"They disarmed Americans over some bad weather." I offer this quote to Zorro as another example of what I'm talking about. Gun rights folks are the worst at exaggerating and spinning.
About the video, though, I found it over at the fascinating site of Fait of the World. The host of that site, a self-proclaimed Threeper, had this to say.
In case you anti-freedom fucks, both Right and Left, can’t understand this, the government did not give those rights and cannot take them away. Please don’t attempt to do so. It will be resisted with brute force in this home.
Now that's the tough talk I've come to know and love from these guys. What I don't understand is the need some of them have to continually talk like this. At the mere mention of gun banning or gun confiscation, often when it is not even mentioned, they spout off with this adolescent school-yard rhetoric. It's truly fascinating.
More fascinating still, is that I have to agree with Bill O'Reilly. I never thought the day would come, but in this O'Reilly segment I think he made good points. The so-called Katrina gun confiscations have been so often touted as examples of what the evil government does to poor gun owners, like the little old lady in that video, that many have come to believe their own nonsense.
The truth is what O'Reilly said, there was a state of emergency and the local government was blanketing all citizens in order to control the looters and other criminals. The gun rights folks keep spinning that video in order to distort what really happened.
O'Reilly asked about riots like they had in the 60s. Curfews were implemented, the right to assemble was suspended. Were these also examples of "illegal" measures on the part of the government? I don't think so. And I don't think one has to be a government worshipping sheep to feel that way. One of the purposes of government is to keep order in extreme emergency situations, or is that wrong? Are the rough and rugged individualists going to insist on handling everything themselves in every situation with their home arsenals?
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