Thursday, April 16, 2015

Houston - Another Black Man Killed by White Police


When asked whether Shephard had a gun, investigators would only say they were still processing the evidence.


  1. Make a run for it after being stopped by police. Call 911 and threaten to hurt an innocent in the car if stopped. Then reach back into the car, at least presumably not following the commands of police who have guns drawn. Sounds like someone needed a review of the classic Chris Rock video,

    "During the chase, deputies said the driver called 911 to say he had a child in the car and threatened to harm the child if officers attempted to pull him over."

    "Several officers then jumped out with weapons drawn and commanded the driver to get out of the car. The driver got out, stood up, then appeared to reach back into the car.
    "Fearing for their lives that this suspect was reaching for a weapon, two officers did discharge their weapons at the vehicle, striking the suspect and killing him," said Harris County Sheriff's Office spokesperson Thomas Gilliland."

    "His family said they believe Shephard fled from police because he had a warrant out for his arrest. They said he was driving his girlfriend's car."

    "The chase lasted about 15-20 minutes. Deputies said Shephard's claims that there was a child in the car were a ruse and there was no child found in the vehicle."

    "Court records show Shephard has prior convictions for assault with a deadly weapon, escape while in custody, aggravated robbery and aggravated assault."

    1. Yes, Chris Rock was right, although he was talking about "getting your ass kicked," not getting shot to death.

    2. As the article detailed, even after removing the items that the officers likely didn't know when it happened such as his record of violent felonies, Mr. Shepard pretty much set himself up to get shot by actually calling the police and threatening to harm an innocent he claimed was in the car.
      After his working so hard to set up the circumstances, it shouldn't be a surprising when police actually respond in accordance with what is shown to them.

    3. "working so hard to set up the circumstances" Talk about blaming the victim. That's awful.

    4. "Talk about blaming the victim. That's awful."

      Sorry Mike, the only people deserving off the victim label are the people he hit with his car during the chase. He actually called 911 to make it sound like the threat to innocents was more severe than it actually was.
      Considering he has had prior experience in dealing with the police on a felony level, he had to know nothing good could come of it. Once he got out of the car, his getting back into it where a potential hostage was, wasn't an option.

  2. Why is the race of the deceased and shooter such a significant issue for you Mike?

    The map shows the location as well as the ethnicity of those known to have been killed by law enforcement since 2000 there are far too many dots on the map signifying people of all races that have been killed by the so called heros to continually try to make this a racial issue takes the focus off the real problem...

    1. Welcome back, George.

      The thing is pointing out the racism that is part of many of these situations does not take the focus off anything - it adds to it.

    2. Then what about this incident suggest racism to you?...Because im not seeing racism

    3. Of course you don't. You never do.

    4. Not only did you have to guess the motivation behind the officers as being racist, but you even had to guess that the actual race of the officers is white (by your admission below), and it looks like you guessed wrong (though there is the possibility that Officer Gonzales was adopted into a Hispanic heritage family, or married a Latina and took her surname, etc). But you say George should see it too and also take the opportunity to cry "racism" any chance he gets.

    5. Thats not exactly accurate Mike I have said in past threads that you may be correct about that incident but I certainly do not see it in every incident as you do.

      Again what about this one says racism to you???????

    6. And thanks for the welcome back my vacation was wonderful

    7. I always assume racism is a factor. Do you even need to ask (two times)?

    8. "I always assume racism is a factor"only when white people are the shooter is what you should add to your standardized response....This is more than apparent Mike but not an answer to the question that was asked...and had you answered it the first time there would not have been a need to ask it again or a third.....

    9. George Jefferson: "only when white people are the shooter..."

      Or Hispanic people. We know that a white person shooting a Hispanic would be labeled a "racist", and a Hispanic person shooting someone who is black, but how about a black person shooting a Hispanic, Mike? Would they be branded "racist" as well, or is there a singular direction of skin pigmentation in your formula?

    10. Racism plays a part much more often than you guys like to admit. I don't know why you have such a hangup about that, but you do.

    11. Or it plays a part much less often than you would like to admit Mike..I dont know why you see it in everything or everything involving non blacks that is a very negative attitude towards your fellow man ...does racism exist sure it does it can be found in every racial group on the planet but it certainly is not as pervasive in each of those groups as you would like us to believe Mike.
      I have a honest question for you Mike...Do you suffer from white guilt? because you sure come off in your post's as though you do

  3. I don’t see any information on the races of the two officers who shot the man in either the video or the link. How did you determine that they are white, Mike? The article did list their names. I guess Officer Gonzales one of those “White Hispanics” (a term racebaiters like to use as it suits them).

    1. Yeah, like Zimmerman.

      Yeah--it probably was Zimmerman hate that motivated the invention of the term "White Hispanic," but that doesn't answer TS's question. What is your source for your determination that this was "another man killed by white police"?

    2. Just a guess. Was I wrong?

      Wrong to imply an accusation of racially motivated police use of deadly force, based on just a guess--a guess that was only acknowledged as such when you were pressed on the matter? Absolutely.

    3. Or, to put it another way, if a white man were gunned down by a cop whose race is not apparent from the news coverage, would you consider it appropriate for me to "guess" that this was "another white man killed by black police"? Would you consider it appropriate for me not to bother to have mentioned that my determination of race was just a "guess"?
