Friday, November 26, 2010

Murder Suicide in Miami

Miami sure has been in the news a lot lately.  Here's your typical domestic murder suicide with a bit extra.

Evelina Jack was pregnant with her fifth child when she was gunned down by 37-year-old Mark Glinton Saturday night at their home in North Miami Beach. 

Three of Jack's four children were also shot in the rampage but police and family members said the only reason the fourth made it out unscathed is because his older brother took a bullet for him. 

Family members said Quentin Jack, 13, who was shot twice and is paralyzed from the chest down, jumped in the way as Glinton took aim at 2-year-old brother Christian.
If this domestic bully didn't have a gun, I don't think the results would have been quite this dramatic, do you?  I blame the lax gun laws in Florida and elsewhere. And I blame all those who fight for keeping those laws as lax as possible.

What's your opinion? Please leave a comment.

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