Sunday, March 24, 2013

Fox Polls Tell the Tale


Majorities of American voters favor an array of new gun control proposals, although support for some measures has slipped in the last few months.

A new Fox News poll finds the most popular measure continues to be universal background checks: A large 85-percent majority of voters favors requiring checks on all gun buyers, including at gun shows and private sales.  That includes most Democrats (90 percent), Republicans (83 percent) and independents (82 percent), as well as most of those living in a gun-owner household (81 percent).  
There is also sizable public support for requiring mental health checks on gun buyers (72 percent) and background checks on ammunition purchases (70 percent).

Click for full poll results.


  1. But, I thought that anything Faux News said was a lie! So I guess that means that most people don't like these things.

  2. When you can explain to me why basic rights ought to be subject to opinion polls, I'll care.

  3. It still surprises me how much people like prison. Either that, or they don't know what's in the bill.
