by Sevesteen. But I'd suggest the following: take a look at the records of politicians with "A" ratings or better from the NRA. Then take a look at their records on gay issues. Who knows, we might learn something.


  1. Speaking of gays and guns, when is Obama going to repeal "don't ask don't tell"?

    The GOP certainly won't.

  2. But the gun banners love teh gay. That's why they fight so hard to make them into unarmed victims.

    The average gun banner can't get reelected without a pile of victims to stand on. That pile often includes many of the people they claim to support.

  3. AztecRed, You've got a distorted world view on that. The Pink Pistol folks are a tiny minority of the gay community. That's because this whole gun thing, for the most part, is tied up with male testosterone combined with fear and inadequacy. Gays generally don't have the right combination of these things to be interested in guns as the solution.

    Same goes for women. As much as you guys keep telling us female interest in guns is growing, it'll never amount to much because they don't have that peculiar cocktail in the brain that you do.

  4. Idunno about that Mike, it seems they've reached concensus.

    Additionally, testosterone levels have nothing to do with homosexuality.

  5. "That's because this whole gun thing, for the most part, is tied up with male testosterone combined with fear and inadequacy. Gays generally don't have the right combination of these things to be interested in guns as the solution.

    Same goes for women. As much as you guys keep telling us female interest in guns is growing, it'll never amount to much because they don't have that peculiar cocktail in the brain that you do."

    Did MikeB just say we (gunloons) were born that way?

  6. Jadegold, being John Locke's intellectual superior, must have discovered that the Pink Pistols are just a myth, designed to disguise the NRA's fiendish plans for a massive, nationwide, anti-gay holocaust.

  7. FWM, I guess it's like a lot of things, some folks must be born with a pre-disposition towards the peculiar combination of mental characteristics needed to be a gun lover. The rest is environmental.

  8. Dang it, I was wrong about the GOP and "Don't ask don't tell".

    It seems a group called "Log Cabin Republicans" sued to have it overturned, and have won on First and Fifth Amendment grounds.

  9. Mikeb shows his true colors:

    The Pink Pistol folks are a tiny minority of the gay community.

    Being a minority means they can be dismissed, then? Giving up on the "Defender of Minorities" identity so soon, Mikeb?

    Guess I shouldn't be surprised.

  10. As The Defender of Minorities, I might point out that guns are bad news for those few gay folks who think they need them.

  11. As The Defender of Minorities, I might point out that guns are bad news for those few gay folks who think they need them.

    Which would make sense, if you think unarmed gay individuals being beaten to death was good news. Should we add homophobia to your long list of bigotries?
