Friday, May 17, 2013


I saw one of these flags and thought it looked like a pile of dog shit. I couldn't help wonder when someone would come up with a parody.

Well, someone did!

I do wish the person had made the dog shit look more like the snake, but you can't have everything...


  1. Laci, we know how you feel about us. Either way, leave us alone.

  2. Fuck you goddam limey. You don't deserve to be an American citizen. I have personal friends that were born in Mexico, Guatemala and the Philippines that are very proud to be citizens of the United States of America. They are true American patriots. It's a blessing that they worked very hard for.

    You make me sick.

    1. Wow, FJ, what a reaction. I thought the post was to make fun of the libertarian-minded folks, who, let's face it, deserve a little teasing.

    2. Mikeb, this is what Laci elicits. He bullies and insults and boasts--all without offering any support for his attitudes. Sometimes, good people just get tired of being civil and call out an arsehole for what he is.

    3. Do you support the deranged notion of individual liberty? Do you actually believe that you, a mere person is of greater importance than the authority of the collective State, and that it (a common person) deserves freedom?

      You want to let them have freedom? You want to let them think they have rights?, People are allowed to wander about as they please (and they shouldn't be able to do that), but America continues to allow mere citizens to own guns, drive cars, drink alcohol, use tobacco, and corrupt and pollute their precious bodily fluids. You want to give them more freedom? What a foolish idea.

      Turn on your television, you American, an watch the bloody results of you precious liberty.

  3. Personally, I thought Lacy was putting up a self portrait.

    1. More like a brain scan.

  4. "He bullies and insults and boasts--all without offering any support for his attitudes"
    A perfect description of yourself Greg.
