Political Blind Spot
Only responsible people like cops and soldiers should own firearms, right? It would seem from the picture of the “lost” AR15 above, that the police aren’t quite as responsible with firearms as the public generally gives them credit for.Most gun control advocates don't want total civilian disarmament. But that doesn't stop the gun-rights fanatics from arguing against that as if it were the general gun control platform.
This is called a straw-man argument and it is utilized by those who know they're on the wrong side of the debate and have to clutch for any victory they can get.
What I say is "Only responsible people
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ReplyDeleteOne of the problems is that police receive exemptions to having to obey laws that civilians have to obey and there is the perception that they mess up just like regular folk, so why is it that the civilians cant be trusted.
I don't know of any studies done on the percentage of officers who act either unlawfully or unethically, but my guess is that its somewhere in the area of those with carry permits.
For example, you've stated that anyone who drinks or uses drugs shouldn't be allowed to possess firearms. And you've also said that anyone who is on meds for mental health issues shouldn't possess them either. What do you think would happen if those standards were applied to law enforcement? How about the military?
They would affect about 50% I never distinguish between civilian, police or military gun owners.
DeleteI think of all the gun control lovers out there, you are pretty good about criticizing cops actions, though you tend to give a pass to lawmakers for writing LEO exemptions. You are very much ok with laws that treat people as different class citizens (including the wealthy), though I’ve seen you question the “retired cop” exemptions, so that’s a start.