Wednesday, July 17, 2013

"Getting away with murder"

Neighborhood Wash/Watch -- the blood stains are still there, not only in this death but in many other deaths.
Shoot First/Kill at Will/Stand Your Ground laws result, consistently, in more homicides, but not in less crime.
 From THE 16 July 2013 Minneapolis Star Tribune (by permission--got that?):

And while we're at it:

That was the students from Howard University School of Medicine, making a strong point about "get away with murder" laws..

1 comment:

  1. You say that Stand Your Ground will result in more homicide. What you don't discuss is whether those will be justified.

    And by the way, if you're trying to make a point about that second picture, make it large enough to see details, and don't put yellow font over a pale grey background.
