Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Good Guy With a Gun Accidentally Shoots a Student at Aurora CO High School

 Huffington Post

Aurora Police are investigating an accidental shooting at a parking lot at Rangeview High School that left one student with a "significant injury" on Monday. 

Close to an hour after school had been dismissed on Monday, a male student was accidentally shot in the leg by an adult who police say "works at the school, but is not a teacher," in a press statement. 

The school employee involved in the shooting accident works a second job as an armed security officer and was giving the victim a ride home. When the school employee moved his gun to the glove box of his vehicle, the gun accidentally went off and struck the student. The security officer then drove the student to the hospital.

I'm not sure if anyone's keeping score, but it seems to me guns do more harm than good in schools.

What's your opinion?  Please leave a comment.


  1. You might be right in this case, since guns are typically banned in schools, so not many good guys are carrying them.

  2. It's insane to ASSume that more guns in school by good guys (whoever they are) would lesson the gun accident rate. The more people that have guns (anywhere) increase the the chances of accidents.

  3. Five more examples of armed school guards and conceal carriers having accidents with their guns in schools:

    How many legit examples are there of armed individuals stopping shootings on campus by pulling out their gunzzz? Zero.


    2. Some of them MIGHT have been mass shootings, but we don't know, do we? The ones Baldr posted, and I reposted today, are cases in which we KNOW the good guy with a gun acted badly.
