Yes, we agree!
Although for not the same reasons. Let me explain.
The NRA--and its 926, no, 931 trillionty members--and Sarah Palin have endorsed Christine O'Donnell (Repug-DE) for the US Senate in Delaware. This makes me, a partisan Dem,
very happy.You see, these endorsements are a win-win-win situation for yours truly. If O'Donnell knocks off her Repug opponent, Mike Castle, it means the Democrat--Chris Coons--probably doesn't need to campaign; victory is assured. The endorsements also mean the NRA will be tossing its political capital--and its 3,681 eleventyzillion members--to a candidate so flawed and extremist that even GOP media outlets and
blogs are campaigning against her. Here's an exerpt from
the rightwing Weekly Standard:O'Donnell, who is now challenging moderate congressman Mike Castle in the September 14 Delaware GOP Senate primary, sought $6.95 million in damages. In a court complaint, she extensively detailed the "mental anguish" she suffered after allegedly being demoted and fired because of her gender. And, although she didn't have a bachelor's degree until this year, O'Donnell implied she was taking master's degree classes at Princeton University in 2003.
Meanwhile, I get to get to have a blast noting the NRA--and its 6110 septuallion members--threw their
awesommmme political clout behind a candidate who:
1) Tried to sue a conservative 'think tank' for nearly $7M smackeroos;
2) Repeated lied about her educational credentials;
3) Called her Repug opponent "secretly gay;"
4) Stated masturbation is wrong and that looking at porn is equivalent to cheating on ones spouse;
5) Claimed she won two DE counties in a 2008 race against Joe Biden when she won none;
6) Has financial difficulties that include liens and foreclosures; and
7) Stiffed 2008 campaign workers on salaries and expenses.