Local news reports
An armed man angry because he wasn’t allowed inside a New Jersey jiggle joint Christmas morning opened fire, killing three men — including the bouncer — and wounding two others, officials said.
This must be one of those gun-free zones that acted like a magnet to the crazy shooter. You see, this guy chose this particular place because he knew his victims would be like sitting ducks and wouldn't be able to shoot back. Get it?
"This must be one of those gun-free zones that acted like a magnet to the crazy shooter."
ReplyDeleteMike, in this case the whole state is a gun free zone since there is a de facto ban on carry permits in the state. The bouncer turned him away because he was armed. As is anyone allowed to do on property they own.
"There have been at least two other shootings at the troubled tata temple in recent years, including a 2010 incident that left one man dead, the Star-Ledger reported."
You have to admit, the authors certainly have a command of the language and had some fun with it.
Yeah, I liked that "jiggle joint."
DeleteMy point is, as I'm sure you caught, that spree shooters and mass shooters don't seek out gun-free zones like many on your side keep saying. Larry Pratt recently called them a magnet. It's total bullshit. In almost all cases the crazy shooters go to the place of their grievance regardless of its gun free status. Do you accept that?
"In almost all cases the crazy shooters go to the place of their grievance regardless of its gun free status."
DeleteHe didn't go there because he had a grievance, he went to worship at the temple. The grievance didn't surface until the Deacon at the entrance denied him access.
The one thing we can be fairly certain about the shooter is that he almost certainly didn't have a carry permit, being that it took place in New Jersey.
"He didn't go there because he had a grievance, he went to worship at the temple. The grievance didn't surface until the Deacon at the entrance denied him access."
You gun loons are so entrenched in NRA talking points, you just plug them in, even if they have nothing to do with the post.
"You gun loons are so entrenched in NRA talking points, you just plug them in, even if they have nothing to do with the post."
DeleteAnon, if you had read the exchange between Mike and I, you might have grasped the context. Him and I had been commenting on the writing style of the authors of the article.
ss, you're dodging. The point is not that the shooters always have grievances but that they DO NOT seek out the gun-free zones for the target rich environment like Larry Pratt says. I ask again, can you agree with that?
DeleteNo, Mikeb. Some, like the lowlife in this story, are simply criminals. They're not looking to be famous or to satisfy some mental aberration. They're just seeking to gain a quick buck or something similar. Others are after revenge. But the ones who are crazy and are looking to get their names in the news do seek out places where lots of people will be unarmed.
DeleteNo Mike, I'm not dodging. In this case, it was entirely situational, he was denied entrance and he opened fire on the person who blocked his entrance.
DeleteThere are some mass shootings that are hard to read. For instance, the theatre shooting in Aurora,CO. We don't know right now why he chose that theatre. Maybe the reason is detailed in that notebook he has sent to his shrink.
I do actually tend to agree with your assertion that the targets tend to be whatever triggers their ire. Though this also seems to happen in those aforementioned gun free zones. But then, as has been said before, correlation isn't causation.
'Others are after revenge."
DeleteYou said revenge is justice. How can you deny his right to justice?
"But the ones who are crazy and are looking to get their names in the news do seek out places where lots of people will be unarmed."
DeleteThat's a helluva qualification. Usually you guys say, like Larry Pratt, that mass shooters are drawn to gun-free zones like a magnet. Now you're narrowing it down to a very specific subset of mass shooters. That's prevaricating, double-talk, Greg, which you're famous for.
Thanks, ss. So would you agree with me that Larry Pratt and the others are wrong to say the problem is the gun-free zone?
DeleteNo, Mikeb, I see gun-free zones as places that disarm the good guys and provide opportunities to crazies who choose those locations for a variety of reasons, sometimes including the "gun-free" sign.
DeleteWhere is your proof, that criminals target gun free zones?
DeleteNo response from the sites criminal lying coward.
Delete1. The whole State of New Jersey is effectively a gun-free zone, the more so outside the home.
ReplyDelete2. I've already explained to you that there's a difference between someone shooting for revenge or in anger and someone who is looking to get his name in the news for a mass shooting.
I was going to say the same thing: New Jersey is a giant "gun-free" zone outside of the home.
Delete-- TruthBeTold
The gun-free zone as magnet is total bullshit. These mentally ill gun owners choose their locations with no consideration of its gun-free status.
DeleteMikeb, as you surely can tell, this story isn't an example of someone trying to become famous for a mass shooting. It's someone who appears to be angry about being denied service. You're conflating types here.
DeleteI'm not conflating anything. I'm saying shooters do not choose the venue of their massacres based on their gun free status.
DeleteMikeb, what I'm trying to get you to acknowledge is that some are seeking revenge, some are following a twinge in their little toes, and some go after a place where they figure people will be unarmed.
DeleteYour own words say "revenge is justice." So all revenge killings must be OK.
DeleteAnd what I'm saying, Greg, is that the ones who "go after a place where they figure people will be unarmed," are rare. I'm also saying that the liars on your side of the argument like Larry Pratt intimate that ALL of them do this. I appreciate your trying to placate me by putting this type of shooter on the list with the others, but you're still prevaricating. The ones who seek out the gun free zone for it's target rich environment are rare.
DeleteAs the site liar says, "revenge is justice." This guy just wanted HIS justice.