Sunday, May 27, 2012

Should Ted Nugent be Fired by the NRA?

On-Line op-ed in the Pagosa Daily Post by Pat Wray

I’m a hunter, and I know that hunters need a spokesperson.  We need someone with a lifetime of experience who speaks with authority about preserving public lands and the wild animals living there that we love to hunt.  We need someone whose personal magnetism generates interest simply by speaking on the subject of hunting.

I just don’t want my spokesman to be Ted Nugent.


It also bothers me that Nugent is on the board of directors of the National Rifle Association. The NRA, which protects our right to bear arms, also claims to represent hunters.  As such, their directors should be held to the highest standard of hunting behavior.  It will be interesting to see if the law-abiding, ultra-patriotic NRA will do the right thing and remove Nugent from their board.

Or will the NRA leadership continue to support a twice-convicted game-law violator who openly threatens the president of the United States?
What do you think? Is this guy representative of the hunting community? I would think so.

Please leave a comment.


  1. I am guessing it would be kind of difficult to fire someone that is not an employee. Nugent is elected by the membership and receives one of the largest block of votes every 3 years.

    The anti's like Brady and the others, that do not have a real grass roots membership base, never seem to grasp the concept.

    1. Control means that when you don't like someone, you can get rid of him. We know about other ways of operating.

  2. Nugent is a violent-speaking insurrectionist nutcase. He's a danger to any organization he represents. Sadly, those in power at teh NRA seem to sympathize with his extremism. Personally, I HOPE he remains on the NRA. It will only weaken the NRA to have him there.

    1. In the same line, we're glad that you're working on the gun control side.

    2. I can't take anyone seriously who uses the term "insurrectionist". Josh must laugh every time that he comes up with one of these catchy words and he hears some dope like you using it. Laughs all the way to the bank.

  3. If he doesn't want Ted Nugent to be his spokesman, he shouldn't vote for him. But is this guy even an NRA member? He didn't say so, which I would think he would have in this context. If he is not an NRA member, then he has no need to worry, since Nugent is currently not his spokesman.

    1. TS, I don't know if you've told us how you feel about Ted. Are you a supporter?
