Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Real War on Women

 Bearing Arms

CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb said that the new video will be showing up on various internet sites and cable channels over the next three weeks.

“We want to remind women that they are ultimately responsible for their own safety and the safety of their children, and that in an emergency, help may not get there in time,” Gottlieb said. “The Second Amendment affirms and protects an individual’s right to keep and bear arms in just such an emergency.

“The right of self-defense is the oldest human right,” he continued. “Our video reminds viewers that there is much truth to the adage that ‘when seconds count, police are minutes away’. Women living alone, single mothers or those whose husbands may be traveling or deployed overseas should understand that laws designed to keep them disarmed are literally putting them at the mercy of criminals who don’t know the meaning of the word.

“We encourage women to empower themselves,” Gottlieb concluded. “If they choose to buy a firearm, get competent instruction and learn to be your own first responder. Our police agencies try to do a good job, but budget cuts, manpower shortages and a busy criminal element all work against public safety and the common good.

“It’s time for all of us to win the real war on women,” he said.

Response from Jezebel

Ladies, you need to start packing a Colt 45 next to your lipstick and tampons, because the real war on women is the fact that the current liberal regime wants to take away your right to bear arms however, wherever, and whenever you want. 

Not only is this PSA the funniest best to make fun of — it's also the reason people think gun violence is on the rise, even though recent statistics prove the opposite is true. Another truth? If grandma wants to protect her grandkids, she needs to keep guns out of the house. Guns kill kids — at twice the rate of cancer — and many of the incidents are because of the exact situation shown at the end of this video. Guns left out amongst blush and Barbie dolls (because WOMEN) is what leads to six year olds shooting four year olds. Thirty-three percent of U.S. households have a gun, and half of gun-owning households do not lock up their guns, including 40 percent of households with kids under age 18. 

Maybe there should be more PSAs on that, and not this hilarious garbage video filled with fear and lies.


  1. Wow, not only is it a Constitutional, but it's a "god" given right.

    Which god gave it? Cthulhu?

    Where is this in the Bible?

    1. Which ever God you believe in I suppose, or your creator which could be your parents. Or just the fact your born with those rights.

      As far as the Bible goes? Several passages in there that cover it. Just because the word "GUN" doesn't appear doesn't mean that that tool isn't covered. It takes simple and proper interpretation to see it. You know, like the Constitution.

      But I don't expect you to see it Laci, if you interpret the Bible the same way you interpret the Constitution then your blind to simple facts.

    2. Well, I'm sure that an Enlightenment scholar like you could make a decent guess as to what the Founding Fathers viewed as the source of rights.

  2. The response from Jezebel is pathetic. They insinuate that children would be more safe if there were no guns in the home because a six year old child shot and killed a four year old child. That is, of course, tragic.

    The fact of the matter, however, is that there are about 100 million homes in the U.S. which means about 33 million homes in the U.S. have guns. (Jezebel themselves claim that 1/3 of all homes have guns.) Data from the Centers for Disease Control (or some other federal agency) tell us that a tiny number -- a couple dozen or so -- young children will die from accidental gunshot wounds. So the risk of children dying from gun accidents in the home is something like 1 in 1 million homes. The odds of children dying from accidental poisoning, drowning, or fire are much, much greater. When society reduces accidental poisoning, drowning, and fire to less than 1 in 1 million homes, I'll be happy to talk about reducing accidental deaths with guns.

    In fact, rather than wasting resources trying to take guns away from nearly everyone, why don't the gun grabbers -- who claim to be so worried about safety -- pour all those efforts into educational campaigns to get people to secure their loaded guns at all times!

    1. It's not just kids that DIE from guns. There are injuries and there are older children who are killed and injured. Also, those 33 million homes with guns often supply the criminal world through theft. The rates of successful suicides and domestic violence shootings are higher in those homes.

      So, it's not as simple and one-sided as you tried to say.

    2. There are 600 deaths from accidental gunfire in a year. That's people of all ages. There are a somewhat larger number of accidental injuries not resulting in deaths.

