State Senator Leland Yee (D-CA), an anti-gun anti-violent video game legislator was arrested on charges he trafficked in firearms and violated corruption laws.
Yee is charged with “conspiracy to deal firearms without a license and to illegally import firearms” as well as six counts of honest services fraud. Each corruption charge is punishable by up to 20 years in federal prison and a fine of up to $250,000, while the gun-trafficking charge is punishable by up to five years and $250,000.
The firearms laws Yee is alleged to have specifically violated make it unlawful for any person:
except a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer, to engage in the business of importing, manufacturing, or dealing in firearms, or in the course of such business to ship, transport, or receive any firearm in interstate or foreign commerce
and make it unlawful for any person:
to transport or ship in interstate or foreign commerce, any stolen firearm or stolen ammunition, knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that the firearm or ammunition was stolen.
This is too beautiful for words to express adequately. Of course, it's not a surprise, but it does go to show the nature of our opponents.
ReplyDeleteThis is precisely why we don't trust you lawful "gun control" advocates.
ReplyDeleteThere seems to be a lot of this going around in California. Its almost looking like the Illinois Democratic Party,
ReplyDelete"Yee is the third Democratic senator to face charges this year. Sen. Rod Wright was convicted of perjury and voter fraud for lying about his legal residence in Los Angeles County, and Sen. Ron Calderon has been indicted on federal corruption charges. Wright and Calderon are taking a voluntary leave of absence, with pay, although Republicans have called for them to be suspended or expelled from the Legislature."
Ah, so the real reasoning behind his gun bans was to boost his black market enterprise. Makes sense now.
ReplyDeleteSo, was he pushing gun control to increase his profit margin?
ReplyDeleteThe crimes of which Yee is accused are of course far less evil than the crime against humanity that is "gun control." That being the case, one could argue that in one respect, his alleged corruption and gun trafficking crimes are some of the best things he has done in his political career, by virtue of the possible deleterious effect on "gun control" efforts in California (excerpt):
ReplyDeleteGun-control groups said Thursday they were trying to find a new legislative leader to champion firearms restrictions after one of their most outspoken supporters was charged in a federal gun-trafficking case.
People on both sides of the gun control issue said the charges against state Sen. Leland Yee, D-San Francisco, may slow consideration of gun legislation this year.
"Ironically, while he's being charged with gun trafficking, next to (U.S. Sen.) Dianne Feinstein he was probably the second most outspoken gun control advocate. This really leaves us scrambling for someone to pick up that mantle," said Paul Song, executive chairman of Courage Campaign, a nonprofit advocacy group. "If it wasn't so sad it would be comical. But what we're really worried about is that this will further destroy the momentum for gun control here in California."
So good job, Mr. Yee!
Between Gun Runner and this, it's beginning to look like a pattern.
ReplyDelete""If it wasn't so sad it would be comical. But what we're really worried about is that this will further destroy the momentum for gun control here in California."
ReplyDeleteWell it isn't sad and in fact it is quite comical.
Enjoy it. God knows when I catch one of you gun-rights fanatics doing something wrong, I'm all over it. The obvious difference is in the frequency. I post multiple stories EVERY DAY, which you biased and defensive gun nuts call "anecdotal." Then when the occasional and rare story like this comes out, you quickly paint the entire gun control movement with this brush. That sounds like hypocrisy as well as bias. But, by all means, enjoy.
ReplyDeleteThis guy was a darling of your movement--I first heard of him because of Brady Campaign and others holding him up as an ideal.
DeleteThat's a bit different than pulling out a story about some screwball individual nobody has heard of and trying to paint all gun owners with the same brush.
Mikeb, one major difference is that a bad gun owner affects only the people immediately around him, while Yee was demanding violations of the rights of millions.
