Saturday, November 13, 2010

Serr8d on Guns and Alcohol

This is a diagram generously submitted by Serr8d. I'm not gonna even comment on it because if I say something serious like pointing out that the top two circles do not overlap and he comes back with the whole thing was a joke, I'll look pretty silly.

But, what do you think? Perhaps the maestro himself could explain, you know, to help those with a "fierce and tiny mind."

Please leave a comment.


  1. I don't drink much--maybe 3-4 beers or 1-2 shots or mixed drinks in a month, very occasional. When I venture out of the house, I usually carry a gun. When I do, I don't drink. When I know I am going to a friends house where I know I will share 1 or 2 beers, I don't carry a gun.

    It is really not that difficult to manage the two separately.

    And I suppose since I mentioned alcohol and guns in the same post, I am now advocating their simultaneous use.

  2. Seriously?? SERIOUSLY??? You cannot interpret a Venn diagram ?

    The two circles do not overlap because you cannot ever mix the two. The bottom circle overlaps both, because one can drink and blog about it AND one can shoot and blog about it (some bloggers can drink and blog at the same time; Vodkapundit is well-known for his drunk blogging, and I'll wager that even drunk and without a keyboard he can blog circles around you.

    Where did you go to college, anyways?

  3. On the contrary, FWM. What you're advocating in that comment is a very responsible program. If all gun owners did it like you, we'd all be better off.

  4. On the contrary, FWM. What you're advocating in that comment is a very responsible program. If all gun owners did it like you, we'd all be better off.

    Yet you attack Breda for just this.

  5. RuffRidr, This is why arguing with you is a drag, you lack basic honesty.

    The "attack" of what Breda did and the compliment of what FWM wrote are clear to anyone except the most mendacious, contentious people like you, those blinded by their need to argue at all cost.

    Breda wrote a post extolling the pleasures of drinking alcohol on a gun blog. She included no disclaimer or warninig or explanation, no clarification of how she manages her guns while thus imbibing. I found that worthy of criticism.

    FatWhiteMan, on the other hand provided us with an example of very responsible behaviour, which, since I'm not as biased and close-minded as you, since I don't have the switch turned to the argue-against-everything position like you, I complimented him.

    Get it?

  6. Breda wrote a post extolling the pleasures of drinking alcohol on a gun blog. She included no disclaimer or warninig or explanation, no clarification of how she manages her guns while thus imbibing. I found that worthy of criticism.

    First off her blog does not deal solely with guns. In fact, looking through her posts it would be a minor point of her blog. So why wouldn't she post about things she enjoys (alcohol being one of them)? Does she really need to clarify or somehow appease you by placing a disclaimer on every post of hers letting people know if guns were or were not present? That is ludicrous.

    I don't know what kind of bug you got up your ass regarding Breda, but it certainly appears to the common observer that you are singling her out for some reason.
