Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Tea Party Has Gone Completely Around the Bend


  1. Why is this the only place I see this guy's video?

    orlin sellers

  2. And the anti-gun people who make death threats against pro-gun people are proof positive that the gun control movement has gone even further around the bend and are a bunch of murderous bastards who should all be arrested.

  3. As much as I sympathize with his idea here, he probably has little use for me. In many respects, I am what he would call a liberal. That's with a small "l" as a believer in individual liberty.

  4. Properly speaking, this guy isn't really a representative of the Tea Party. That movement originally got going on economic matters--primarily the debt and deficit--not social issues. This man is concerned mostly with turning America into a theocracy, from what I can tell from his videos.
