Friday, February 8, 2013

Denver Mom Shoots Her Three Kids and Commits Suicide

The Denver Post reports
Mayra Perez's relatives learned Thursday what they had already feared: The northeast Denver woman shot her three children and then herself. What they might never know is why.

Denver police confirmed that Perez, 23, killed two of her children, critically wounded a third and then killed herself. Two-year-old Isabel Perez remains in a deep coma.

I suppose she was another lawful gun owner gone berserk. This is such a frequent occurance that we placed it on the list of ways guns move from lawful ownership to the criminal world. Yet, our pro-gun friends go to great lengths to "prove" that the vast majority of gun misuse is among gang members and drug dealers. I don't buy it.

What do you think?  Please leave a comment.


  1. All gun owners are potential killers. All it takes is a moment of high pressure.

  2. Let's review the facts:

    1. 100,000,000 gun owners

    2. 100,000 total deaths and injuries in a year

    This means that 999 out of 1,000 gun owners aren't harming anyone over the same period. That's my definition of "vast majority" of gun owners.

  3. See this one the Insane Gun Hugging Crazies can believe, after unlike Phillip Marshall who is white this woman is a minority. So, while the Gun Nuts will invent massive conspiracy theories to excuse Marhsall's murder-suicide, this won't receive the same level of excuses.

    The facts are that a gun in the home means the homeowner is likely to use it to kill themselves or family members.

    And as far as Greg Camps figures, well figures never lie, but liars figure.

    1. A person with honor would back up his accusations of lying or not level such accusations in the first place. If you have evidence that my numbers are wrong, feel free to share with the rest of us. Otherwise, I'll expect an apology and a retraction.

      Regarding Marshall and this woman, I don't care if a person is white, black, brown, or green with blue spots. You'll note that I made no remarks about Marshall being the victim of a conspiracy. What he did and what this woman did were heinous acts.

      But consider the claim that you made. You said that having a gun in one's home makes it likely that the homeowner will use that gun to commit murder or suicide. Likely implies a high probability. There are 100,000,000 or so gun owners and more than 300,000,000 guns in this country. If all of us gun owners are likely to kill ourselves or others, why aren't we all dead by now?

    2. 30,000 a year buddy. 30,000. But the problem is you lunatic gun huggers are killing bus drivers and teachers and children instead of just yourselves.

    3. Did you even look at the facts? I said that there are around 100,000 total deaths and injuries from firearms in a year from all causes. Now, the 30,000 number is the total deaths. Of that, a majority are suicides. I've shown and others have shown time and again that suicide rates have no correlation to the number of guns in the society. If they did, Canada and Ireland should have rates much lower than ours. Japan's rate should be nearly zero.

      What you're showing here is that you're reacting emotionally to a small number of horrific events, rather than being rational and looking at the overall picture.

      I'm still waiting for that apology and retraction with regard to your implication that I'm a liar.

    4. Greg, I know I talk about it quite a bit, but the fallacy of misleading vividness is pretty common. I think that's what you've largely described here on the part of Grung_e_Gene. The events are indeed so horrific, so emotionally compelling, that it's difficult to make a rational decision, especially if you're at all inclined to believe the events to be the norm. So, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that apology. Mark Twain noted that "it's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled". That's true whether fooled by other people or our own logical fallacies.

    5. Mark Twain and basic logic in one comment? That's just unfair to the other side.

  4. Well, I'd considered tossing in Eric Hoffer, too, but I'm not without compassion.

    All joking aside, I do regret that you're not likely to receive an apology. Honor is a dying concept in some quarters.

    1. The True Believer is one of the most perceptive books that I've read. It's a shame that book isn't taught in every school in America.
