In February 2012, Trayvon Martin, 17, was shot and killed in Sanford, Florida
A Florida police sergeant was fired for possessing several so-called Trayvon Martin shooting targets, authorities said Saturday.
Sgt. Ron King of Port Canaveral Police Department was fired Friday after an internal review investigated how he offered the hoodie paper shooting targets to two fellow officers, said John Walsh, interim CEO of the Canaveral Port Authority.
King, who bought the targets on the Internet, and other officers at the training site were on duty at the time, the affiliate said. Port officials said King had been employed at the police department since January 2011, the affiliate said.I would think this is a bit of an over-reaction. How many times have we seen a cop actually misuse his weapon and not lose the job?
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I'm glad we agree on this. Sensitivity is appropriate for radio receivers, but otherwise, it's too often just plain silly.