Tuesday, June 18, 2013

MSNBC Discussion on Bloomberg's Tactics

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  1. As one commentator put it so well, Bloomberg can afford to not play nice with the Democratic party because he'll likely never be elected to anything else again and he's got about a zillion dollars.
    Does the Mayor have an actual plan to place blame on Republicans as suggested in the video? Or is he just doing the old we had to destroy the village in order to save it tactic.
    I have discovered another story about a lawful gun owner running afoul of the law to use. Apparently one of the officers on the Mayor's protective team was convicted of attempted murder just recently. So not only does the Mayor have problems keeping enough Mayors on the role due to criminal offences, he has the same problem with his own security.
    And you thought Justin Bieber had it bad....


  2. While it was fun to hear the host talk about Bloomberg's ignominious defeat in Nevada, when overwhelming support for a veto of the private sales ban overcame all the money he had tossed into the state, I was a little disappointed they didn't talk about Colorado.

    I refer, of course, to Colorado State Senate President John Morse, who is fervently hoping for some Bloomberg Bucks to protect him from the wrath of the people in the looming recall election, while simultaneously whining that "we cannot allow outside interest groups to determine what is best for Colorado."

    Have you ever heard anything funnier than that?

  3. Another disappointing omission was the lack of any mention of the fact that Bloomberg's bus tour is reduced to sneaking from town to town, out of fear of the embarrassment a counter-protest would cause.

    Then there's the fact that when counter-protestors in Newtown legally, openly carried firearms, the Bloomberg crybabies called the heat on them.

  4. It's fun to listen to people whine about why no one agrees with them. The guy with the beard was the closest to understanding my side, despite his sneering. We do see a differrence between good and evil, and we see no sense in disarming good.

    But on the question of strategy, this group also gets it. Bloomberg is showing himself to be a petulant tyrant who will attack anyone who doesn't bow down to his whims.

