Wednesday, January 30, 2013

An Explanation of the Term "Gun Porn"


The urban dictionary refers to gun porn as the fetish images of guns lit like porn models (no gender or orientation specified), or as exaggerated gore and violence in the portrayal of guns. The way I'm using the term here it is the connection between guns and the sexuality of guys who aren't getting any - or not what they want, and their desire for firearms to make them feel manly and powerful, and therefore appealing to women who want them with guns but not without them.


  1. Hey, next time you post a picture of a chick like that, find one that's real, real poor, so poor she can't afford clothes.

    orlin sellers

  2. Typical Dog Gone: No sense of humor, taking what a few do and implying that everyone in a category is the same, trying to impose her perverse psychoanalytic religion on the rest of us. Have I missed anything?

    1. On the most popular gun blog in the universe there are frequent erotic pictures of women. It's not "what a few do."

    2. Sex shows up in all manner of things in our culture. Americans like sex, but they feel guilty about it. So? Guns may get associated with sex, but the two things are different categories.

  3. And DG goes off the deep end and makes up statistics to suit her fancy.

    More people are buying guns now than ever before, especially women. A recent study by a professor at Loyala-Marymont university showed that over 60 percent of high school seniors and college students envisioned owning a gun/guns in the future.

    Mike G.

    1. What high school kids SAY is hardly evidence for anything. The women and the minorities who are buying guns are insignificant compared to the fat white men who already own them.

  4. And here's an explanation of the gun control freaks "silly hysteria": NEW YORK (MYFOXNY) -

    A lime-green Nerf toy gun caused an hours-long lock-down at a Long Island school on Tuesday.

    Read more:

    An explanation of their craven cowardice:
    MOUNT CARMEL — A 5-year-old kindergartner who told classmates she was going to shoot them, and then herself, with her pink bubble gun, was grilled for three hours by Mount Carmel school officials without her mother’s knowledge, then suspended, a family attorney said.

    The girl was initially kicked out for 10 days in what the school categorized as a “terroristic threat,” according to the kindergartner’s mother and confirmed by the family attorney. That suspension was reduced to two days and labeled as a “threat to harm others.”

    An explanation of their "asinine frenzy"
    A Bronx school went into lockdown this morning after a campus aide overheard a student talking about his gun -- a toy gun it turned out, officials said.
    The 12-year-old boy told police he was talking to a classmate about his toy Nerf gun, which he left at home, law enforcement sources said.
    “It's nerve racking. There are police officers here with assault rifles and there are helicopters flying around. It's really scary out here."

    You control freaks are a bunch of fruitcakes.

    orlin sellers

    1. There's hysteria out there, but that hardly represents the gun control movement.

    2. You and the other mental pygmies are psnt-pissing terrified of peaceful gun-owning people.

      orlin sellers

    3. Not true. We realize that not all the so-called lawful gun owners are peaceful people. That's something you deny.

    4. I said peaceful gun-owning people. Not peaceful gun owners are not peaceful. Sheesh!!!

      orlin sellers

  5. I know it's a common internet meme, Mike. But is there really any scientific evidence for this idea of penis compensation? What about all of the gun owners with wives or girlfriends and healthy, active sex lives? Does the guy with a fast car need to compensate? Or is he just a wild young-un or yet another mid-life crisis dewd that thinks it's just fun to drive super fast in a really slick car?

    I really don't know.

    There are more normal types of photographic porn: food porn, bicycle porn, cars, things of this nature. Wouldn't gun porn just be really, really bitchen awesome guns that appeal to gun lovers?

    1. I think Dog Gone covered that. Gun Porn usually refers to pictures of guns without the hot chicks.

    2. Thanks, Flying Junior. Gun control freaks have to use psychological slurs to demean gun owners, since they have so little else to support their desires.
