Thursday, June 20, 2013

Mendacious and Tricky Gun-Rights Con Job


  1. Calling someone a liar and proving the person to be a liar are two different things.

    The claim here is that Biden revealed the truth about gun control, namely that it won't "fundamentally alter" the chances of a mass shooting or bring gun deaths down to an arbitrarily chosen number.

    But if it can't do that, then what good is it? We already know the answer to that. Gun control is about control.

    1. Greg, you're as bad a liar as that pretty young thing announcing the video. Biden said, nothing is going to fundamentally alter the possibility OF ANOTHER mass shooting. That means nothing will guarantee NEVER having another one.

      This touches on one of your side's biggest lies. You pretend that gun control laws are going to stop ALL gun crime, otherwise, in your own words, "what good are they?" We don't say that.

    2. You toss out claims that other people are liars without any consequence to you. If you really believed that we gun owners are as dangerous and crazy as you say, you wouldn't do that.

      But the phrase, fundamentally alter, implies a significant change in the frequency of the event in question. If gun control can't do that, then what good is it?

  2. I was pretty shocked that this appeared on CNN. One problem is that the Vice President doesn't seem to care is he says stupid stuff like advising people to fire a shotgun through a door or into the air if they're scared.
    From what the clips in the video are showing he doesn't seem to care about consistency either. Perhaps its a memory issue. I know mine seems rather porous at times.
    Because of these instances of verbal slips, even a news network like CNN which is one of the administration's faithful supporters is calling him on it. If he keeps it up, he'll start to lose more credibility and have a negative effect on the issue he is trying to support.

    1. I'm with you on the shotgun quotes. But in this video, what he said was fine. No laws however strict will prevent ALL gun crime.

  3. By the way, I don't remember the last time I saw CNN accused of pushing a gun-rights agenda...

  4. You call people liars without proof, supported only by what you desperately want to be true. You ignore, belittle and demean others without regard for truth, honor or decency. Shortly someone will dare to question your honesty, motives or intellect in a way that gets under your skin and you will once again cry foul as if your behavior leaves you with any sort of moral authority. Your hatred of freedom and intolerance for those who dare disagree with you are obvious and well known. And you still dare to accuse others of mendacity.

    1. Pro-gun trick number 1: accuse the opposition of that which you yourself are guilty of. The best defense is a good offense.

    2. Except, Mikeb, we've shown you repeatedly that you are guilty of these things, while we are not.

    3. Please, no more! I'm going to become a fat, white gun owner if you keep feeding me all of this delicious irony!
