Thursday, June 6, 2013

Stephen Colbert on the Tracking Point Rifle


  1. Just another damned thing that'll have a software snafu or its batteries go flat when you need it to work. I'm good with iron sights, thanks, or possibly a regular scope. Actually, Jeff Cooper wrote an essay about this concept a while back. He was equally sarcastic.

    By the way, when Elizabeth Colbert-Busch couldn't defeat Mark Sanford, why do you have hope for 2014?

  2. Colbert has some good lines, as usual. Of course, he's a comedian who is having fun with exaggeration.

    What's sad is the amount of Pants Shitting Hysterics that Ladd Everet and others went through over this system a few weeks ago.

    1. Sometimes I think you're a comedian having fun with exaggeration.

    2. Tennessean, if you want to see Pants Shitting Hysterics about the TrackingPoint, you gotta get a load of this guy (excerpt):

      Aspiring snipers, maybe? People with bad intentions who borrow or steal the rifle from its actual owner? Not to worry, says the manufacturer: TrackingPoint owners can guard against misuse by password-protecting the scope, which eases my mind, because we all know how diligent gun owners are about properly securing their weapons! The company also says it will thoroughly vet every buyer, although that somehow doesn’t bring me much comfort either.

      I’d wager that the TrackingPoint doesn’t work half as well as the manufacturer claims. Early versions of technologies are always buggy. But a half-good automated long-range rifle is still more of a long-range rifle than any civilian needs. This thing is legal now, but let’s hope it isn’t for long.

      The guy wants to ban what he acknowledges is basically a scope.

    3. And why is what I said incorrect? Because I used "pants shitting" when I described the hysterical comments Everet and others made about this gun? Or am I somehow wrong, and they're correct that criminals will be using this system all over the country and strapping it onto "assault weapons" to turn them into rapidly firing, hyper-accurate deathsticks?

    4. Wow--I can't wait to see the Pants Shitting Hysterics over the new TrackingPoint rifle--the Mile Maker.

      Consistent hits at over a mile, by novice shooters, even when the target is moving at up to 20 miles per hour.

      Few things bring me more pleasure than the unhappiness of "gun control" advocates. Suck it, crybabies. This one might even cause some Secret Service insomnia. ;-).

    5. Revelling in the possibility of presidential assassination, that's brilliant Kurt.

    6. Revelling in the possibility of presidential assassination . . .

      Nah--just "reveling in" some nervous bodyguards. A people can only be free to the degree to which the prospect of their wrath frightens those who presume to govern them. Good fences make good neighbors, doncha' know?

  3. I have one ordered. Chambered in .300 black. Total cost? $26,000.00. What a toy! Cant wait to try it! Should be a lot of fun.

  4. As TN so elequently put it, Colbert is a comedian. I've seen Colberts stuff on some other blogs like this. His wisdom is put forth like he's a sage until he says something stupid or just plain wrong. Then the poster or Colbert get to fall back on the I'm/he's a comedian defense.

  5. I gotta admit, seeing a 12-year-old girl hitting a target at 1,000 yards, with little apparent effort, brings me joy.

    Just think about it--with a 1,000 yard range, that means wherever she is with that rifle, she is in the center of a 649 acre "Circle of Liberty," where no would-be oppressor can exist without her permission.

    The future looks bright.
