What's your opinion? Do you agree with Mike that racism has increased since 2008?
I can’t think of one President who’s taken as much shit as he has, with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln. You know how when you were a kid, when your parents would ask what you wanted to be when you grew up, and at some point you’d blurt out, “I wanna be the president” and they’d look at you with pride at the thought? Nowadays, I can’t think of one single parent who’d be smiling if their kid said that.
I think that's exactly right. I've been saying for a while now that inexplicable Obama hatred equals racism.Racism in this country has gotten completely out of control since Obama was elected in 2008. It’s almost like the civil rights movement NEVER happened. I have to wonder- did all the white people suddenly succumb to mass insanity? Because it sure seems that way to me.But here’s the kicker- with all of the asshole pundits talking smack, NONE of them have the balls to come out and say what they’re really thinking when it comes to Obama. If you watch Fox news or listen to Rush Limbaugh, there’s always a subtext to their words- they’ve called him every name in the book except one. And it’s a word they would NEVER say in public, but I’m sure they’ve called him away from the spotlight:Nigger.They think he’s an uppity nigger.
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