Opening the toolbox for the Brady Campaign, VPC,
et al.1.
Initiate, Don't React. It's unnecessary to respond to everything the NRA says or does. Always playing defense greatly diminishes your chances of scoring. Of course, when the NRA does or says something stupid--go after them. Otherwise, make the NRA respond to you.
Your mission is the four Es. Enforcement. Engineering. Education. Epidemiology.Enforcement is working to close all the loopholes. Gun show loopholes. The loopholes in the Brady Law.
Engineering-innovations that make firearms safer. Think beyond trigger locks and gun safes. Initiatives that make it easier to trace crime guns.
Education. Do you realize most Americans believe every firearm is registered? They do.
Epidemiology. This cuts across the first 3 Es. One of the things the gunloons dread more than anything is scientific studies. They don't want this information available to the public because it shines a very bright light on our problems.
Smeed's Law. Smeed was a British statistician who theorized about auto fatalities and the population. His friend, the American physicist, Dyson Freeman said of Smeed's Law: "People will drive recklessly until the number of deaths reaches the maximum they can tolerate. When the number exceeds that limit, they drive more carefully. Smeed’s Law merely defines the number of deaths that we find psychologically tolerable.”
Your job is to render gun violence in the US intolerable.
Guerilla Advocacy. Know the most effective advocacy organization? It ain't the NRA; they spend millions with little return on their investment. It's PETA. PETA does more with less than any organization going. If you're serious about reducing gun violence--PETA can provide lessons in how to get the message across.
In Part 4, I provide specific examples.