Monday, October 13, 2008

Barack Obama By a Landslide

I really know next to nothing about politics. This is due to the fact that I turned my back on it, figuratively speaking, after the Viet Nam period. Only about two years ago did I begin to get interested again, partly because I do read the news and feel the world is in terrible shape now, much worse than in the 70s, and partly because I heard Obama speak and thought he was the only credible sounding politician I'd ever heard.

I predicted Obama by a landslide. It was a bit tongue in cheek because of my near total ignorance on the subject. It was more wishful thinking than anything.

Today The Washington Post front page headline says Obama is 10 points ahead of McCain.

With just over three weeks until Election Day, the two presidential nominees appear to be on opposite trajectories, with Sen. Barack Obama gaining momentum and Sen. John McCain stalled or losing ground on a range of issues and personal traits, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

What's your opinion? Do you think this is exaggerated spinning on the part of a liberal newspaper?


  1. Only way to be sure it watch the news on November 5th.

    Still the polls are looking good for Barry. You can play numbers games with it, but overall that's how it looks right now.

  2. Generally, I think the media tries to make things look closer than they actually are to ensure that we are still watching.

    Right now the polls are swinging in such a way that they can't spin it. Hopefully they stay this way.
