Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Sister helen Prejean - Champion of the Anti-Death Penalty Movement

Sister Helen Prejean filled up Hartwell's dance ballroom with her stories about her experiences with prisoners facing the death penalty. Many attendees resorted to sitting on the stairs and floor to hear her speak Wednesday, Feb. 29.

Prejean, a nun from Baton Rouge, La., has worked closely with the death penalty over the past two decades, counseling and walking murderers on death row in their final moments. She became involved in thiswhen she moved to the St. Thomas projects and was asked to be a pen pal to an inmate on death row. Prejean explained she agreed because she thought simply writing would be easy enough. Yet she never expected to get so involved.
Sister Helen sees death row inmates as human beings. It's harder to justify killing them that way. What's your opinion? Please leave a comment.


  1. had the experience of meeting her in the 90's. I worked on the fim, Dead Man Walking and was on the set built in the 14th Street Armory in NYC. Sister Helen was there as an advisor, after all. it is her story!
    She teaches us that true justice is fair and forgiving. This refers to society and the criminal equally.True justice is not done until everyone is satisfied. Revenge without redemption is a gaping pit that can never be filled. Justice is not solely to punish it is how we save the offender and ourselves.

  2. She's a nun, so presumably she also opposes contraception. In fact, she has to oppose sex for any purpose other than reproduction. Your point?

  3. She's a nun...

    Fuckinng braindead piece-of-shit, Greg Camp, never missing an opportunity to prove his ignorance and lack of critical thinking skillz.

    1. She's a member of a religous order, no? My point, which you obviously missed, was to show that she is part of an organization that advocates positions that the writers here disagree with. In other words, using her as an authority is problematic.

    2. Greg, It's hard to say what her position is one the other controversial issues. I believe the Catholic Church is for the Death Penalty in certain cases, just like you. She deviates from that, perhaps she also has her own ideas on women's rights too and doesn't sing the Catholic tune.

  4. why would agreeing with her position on capitol punishment be problematic? not for me..obviously it is for you. it's also important to note that many american nuns disagree with the church on many issues.
    I think you play very hypocritical games here, Greg. You try to create a system of pseudo logic which conveniently forces anyone who accepts an idea from someone who professes ideas which one doesn't accept in total as wrong in a agreeing because they don't accept all the ideas the person professes.
    That would be as if I thought you hypocritical because if you believed in the death penalty and adolph hitler believed in the death penalty and you didn't accept the totality of hitlers nazism....well, I kind of think you bring the discussion to a , how can I say it....a Pee Wee Herman type of wise ass snottiness...I know I am, but what are you?

    1. She's being used here as an authority on the subject. I don't trust authorities. Call me a protestant, in the broad sense of the term. Her beliefs on the death penalty are part of a larger system of belief, so it's worth seeing how the totality is derived.

      But since you played the Hitler card, I'll remind you that I didn't use Hitler to support my positions.

  5. I realize that , but I used the same analogical system that you did. Stop being a hysterical victim. No one who reads this would have thought that I was calling you a Nazi. But Pee Wee Herman?...well, I reserve my judgement on that pending your next comment.....

    1. Why do you anti-rights types always call us hysterical when we challenge what you say?

      Oh, I know, I didn't use foul language. I didn't misspell words. I didn't rant and rave. Thus, I'm hysterical. Right.

      By the way, analogical system? Adding syllables doesn't make you look smarter.

  6. Dear Professor Camp:

    You braindead fuck. You have not the slightest notion what Sister Prejean thinks re: abortion, contraception or anything else that she hasn't made a public comment on. Her objection to the death penalty--when it's carried out AFTER the arrest, trial and conviction of a miscreant, for a fairly narrow range of "capital offense" crimes, by a duly constituted legal authortiy INSTEAD of by some bloodthirsty moron with hiz gunz over pocket change or a perceived attack as a form of summary execution--rankles you. That would be because you're a braindead fucking moron.

  7. I think it's time for Mr. Camps diaper change....when he runs out of ideas, he wets his pants. you know that works almost they say in Scotland, Jess Pish Yaseffff....then everybody wants to give you the sympathy you think you deserve. Oh me gahd Greegiees gon en Pished hissef.....they called hiself a natsie and used extra syllables he objected to... fahk logic, fahk yer morallities, they made greggies gon n pish himselff agin...summons gid a mop....will hep the ol git clean hissef ap nooo....

  8. By the way, Greg, I don't live in Scotland and I don't actually speak Scottish, but in this case, it is the most appropriate language to deal with the direction you seem to be hell bent in dragging us to here. Fahk mon!
    How can you argue with a man whose only defense seems to be pishing hisself?

    1. Seeing Microdot and Democommie rant and rave helps me understand why you gun grabbers don't like private ownership of firearms. The two of you know that you couldn't be trusted with a gun, given the obvious rage that consumes you, and you can't stand the idea that other people can control themselves.

      But seriously, Microdot, you should see about an anger management class.

      To everyone else, do you notice the quality of comments since the new moderation policy? Laci and Democommie continue to be offensive, and Microdot has sunk to their level, while many of us on the gun rights side remain calm and rational.

  9. Oh, Greg, Greg, Greg; where to start. You mistake disdain for hatred. You're too pathetic to hate. People that live in fanstasyworld, where they are the arbiters of, and dispensers of, justice via teh gunz, are really too silly to hate. While it is impossible to hate a mentally deficient moron such as yourself, it is possible and completely appropriate to mock your cowardice and indignorance.

    1. Democommie, you just love tossing words around as though you know what they mean. Or is it when you know that you have no proof for your claims? Both?
