Friday, November 8, 2013

Jon Stewart on the State of the Health Care Controversy

The Daily Show
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  1. The video's no longer available, but tell me this: Do you really see this mess being cleaned up by the 2014 election?

    1. I fixed it, thanks. The real question is whether this will hurt the next Democratic candidate. It won't, because as Jon Stewart pointed out towards the end of the video, the Republicans have been worse by a long site.

    2. I do think that Democrats have their hearts in the right place many times. The trouble is that their solutions are heavy, bureaucratic tangles instead of working answers. Republicans tend to burn down the house to remove spilled spaghetti sauce.

    3. Department of Homeland Security, a Republican idea, is the quintessential example of, "heavy, bureaucratic tangles instead of working answers."

    4. On this point, I agree with Steve. The Department of Homeland Insecurity would be a joke if it weren't so dangerous to our liberty.
