Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Top Five Second Amendment Enemies and Hypocrites

The Gunmag.com

5. Rahm Emanuel and Richard Daley, current and former Mayors of Chicago 
4. Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State The former First Lady  
3. Michael Bloomberg, New York City Mayor  
2. Eric Holder, United States Attorney General  
1. Barack Obama, President of the United States

They're all hypocrites because they have armed security in one form or another. Does that make sense to you? It doesn't to me, and I'll tell you why.

All of these people want better restrictions on gun ownership and use.  Not one of them preaches for total civilian disarmament or for the abolition of the Second Amendment. If that were the case then having armed guards would be hypocritical. But it's not.

What's your opinion?  Please leave a comment.


  1. The hypocrisy is that none of those people will ever be without an armed guard, but don't provide the same for citizens and don't want citizens to be armed to protect themselves.

    1. That's nonsense, Bill. They, like most gun control folks, just want you gun owners to be qualified. You, on the other hand, what no restrictions, or nearly none.

      The fact that they happen to be high profile people who need security has nothing to do with it.

    2. High profile people that need security? When was the last time one of these high profile politicians, with their armed guards, was robbed, mugged, or assaulted? Was it during the Reagan years?

      One of two conclusions can be drawn from that. Either they don't need protection, or armed protection has kept them safe. If they don't need protection, save the taxpayers some money and let the armed guards go. If armed protection has kept them safe, then let the people arm themselves as well.

    3. In addition, why are those high profile people more valuable than the average citizen? Do we live in an aristocracy?

    4. Bill I think you're playing dumb. Famous people are often the target of stalkers or worse.

    5. "Famous people are often the target of stalkers or worse."

      Then is it's the armed security keeping them safe. The same armed security that those hypocrites are denying the citizens.

    6. You mean the way that Dog Gone, a private citizen, had someone stalk her? Her response was to get a gun and a carry license.

      But the fact is that I don't give a shit about famous people. I care about good citizens altogether.

    7. Bill, you're not listening. Regular citizens don't need guns or armed guards. Famous celebs and politicians do because of their fame. Get it?

    8. I care not in the least for famous celebrities or politicians. Get it? Let them live like the rest of us. Or better yet, let all of us exercise our rights without your interference.

  2. Yes, they're all hypocrites. Chicago had a handgun ban and made owning a long gun legally difficult. That was supported by Mayor Daley. Daley whined about the Supreme Court's McDonald decision. Emanuel has continued working to infringe on gun rights. Bloomingbutt does the same thing in New York. Obama supported all of that, although in his typically weak manner, he's done nothing much on his own. Holder is on record as wanting to make gun ownership look like smoking in the view of the general public. Clinton supported the Assault Weapons Ban.

    Mikeb, you say that they all just want us to be more qualified. That's bullshit. If that were the case, Chicago and New York, for examples, would require training, but would allow every good citizen to have whatever the person wanted.

    I've told you this before, but you don't listen. Your side isn't fooling us. We know what the real goal is. You may not know, but we do.

  3. If they are going to talk about enemies and hypocrites, Feinstein has to be number one. She had her own special Mayoral CCW while signing a law banning all guns for residents of her city and confiscating and destroying existing handguns. That takes the cake.

  4. http://www.addictinginfo.org/2012/10/08/paul-ryan-walks-out-on-interview-video/

    at least some reporters are actually doing their job. i hope he doesn't get fired for supporting sanity.........
    tom webber

  5. Mike- When it comes to Daley/Emanuel, you are 100% wrong.
    As a resident of Chicago, I am not allowed to carry a gun. Even though we have some of the worst neighborhoods in the nation, still no carry. But my tax dollars are allowed to pay for not one, but two, uniformed CPD that is with the Mayor at all times. THAT is the very definition of hypocrisy.

    Plus, they should be number one on that list. Do we need to get into a debate regarding Chicago's handgun ban, and no knock warrants?

    1. I think the idea is that you, as a normal citizen who presumably doesn't frequent those bad neighborhoods or associate with psychos, do not need a gun on your person. The celebrity or high-profile politician, on the other hand, does need security.

    2. Mikeb, why are you a Democrat except when you're a Republican? In other words, why are you expressing such concern for the rich and famous, while being so callous to ordinary people? Will we hear a secretly recorded tape on which you'll say that the ninety-nine percent don't deserve to have or carry guns?

    3. Actually I'm very concerned for the regular folk. They'd be better off without a gun, they just don't realize it in many cases. Like you, they've deluded themselves into thinking they're safer with than without. It's a fear-driven mistake, that.

    4. Perhaps you're better off without a gun. That's your choice. But millions of American gun owners have made a different choice. And there's nothing that you can do about it.

    5. There's another angle. I'm better off when you don't have guns. You're a danger to yourself and others.

    6. Mikeb, neither you nor anyone else on your side has been able to show how I'm a danger to myself or to others. I've seen a lot of vague suspicions and wild predictions, but no actual facts.

  6. The idea is that me as a normal, non-psychotic person should not be kept from walking down the street out of intimidation. Bad neighborhoods and good neighborhoods are separated by a mere 2 city blocks.
    And trust me. You never see Emanuel visiting Engelwood, Pilsen, or Austin neighborhoods. Those are some of the worst.