DeleteKeep in mind the level of hypocrisy here. This isn't some gun controller screwing up with a gun. This isn't Diane Feinstein or Donnie Trotter having permits in the "guns for me, not for thee" mold. No, this is engaging in arms trafficking- allegedly, I must add. This is like Fred Phelps, not just taking a gay lover, but being the head of a homosexual prostitution ring.
DeleteActually, TS, to really equal it, Fred would have had to have been elected to a statewide office, been given the endorsement of Pat Robertson etc., and also been importing the gay prostitutes sex slavers.
DeleteIt really takes some work to come up with an analogy that really does this justice--I mean, this is the type of stuff you see Lex Luthor trying to pull.
"No, this is engaging in arms trafficking- allegedly, I must add."
Delete"The FBI affidavit describes conversations about shipments of automatic weapons and talk of heavier weapons, including shoulder-fired missiles and artillery.
One arms trafficker Yee allegedly discussed sourced weapons from Russia. Another trafficker, in an alleged meeting with Sen. Yee, political consultant Keith Jackson, and the FBI informant on March 11, 2014, allegedly discussed arms to be obtained from the Philippines. The affidavit claims the arms trafficker claimed personal relationships with Islamic rebels in the Philippines, though the weapons were supposedly to be obtained from sources inside the Philippine military.
Throughout the document, a portrait emerges of a politician who is not only allegedly cavalier about campaign finance limits but who allegedly associates with violent criminals and drug traffickers."
This is my take on it, from my new gig writing for JPFO.
DeleteLoved the meme you posted with the article Kurt.
DeleteHe was hardly a "darling of the movement." I'd never heard of him. But, like I said, enjoy. That's why I posted it.
DeleteKurt, your article on Yee is witty, glib and eloquent, as always with your writing.
DeleteApparently, you don't read your own blog. But if you've never heard of Yee, this only goes to show, once again, how ignorant you are of the subject you pontificate about so much.
He was hardly a "darling of the movement."
DeleteWell, the Brady Campaign seems to disagree, as do forcible citizen disarmament advocates in California who lament that his downfall takes out one of the major players in California gun politics.
I'd never heard of him.
And we all know that anyone whom Mikeb has not heard of cannot be of any importance.
Kurt, your article on Yee is witty, glib and eloquent, as always with your writing.
Thanks, I guess. I also have something on him at my old gig.
Loved the meme you posted with the article Kurt.
DeleteThanks, SSG, but I can't take credit for that. My editor (and a longtime idol of mine) found that one.
Whether or not you've heard of him matters little. He had been recognized and praised by the organizations. He was THE force behind trying to get rid of Bullet Buttons in California (to the extent that it boggles the imagination that you wouldn't have heard of him considering your support of the legislation--maybe you heard of him and forgot since he wasn't someone you could vote for).
DeleteYou're right, I'm sure I've heard of him but forgot. That's why calling him the darling of the movement didn't really work for me.
DeleteYou're right, I'm sure I've heard of him but forgot.
DeleteDid you "forget" about him in the same manner that the Bloomberg Moms (BMs) did, or are you going to claim to have more integrity than they have (which ain't exactly a high bar)?
"Then when the occasional and rare story like this comes out, you quickly paint the entire gun control movement with this brush."
ReplyDeleteThree congresscritters in the last year seems neither occasional or rare Mike. Especially with Yee's probable ties to foreign gun markets as he himself seemed to suggest to the FBI.
Its always disheartening when you place your trust in someone enough that you give him added responsibility and that person betrays that trust.
Well here's a creative(ly stupid) way for "gun control" advocates to handle the Yee fallout: use his alleged crimes as justification for--you guessed it--more oppressive "gun control."
ReplyDeleteAnd this idiotic woman actually wins elections in California.
I can see that. Just like the solution to America's heroin problem is to make sure all the aspirin sold was produced domestically.
DeleteExactly, TS. Maybe she can claim to be trying to protect the U.S. gun industry from competition.
DeleteYou "gun control" nuts sure don't seem to mind engaging in blatant hypocrisy when you see some personal profit in it.