Vanity Fair
When the history of 2014 is written, it will take note of a large fact that has received little attention: 2014 was the last year in which the United States could claim to be the world’s largest economic power. China enters 2015 in the top position, where it will likely remain for a very long time, if not forever. In doing so, it returns to the position it held through most of human history.
Comparing the gross domestic product of different economies is very difficult. Technical committees come up with estimates, based on the best judgments possible, of what are called “purchasing-power parities,” which enable the comparison of incomes in various countries. These shouldn’t be taken as precise numbers, but they do provide a good basis for assessing the relative size of different economies. Early in 2014, the body that conducts these international assessments—the World Bank’s International Comparison Program—came out with new numbers. (The complexity of the task is such that there have been only three reports in 20 years.) The latest assessment, released last spring, was more contentious and, in some ways, more momentous than those in previous years. It was more contentious precisely because it was more momentous: the new numbers showed that China would become the world’s largest economy far sooner than anyone had expected—it was on track to do so before the end of 2014.
Anyone else notice that Mikeb seems to ascribe both "treason" against the U.S., and "jingoism," for the U.S., to the same sorts of people? Now that kind of mental gyration can't be easy.
ReplyDeleteN, but I frequently notice that complex concepts tend to blow by you. In this case, you are conflating two different concepts.
DeleteTreason is the act of waging war against the US government according to the US Constitution, but it has a much more complex history in the common law. Treason is seen more as a betrayal. In the case you mention, it is going against the legal order.
Or as I like to say, some people who claim to defend the constitution should learn what exactly they are defending, but, Kurt, you are known to say amazingly stupid shit and show you have no idea what exactly is going on.
And, yes, one can be hyperpatriotic, yet hold treasonous views. That is how civil wars erupt, which is really stupid when one realises the US constitution makes it clear that one is not being patriotic if the espouse the opinion that waging war against the US makes sense.
I know that will go by you.
So, yes, one can be jingoistic and treasonous--try and get your head around that.
BTW, jingoism is belligerent "patriotism", or "extreme patriotism, especially in the form of aggressive or warlike foreign policy."
DeleteSo, yes, one can have a perverse form of "Patriotism", yet hold treasonous views in that they are willing to go outside the constitutional order.
Is that dumbed down enough for you, Kurt?
I'm seein' a lot of words there, Laci, and most of it simply insulting the intelligence of someone who is smart enough to not spend several days posting videos of his favorite minstrel shows.
DeleteIs that dumbed down enough for you, Kurt?
DeleteFear not, Laci. There are very few safer than you from accusations of making insufficiently dumb comments.
The main folks I've called treasonous are the Fox News actors. They're incessant and vicious criticism of Obama and his administration certainly gives aid and comfort to the enemy. And, as it happens they are extremely hawkish and call all veterans heroes, so, yes they are also jingoistic.
DeleteLaci's exactly right, Kurt. That was a pretty stupid comment.
And, as it happens they are extremely hawkish and call all veterans heroes, so, yes they are also jingoistic.
DeleteWell that's odd. Here's your own definition of "jingoism":
jin·go·ism noun \ˈjiŋ-(ˌ)gō-ˌi-zəm\ : the feelings and beliefs of people who think that their country is always right and who are in favor of aggressive acts against other countries
So are you now claiming that the Fox News casters think that the U.S., under the Obama administration, "is always right"?
Laci's exactly right, Kurt.
You and that wacky sense of humor of yours!
Just checking in to remind everybody that you can be a long-haired, dope-smoking hippie freak musician and still love your country! (Where else on earth could it ever be this good?) But I agree with Kurt and Laci both. Treason is Un-American. Only in the U.S.A. could you form a militia and drill them into planning on overthrowing their own government. Just stay out of the cities and have your fun out in the woods, you dumb, fucking Nazis. Blog on about how you can fend off the jack-booted feds that come to your door with your big rifles.
ReplyDeleteIt's an interesting milestone Mike. But it has an arbitrary component. GDP per capita in the U.S.A. still hovers over fifty-three thousand USD. Since the population of China is almost 4.3 times larger than our own population of 317 million souls, doesn't that leave us comfortably speaking at least four times as wealthy? And aren't they the poor devils working unimaginable hours building nice things to send overseas to us, not the other way around? Imagine the deep poverty within China. We hear about the emerging middle class, private ownership of automobiles, consumer electronics, the wealth in Hong Kong. It's not for everyone there to enjoy. And crowded? Shang Hai has a population of over 33 million. Ever heard of slave labor? Labor practices were draconian even at the Apple manufacturing plant. The urban legend was, of course, that Mitt Romney saw a factory with walls and razor wire, dorms for female workers with bunk beds. He thought it was a marvel of efficiency! The tour guide told him that the barbed wire was to keep people out that tried to sneak in and start working!
Compare that to the vast continent that we enjoy. The scenic wonders. Sports, art and culture. Two thousand miles of coastline. A standard of living unequalled on the face of the earth. I don't think anybody I know is moving to China anytime soon.
With all that economic power now available to them, I'm confident that they'll step up and take on enough relief work that the US can cut back on its aggressive aid programs.
ReplyDeleteExcept, of course, aid to Israel. Mostly in the form of weapons.
DeleteIt helps China that Republicans "no new tax" policy over the last 30 years has left America in deep debt. Only a financially healthy America can compete with China and even then we will lose to such a huge population emerging from primitive lifestyles. Keep pushing poverty wages Republicans and help the demise of America happen even faster.
ReplyDeleteAnon your an Idiot..It is the Federal Governments refusal to repeal the Federal Reserve Act and Their irresponsible spending that has left America in deep debt.
DeleteBy their agreeing to fully fund the Gov for another year the Republicans like the Democrats have proven they have no interest in smaller Gov or fiscal responsibility. We can always borrow more from the FED is the motto in congress.
It's simple math simpleton, but you are to stupid to understand.
DeleteAnon your right it is simple the Federal Reserve is at the center of all financial problems in this country and a good portion of the rest of the world. But I am guessing by your comments that you lack the basic understanding of how the Fed operates and how that effects you.Woodrow Wilson sold our country down the river by signing the Federal Reserve Act Dec 23 1913
Geez My Bias Is Always Criminal you are just a conspiracy theorist, paranoid, idiot, and you can't even add. Actually it's your fault, you keep voting for idiots who spend more then they take in and have convinced idiots like you that's responsible financial policy.