Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Legitimate DGUs / Concealed Carry Murderers

Now that Weer'd Beard is getting on the bandwagon of posting DGUs, I thought we should keep an eye on this site too. H/T to The Gun Guys.

Concealed handgun permit holders have killed at least nine law enforcement officers in addition to 108 private citizens (including 13 shooters who killed themselves after an attack) since May 2007 according to the latest update of Concealed Carry Killers, a Violence Policy Center (VPC) on-line resource that tallies news reports of such killings.

It's been clear to me for a long time that the claim that DGUs equal or outnumber criminal misuse of guns is bogus. But perhaps a different comparison would yield a better result. Weer'd plans to post once a week with a DGU story; perhaps the VPC site can keep pace. What do you think?

Please leave a comment.


  1. Except that many of the instances on the VPC's list have already been debunked.

    Also, many were instances where the presence of a CCW permit was incidental and had no relation whatsoever to the crime.

    If a CCW holder strangles his wife to death how is it relevant (from a gun control) perspective, whether he had said permit and owned a gun.

    That's like using instances where someone commits murder with a gun and saying "Hey, look at this case, we need to ban cars because of stuff like this"

  2. I think not. Many DGUs go unrecorded.

  3. "Weer'd plans to post once a week with a DGU story; perhaps the VPC site can keep pace. What do you think?"

    That's pretty funny knowing that you're fully aware of Cramer's self defense blog.

  4. Look out! Do You all realize what this means? One thousanth of one percent of concealed carry license holders may shoot someone! There will be blood flowing in the streets!

  5. Many DGUs simply aren't.

    And it's pretty easy to show the number of legitimate DGUs are dwarfed by the illegal uses of guns.

    There are about 250 justifiable homicides in the US each year from all causes. This number remains, with few exceptions, pretty stable. About 80% of these hustifiable homicides involve the use of a firearm.

    OTOH, there are about 13000 gun homicides each year.

    Now, if we make a truly wild and unsupportable assumption that there are an equal number of gun brandishments resulting in a DGU as there are that result in an attempt to harrass, intimidate or threaten--we can see illegal uses far outstrip legal uses.

    Of course, our assumption is completely bogus; we know gun brandishments to harrass, intimidate or threaten are far more common than DGUs.

    Mike W also posts something silly:"If a CCW holder strangles his wife to death how is it relevant (from a gun control) perspective, whether he had said permit and owned a gun."

    So, you'd have no problem with your airline pilot being a raging alcoholic or drug abuser?


  6. "Concealed handgun permit holders have killed at least nine law enforcement officers in addition to 108 private citizen..."

    Is this murdered or killed? I remember a "ccw holder kills cop" from a couple years ago where the drunk cop was choking his wife, and the wife's brother shot and was cleared of the killing. It wouldn't surprise me for VPC to count legitimate DGU's as "killed by a license holder".

    Can you find any city of over 4 million with less than 108 murders since May of 2007?

  7. Related links:

    Violence Policy Center Makes It Up as They Go Along — Again


    Gun-control advocates play fast and loose


  8. The VPC has a long history of blatant dishonesty.