      What you still fail to address is that fewer than one tenth of one percent of gun owners are involved in a shooting of any kind. A tiny percentage pass guns to criminals, as well. When you learn basic arithmetic, get back to me.

  3. I'm getting lost in the percentages of percentages of percentages, but if so many people with children have unsecured guns, why aren't all of those children dead? Could it be that guns aren't as dangerous as the control freaks claim? I don't know who this modern Jezebel is, but I remember the original one, so it's cute that Laci the Dog appears to be on her side.

    1. *Loud Clapping*

      Good show, Sir! Wish I'd thought of that one.

    2. Even the devils can quote scripture...

  4. Mike, Did you forget to post attacking Jezebel for lying and saying that gun violence was going down? How could she hurt your side so?

    1. You lost me. Please explain.

    2. She claimed that gun violence and crime was going down. Anytime a pro-gun person or editorial states this, you accuse them of lying and manipulating data to help the NRA, so I'm waiting for the accusations of Jezebel trying to weaken the gun control camp from the inside through such a "lie."

    3. What I dispute is not that gun violence is going down but the implication that it's because gun ownership is going up.

      I always say that if it weren't for increased gun ownership, all violence would have gone down much more.

    4. Here is the thing Mike, your claim has no more merit than the opposing argument. This is where "common sense" always fails. The only fact facing both sides is that the rate of violence is going down. Period.

      There is not one common sense argument that is grounded in fact. Nobody's feelings, emotional response to an event or personal fears or desires should EVER be used to restrict or eliminate civil rights. That means the right to keep and bear, or not to. That's a personal choice either way and ones choice should never affect the other.

    5. Mikeb, yes, you always say that. What you never address is this: Rates of violence decreasing while gun ownership and carry increases strikes at the heart of the gun control argument. Gun control advocates assert that more guns will mean more violence. The fact that over the last two decades the trend has been in the opposite direction shows their argument to be false. The fact that there are more guns in more hands more of the time also calls into question those studies that claim guns as being 22X or 43X or is it 666X more harmful than good.

    6. Greg, if I'm right then the fact of more guns is resulting in more violence. It's not more violence than before, but more violence than there would be if not for the gun availability.

      I have no proof, but I believe this is what's happening.

    7. That single word Mike, "IF" is the problem. IF my grandmother had wings she would be a butterfly,,,, or an old bat. IF, depends on your prospective and opinion. Prospective and opinions offer no proof, like you said, you have none.

      Proof is that gun sales is soaring at a rate never seen before yet violence still trends downward. That's the only real proof available.

      Anti-gun loons in law making is resulting of the passages of laws that make no sense because of a belief instead of proofs. Laws that are unenforceable, unreasonable and unworkable and that have ZERO effect on the criminals and their actions.

      Want some real results? Work within what is provable and effective.

    8. But Mikeb, how do you explain more guns in more hands more of the time, while the population has been increasing, and yet the total number of gun homicides has dropped to around 11,000 per year and stayed there for two decades, meaning that the rate of gun homicides is steadily declining?

      This is the key point. You can speculate that things would be better if there were no guns around, but the facts available show that more guns have accompanied fewer gun homicides. I'm not pushing causation here. I'm just saying that if you were right, more guns would equal more deaths.

    9. Ahhhh, the admission of having no proof. That's all we need to know. You're asking us to restrict our freedom based on what you believe to be true but admit you cannot prove. Meanwhile we can point to empirical evidence that supports our position. I think that's all we really need to know.

    10. " I'm not pushing causation here. I'm just saying that if you were right, more guns would equal more deaths."

      Greg, you certainly are pushing causation.

      I've explained before, I'll try again, more guns are causing more deaths, not compared to 20 years ago but compared to what it would be now, if there were fewer guns.

    11. Where have I pushed causation? I said that rates of violence have declines while gun ownership and carry have increased. My statement here is that this should be impossilbe if your beliefs are correct.

      Your claim is speculation without proof. Mine is shown by facts.
