Friday, March 9, 2012

This wasn't what the Founders meant when they were talking about militia.

To reiterate, for one to be a constitutionally sanctioned militia, one needs to belong to an organised under Article I, Section 8, Clause 16:
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

Also, any military orgnisation must be "in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power. "

With that, I bring you the latest viral video:

Now, let the idiotic comments begin!

FInd out more at Invisible Children.


  1. And the Lord's Resistance Army relates to Armerican gun ownership how?

    Once again, you've missed the central clause of the Second Amendment: The right of THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

  2. UH, greggy, try to use what little intellect you have to figure out what exactly a militia is.

    That might illuminate you on a whole of lot things regarding the Second Amendment.

    But, thinking about the Second Amendment as something which stands alone, outside of the Context and structure of the Constitution, is what cause you to make idiotic statements such as that.

    1. I find it interesting whan I say something about stupid comments, you're also the first to respond, Greg.

      Funny that you haven't noticed that as well.

      Are you really as smart as you think you are?

    2. Also worthy to bring to mention that the second amendment, which came about was written two years after the constitution, and like every single other amendment, amends the constitution. As in changes it. Thus Greg's point about the right of the people would change what article 1 requires of Congress to rule over militias. The amendments were written after the Constitution because of the need to protect the rights of the people that were not protected under the original text.

  3. Just because I was polite and didn't snap back at you for being insulting yet again doesn't mean that I didn't notice.

    And again, you ignore parts of the Constitution that are inconvenient for you. The Second Amendment doesn't say the right of the militia. It declares the right of the people. Why would the writer choose people, instead of militia or state or government?

    In case you haven't noticed, wackos in the United States who try some trick like the Lord's Resistance Army get smacked down quickly, most of the time. Unlike the so-called Army's home countries, we have a functioning nation.

  4. WTF? How is the militia or the second amendment even remotely related to the video? Did you have a brain fart?
    orlin sellers

  5. Laci continues to read the U.S. Constitution in a vacuum. If there is any uncertainty in a written point of law, it is standard practice to further discern the meaning of that written point of law based on the intent of the entity that wrote that law. The intent of the Framers is crystal clear. More importantly the intent of the States that ratified the Bill of Rights is even more crystal clear. They all wanted every day citizens to keep and bear arms for personal protection, defense of their community, defense of their State, and defense of the nation.

    A minimal amount of historical, legal, and linguistic knowledge is necessary to understand the Second Amendment ... as it is for all of the other Amendments. The fact that Laci's position requires pages and pages of tortured explanation shows that his position is wrong. That's what attorney's do when they pervert the law to their selfish ends.

  6. Why does anyone even comment on these posts? Laci clearly has nothing more than an agenda, and when proven wrong, just decides not to respond.

    "To reiterate, for one to be a constitutionally sanctioned militia, one needs to belong to an organised under Article I, Section 8, Clause 16:"................This is absolutely false.

    Article I, Section VIII, 16 -To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

    This entire section deals with Congress's need to fund and oversee a militia, governed by the state, and called upon if need be.

  7. Instead of attacking Laci and his idea that there's a connection between this video and the 2A, why don't you guys have something to say about the video?

    I thought it was absolutely enthralling. Two days ago I'd never heard of Kony, but suddenly he's all over the internet. I think this guy's plan is working already.

    Thanks for posting this, Laci. I'm glad our blog is a part of the movement.

    GET KONY IN 2012

    1. Contrary to Laci's opinion of me, I am actually aware of much that goes on in the world. This story is old news. Were you not admiring Ron Paul for his non-interventionist policy a little while ago? We can't go after every bad guy on the planet. I agree that someone should get rid of Kony, but surely that's the responsibility of African governments. We are able to help, from time to time, but we can't do everything.

      Laci's point was to make American gun owners look like this wacko leader of the Lord's Resistance Army. I'm not going to leave that claim uncontested.

    2. You good folks might be interested in this anlysis
      orlin sellers
