In this offending post, Mike W. caught us shamelessly doctoring a photo of him using our most awesome photoshop skillz.
Mike W. was not about to stand for such shenanigans. And he let us know he was about to unleash a hissy-jihad upon our sorry butts the like has not been seen before.
Mike B. and I quickly conferred--between bouts of panic, fear, uncontrolled sobbing and shots of 151 rum and Chechnyan black market Ouzo--and agreed the best course--indeed, the only course--was to apologize and hope Mike W. takes pity on our worthless souls.
We're very sorry, Mike W. We fervently
To our readers, we're very sorry we doctored the photo of Mike W. You are owed better and we promise to do better. Toward this end, here is the actual photo of Mike W:
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