Saturday, April 19, 2014

In Indiana a Bullying Concealed Carry Permit Holder Breaks the Law and Denies Everything

Local news reports


  1. Sigh, reading this stuff this stuff just makes me shake my head and wonder, if you'll pardon the language WTF. Both sides seem to agree that she brought a gun into the school. I have a hard time buying the forgot the gun in my sweatpants, yet claims to carry routinely. (something I also do)
    The only question will come down to her behavior during the meeting. If you go by the reports of the school officials, I could envision a potential charge of aggravated assault or terrorist threats. Both felonies, at least in Minnesota.

    1. Which one seemed more credible to you on the video?

  2. This is the kind of gun loon, dangerous behavior your "side" (gun owners) engages in.

    1. How about you show us the percentage of gun owners who do anything wrong with their guns? Then tell us about the percentage of gun control politicians who commit felonies

    2. It's your stupid comparison, you provide the evidence.

    3. "your "side" (gun owners)"

      Thought you claimed to be a gun owner, Anonymous. Guess that puts her on your "side" according to your rules.

    4. Simon,
      Gee, I guess you missed the multiple times I addressed this idiotic "side" thing, especially since I addressed it directly to you and you responded, so you know exactly what I'm talking about, yet lie about my stance again. A sad person and clear liar.

    5. The sides here are simple: You support gun rights or you don't.

    6. NO, that's your extremist black and white view. That's not rational, or reality. I can be for gun rights and for background checks, mental health background checks, certain weapons cannot be sold to individuals, magazine capacity, etc., etc.. We already have limitations on certain weapons, that does not constitute an infringement on your rights. It's just you brick wall gun loon thinking again.
