Monday, March 5, 2012

Ann Coulter vs. Al Franken

The Propaganda Professor:

I’ll admit it: I actually read, once upon a time, Ann Coulter’s book Slander; Liberal Lies About the American Right. I had to swab my brain with Clorox afterward, but I did it. I had my reasons. And while Ann herself is no more worth discussing than any of the other vast horde of vitriolic pundits who have discovered that there are tremendous profits to be made in attacking “liberals”, this particular volume offers some fascinating  illumination of that pursuit, and of certain propaganda tactics in general.

You have to read no farther than the title to get an indication of Coulter’s degree of accuracy. Slander is a legal term for oral defamation; but if that defamation is published or otherwise issued in a transfixed form (including video and audio recordings), then the correct term is libel, and that’s what she supposedly is documenting in the great majority of cases cited in the book.  She should know better, since she’s reputedly a lawyer (if she ever represented me in court, I’d plead insanity pronto); and using the accurate word would have produced such a cute alliterative title to boot. Alas, while her inaccuracies and untruths begin with the title, they sure as hell don’t end there.
I find it unbelievable that people of the right can't step back just enough to see how hateful Ann Coulter is. Maybe they do, but she seems to have a strong following. I would think just a modicum of intelligence is all it would take to see through her act.

What's your opinion? Please leave a comment.


  1. I've always found her entertaining but I stopped taking her serious a few years ago when she said Mitt Romney was a true conservative and the best future for our country.

  2. She is smart, funny, and entertaining as hell when she attacks liberal and their dumb ass ideas; she is a dolt, drab, uninspiring hag when she tries to defend Republican ideas and policies.
    orlin sellers

  3. As if we needed to have Orlin Sellers tell us that he hates liberalism.

    Ann Coulter is a lying piece-of-shit, just like Ron Paul and a couple of dozen other "conservatives" who make their fortunes or powerbase out of the fear of the idiots who listen to AND actually believe the horseshit that they shovel out to them.

  4. Democulo, you remind me of Rush Limbaugh with all your name calling. Two peas in a pod, you and Rush.
    orlin sellers

  5. She made a lot of money which is what she wanted. She didn't change anyone's mind about anything that is for sure. Plus, she is a conservative sex object and serves her white male rulers proudly. Ugh. Bleach please...
