Thursday, August 2, 2012

Al Jazeera's Inside Story


  1. 1. The Obama children are protected by the Secret Service. We aren't.

    2. Michael Bloomberg is an authoritarian who cares only about his own power and wealth.

    3. Police shill Williams has trouble with the people pushing back when their rights are restricted? Cry me a river.

    4. Goddard was in a gun-free zone. The Aurora theater was a gun-free zone. We see how well those work.

    5. Timothy McVeigh used diesel fuel and fertilizer. The 9/11 terrorists used box cutters.

    6. The Aurora killer bought his guns at a Federally licensed dealer. He passed the background checks. Williams is being disingenuous.

    7. Goddard believes that passing a law will change what crazy or criminal people will do.

    8. The host lists out the good gun laws of Colorado as though they were bad things. Lots of people own unregistered guns--this is good.

    9. The government cannot seize what it doesn't know about. Registration is a way for the government to know what citizens possess.

    10. Williams whines that Gottlieb doesn't listen to what political police officers say, but since when do we subject our rights of police approval? The police have the duty to enforce laws that the people choose. The police are not empowered to make laws.

    11. Goddard fails to recognize that the American people aren't on his side.

    1. Sound of crickets from the gun grabbers...

  2. This is a great posting I have read. I like your article. Thank you

    1. Mikeb, toko...'s comment is spam. You leave it, but delete others?

  3. Japete published this gem today:

    "The NRA has just gone too far and as a result, innocent people have lost their lives and more will surely follow if nothing is done to stop the mythical power of the organization."

    I'm very impressed. Japete manages to do in just one sentence what Jade, Laci and DogGone usually are only able to accomplish in separate articles, days apart. She lays the blame for something on the NRA, then says their power is mythical but if they aren't stopped their mythical power will prevail again.

    So is the power real and needs stopped or can we ignore it because it is mythical?

    Its hard enough keeping up with you guys flip-flopping like a Massachusetts Senator when you do it in multiple articles. Her ability to pull the same stunt in a single sentence is really amazing--or mythical--I'll let you know.

    I posted this here because I doubt she'll post my comment on her site.

    1. Pithy writing from the control side? Who knew...

    2. It's obvious what Japete means. Perhaps "mythical" was not the best word. "Excessive" or "exaggerated" would have been clearer, but what I find interesting is you know very well what her point is but you nit-pick on one ill-chosen word.

    3. i'm not nitpicking and it is hardly the first time "mythical" has been used, even on this blog. The way your co-bloggers go back and forth between the NRA having no real power to being the greatest influence of evil is well documented.

  4. The average number of people killed in mass shootings when stopped by police is 14.3

    The average number of people killed in a mass shooting when stopped by a civilian is 2.3

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Granny gets her gun, JadeGold's panties are all in a knot as his thieving redistributionist friends get the runs....

  7. Gun Owner Saves Cop's Life by Shooting Deranged Gunman! (VIDEO)

  8. NRA/TEA party (oh wait not that TEA party) biotch-slap anti-gun RINO.

    It's not like you all are gonna vote Democrat over this." - Republican Caucus Chairwoman Debra Maggart

    Can you say Primary, good I knew you could.....

    Now, don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!!!!

  9. Romney Picks Chick-Fil-A Cow Mascot for VP!!

    First half black half white VP and smarter than Biden too boot.
