Friday, February 15, 2013

Wayne La Pierre on the State of the Union Speech

Wayne continues to teach by example. One of the most commonly used tricks of the pro-gun argument is to accuse the other side of that which they themselves are guilty of.  He said the president "displayed a level of public deception that simply cannot be ignored."  But Wayne is the master at this.

One deceptive item that he mentions quite frequently is that so few failed background checks end up in a prosecution for attempting to buy a gun illegally.  This is supposed to represent some kind of failure of the system, but what he overlooks is that every one of those people DID NOT GET THE GUN. At least they did not get the gun from that dealer.  They were forced to seek other sources or to simply do without.

In other words, the system works regardless of whether those folks are arrested for ATTEMPTING to buy a gun. It works because they were STOPPED from buying one.

Another deception, and for me the biggest one, is the "criminals won't submit to background checks therefore it can never be universal" nonsense.  Jon Stewart ridiculed it best.  This is based on the falsehood that all pro-gun folks like to perpetuate, that only already-convicted criminals do bad things with guns.  It also glosses over the fact that the success of the background check system in stopping millions of prohibited persons from buying guns every year would be improved drastically if background checks were required for private sales thereby eliminating one of the other major sources of guns for prohibited persons.

On TTAG, the sycophantic followers of Robert Farago are all ready to throw Wayne out of the boat.  That's simply because that's the tack Robert took after Sandy Hook, certainly not because they agree with anything I've had to say about the man.

What's your opinion?  Please leave a comment.


  1. Insane Wayne is paid handsomely to ensure that all Gun laws are stricken and that the Firearms Industry is free to flood the Country with as much of their murderous product as possible.

    He's been doing it since 1977. He's never had a real job. He's surrounded by armed security. He's the epitome of an unelected Washingtonian Tick who sucks the blood of the American People.

    1. He's doing exactly what I want him to do.

    2. Hmm...I guess it's really true that dogs don't bark at parked cars

  2. It's certainly correct to say that criminals don't run background checks on each other. Ban law-abiding citizens from owning guns--or whatever weaseling way you want to describe gun control--and guns will come across the border. Many more will be sold within the country from the existing supply. Good people will lose respect for the law when that law takes away their rights.

    Keep pushing, Mikeb. But do remember: When the line is crossed, it will take a lot of struggle and strife to get on the peaceful side again.

  3. "He's surrounded by armed security."

    So? It is not like it is hypocritical.

  4. Yeah a real tick, just like that stretched out hag Nancy Pelosi who can't take a pay cut from her congressional salary even though she is worth 40-50 million dollars..... what a pig....

    1. Hey Thomas, Nancy Pelosi wins elections through the Democratic process whereas your chickenhawk insane coward Wayne LaPierre hasn't done a day's worth of work in his life.

      Now as you are a right-wing drone I understand that you hate Democracy and want to rule america from the barrel of your gun but Real Americans do not.

    2. If we're going to start comparing the relative worth of different jobs, it would be best not to include Congress in the list. That's just cruel.
