April 10, 2013: Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin, of West Virginia, left, and Republican Sen. Patrick Toomey, of Pennsylvania, announce a deal on gun-control legislation, on Capitol Hill, in Washington. (AP)
Yahoo News
The bipartisan deal on expanded background checks for gun buyers appeared Sunday to garner more Republican support, but Capitol Hill leaders could not say whether the overall gun-control bill will have enough votes as the full debate begins this week.The flim-flam articst of Capital Hill think they're gonna stick us with concealed carry reciprocity. I can't wait to see where that goes.
The legislation will need 60 votes to pass in the chamber, which means it will need Republican support as well as support from Senate Democrats facing re-election in districts with a strong tradition of gun rights.
"It's an open question as to whether or not we have the votes,” Pennsylvania Republican Sen. Pat Toomey told CNN’s “State of the Union.” “I think it's going to be close."
Toomey joined West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin in crafting the background proposal, which would cover Internet and gun show purchases but would still exempt sales between family members.
Other additions to the legislation also are expected to be debated this week, including a measure that would allow concealed hand gun permits issued by one state to be accepted nationwide as a de facto background check.
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Don't worry, your precious New York will probably ignore that part of the law the way they currently ignore the laws that allow people passing through to have unloaded guns locked in the vehicle.
ReplyDeleteAt least until the SCOTUS ties a knot in their tail.
But how's this: You don't like the bill; we don't like the bill; why don't we agree to put an end to it?
See how gun control freaks have a hissy fit when they don't get all their way?
ReplyDeleteNot to worry Greggy, the herd will soon move on and leave thee to the wolves.
DeleteI figured you to be Jadegold.
DeleteI figured you to be Jadegold.
DeleteWatch out, Greg--Mikeb is apparently cracking down on harsh insults. Insults can get no harsher than comparisons to Jadegold.
Mikeb believes in guilt by association...
DeleteI vehemently disagree with SAF/CCRKBA about trying to "compromise" with Schumer and the other subhumans, and national CCW reciprocity is not enough to offset the abomination of expanded background checks, but I have to admit it would be fun to see the anguished bleating if the reciprocity amendment succeeds.
ReplyDeleteIf that happens, thus causing the enemies of gun rights (thus enemies of freedom, thus enemies of America, thus enemies of humanity) to torpedo their own bill, I'll have to admit that Gottlieb's strategy was masterful--something I'll be cheerfully willing to do.