Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Your Average Gun Owners

The Las Vegas Democrat Examiner provided a wonderful article and this video, which perfectly illustrates the malleable masses of simple gun owners. These are not the ones who write pro-gun blogs. These are the ones who receive the message whether by reading it themselves or by word of mouth. I say again, it is irresponsible for pro-gun bloggers to incite their less-intellectually endowed followers with exaggerated talk of gun confiscations and persecution of gun owners. It's not the government that's pushing these people towards the edge, it's their own leaders in the gun movement.


  1. What exactly was exaggerated?

    Aside from the guy in the flag shirt who was cut off just as he was saying something about the Second Amendment being taken away, everything that was said was fairly accurate.

    Personally, i'm surprised the video is as balanced as it is. Authorized journalists aren't exactly known for their objective reporting when it comes to issues involving guns.

  2. And if you folks weren't constantly assaulting our rights there would be nothing for any of us to be upset about.

    Since you're quick to spread blame how about blaming you and your anti-gun ilk?

  3. If you've ever been to a gun show, you'll almost always find vendors there selling products and services unrelated to guns or hunting.

    having been to gunshows across the nation, you'll always find a table or kiosk devoted to white separatism/supremacy. There you'll find your copies of 'The Turner Diaries' as well as t-shirts, mugs, etc. extolling the Confederacy, Nazi Germany and CDs of the speeches of William Pierce and his ilk.

    You'll also find your anti-Govt kiosk. Sometimes this will be combined with the white supremacist wares.

    Additionally, you'll find a table where someone is selling DVDs/CDs that tell you that you can legally pay no taxes.. This may be combined with those who tell you how you can make $10K a month by working 2-3 hours a week.

    In short, the average gunloon is the market for the above products. You don't see such vendors at car shows or computer shows.


  4. What's the problem with that event, Mike? A peaceful protest, in which no one was hurt. People engaging in civil political discourse. I thought that was supposed to be a good thing.

  5. "If you've ever been to a gun show, you'll almost always find vendors there selling products and services
    unrelated to guns or hunting."

    If you've ever been to a car show, you'll almost always find vendors there selling products and services unrelated to cars and driving.

    If you've ever been to a boat show, you'll almost always find vendors there selling products and services unrelated to boats or boating.

    Some of the same tired fallacy from Jadegold. Get new material.

    "You don't see such vendors at car shows or computer shows."

    Then you haven't been to enough car shows. I've seen the police break up quite a few cars shows because of illegal activity, usually someone selling drugs.

  6. I think JadeGold makes a very good point. Many gun shows are attended by folks selling those controversial items. They do that because the market demands it. It's supply and demand, baby.

  7. I think JadeGold makes a very good point. Many gun shows are attended by folks selling those controversial items. They do that because the market demands it. It's supply and demand, baby."

    Amazon.com also sells those controversial items. Using JadeLogic, it's must be because the average Amazon shopper is the market for the above products.
