Wednesday, August 1, 2012

R.I.P. Gore Vidal


  1. Good-bye to a fellow anti-imperialist. Enjoy the peacefulness of your repose.
    orlin sellers

  2. I dont agree about Vidal's assessment of Truman. It ignores not only what Truman did to fight military spending throughout his political career, OR his successor, Ike, who also spoke out strongly against the military industrial complex. Neither Truman or Ike were big on foreign military involvement if they could avoid it.

    Vidal is charming, he is erudite, but he gets some of this wrong -- and doesn't seem to care, if it makes a good story for him to tell a listener.

  3. Who gave the order to drop the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Oh, that's right, Truman.
    You have no compunction about dropping an atomic bomb on a civilian population center, but fer gawdssake don't have an accidental discharge.
    Aye yi, yi.
    orlin sellers
